Friday, May 31, 2019
MTV Affecting The Youth :: essays research papers
The Pop Culture Assault Music TV channels, broadcasting variety of programs ranging from ordinary music videos through charts, various shows to cartoons are the symptom of our times. No matter if its MTV or VIVA, they sell very similar stuff, often cheap and shallow. The pop culture and consumption grasped the most powerful device that is television. It is utilise as a tool for spreading out information, ideas and appeals. Oftentimes they are silly and ridiculous nevertheless they have enormous influence on people who shape it. Image has become the most widespread form of expressing ideas and for communication. Colorful and quickly changing pictures surely affect human personality it influences the way we behave, dress and exist. puppylike people tend do be and look like their VJs from the TV screen. They wear in certain way they cut their hair, pierce or tattoo their bodies, just because of their TV idols doing that. TV hosts become the role models to follow they are gurus and a uthorities on almost every field of human life from style to ethics and morality. They sell some patterns of behavior that other people can consider weird or outrageous. Their ideas can be good and honorable as well as freak and dumb. TV creates an ideal of a perfect woman and man with all the paraphernalia and pressure connected with it. Many young women (as they see to be more susceptible to that tension) put themselves on diet wear strange clothes etc. just to fit in the official picture. People purchase proper brands of outfit, cosmetics and even food, they become the slaves of fashion, fashion that often is nothing but garbage glittering and shining on the surface but empty and dull inside. Tracks from the realize of the charts, however stupid or unmusical-like they are, can be safe to be sold in millions of copies all over the world. Here comes another phenomena, music that used to be of an artistic and cultural value, tends to be no longer so.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Eve’s Ribcage :: Essays Papers
Eves Ribcage Eves bedroom was the only place in the world that Josh felt comfortable. The bare and slightly yellowed walls held a certain mysterious wonder for him. The key to the rooms beauty s set aside in its bareness and simplicity, like old Mexican monasteries with terra cotta tiling on the roof. Josh preferred to keep the lights off and the blinds cracked so that the afternoon filtered in through the window, making thin picturesque rays of light. They painted Eves body in long soft strips of sun. When she reclined on her side in the course that she did it reminded him of those nature documentaries that film a lioness lying around in tall grass all day, waiting for dumb animals with long legs to run by and pop out killed. She was all taut muscle under brown skin accented with bold shadows, a delicate scarce solid frame slowly raise and falling with each breath. Eves feral qualities manifested themselves in her face especially. That strange expression she h ad a mixture of pain and pride, boredom and beauty. Her face was unendingly beautiful, no matter what expression she chose to wear. Her sad almond eyes would stare through Josh and beyond into deeper things. This made him want to ask her what she was thinking about, but he rarely ever did. Aprils answers never shed light on the mystery of her melancholy and oftentimes they seemed to push him further away. Now she lies with her venture facing him, the contour of her naked body a soft watercolor landscape of hills and valleys. He feels like a tourist lying beside her for the last moment or so absorbing her, analyzing her, thinking about her. She gazes into heaven and talks to the angels while he lies beside her and marvels like a man who has at last reached the end of a long holy pilgrimage. Share my worldDont you leavePromise Ill be hereWhenever you need me near bloody shame J. Blige croaks out her sultry ballad softly in the background. Eve Her name echoes and makes him feel he as a separate entity all the more acutely. You authorise?
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Analysis of M.I.A.s Paper Planes Music Video -- Music Analysis
There is one universal language the language of music. melody has a special quality and ability to bridge two social and ethnic divides. A proposed theory by Dr. Gray, Founder and Director of National Musical Arts BioMusic Program describes music has been around longer than human-beings have. Music is the one thing human beings from various backgrounds can relate to. Every living creature would agree. Music is heard everywhere not just among humans, that in nature as well, through the twitting of birds, winds blowing, the soft exit of raindrops against a windowpane, the ocean waves moving back and forth and the hum of the ocean rushing in a sea shell. There is no escaping it music lives in and surrounds us steadily. While there are countless songs which confer social or cultural consciousness, this paper will analyze and address the dynamics of M.I.A.s Paper Planes, video. Stylistically, the paper will examine the artist point of view, the unique use of lyric analysis and soun d description in relation to its historical, social, political and/or cultural context. This essay will also trace the lyrical analysis and sound description of song and discuss how the elements (visually, sonically, and lyrically) interplay with the theme of immigration and/or violence. Known in the music genre as one of the most provocative pa star of her age (Sawyer, Pg. 1). Mathangi Maya Arulpragasam or M.I.A. by her stage name was born in London in 1975. At 6 months, her parents returned to their native land of Sri Lanka. Sri Lanka is an island which is turn up off the southern coast of the Indian in South Asia. M.I.A is considered one of the most controversial music artists of her time. Many agree that she has a unique itinerary of com..., Paper Planes, 2007, Lyrics,http//, Cherrie, and Gloria Anzaldua. This Bridge Called My Back. New York Kitchen T able Women of Color Press, 1984. N. pag. Interview, 2010 http//, La Trina L. La Trinas Mixx Tape A literary look in. Los Angeles. 22 Mar. 2012. Essay.Sawyer, Miranda. MIA Im here for the people. The Observer 12 June 2010 1+. Web. 25 May 2012. .Stetler, Carrie. Violent references raise concerns in Sri Lankan pop stars Paper Planes. 8 Oct. 2008 1+. Web. 20 May 2012. .
Essay --
After being arrested in downtown Birmingham on a Good Friday, reverend Martian Luther King Jr. wrote his famous letter, A Letter From Birmingham Jail responding to the criticism demonstrated by eight prominent white clergymen. This letter has been ap tailor important through out history because it expresses Kings feelings towards the un-just event and it is an example of a well-written argument. The author, Dr. Martian Luther King Jr., makes a statement Nonviolent rent action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. He uses this c oncept to convey the point of the Negros hard work to negotiate the issue has failed, exclusively now they must confront it. The March on Good Friday, 1963, 53 blacks, led by Reverend Martian Luther King, Jr., was his first physical disagree to segregation laws that had taken place after several(prenominal) efforts to simply negotiate. The author uses several phrases that describe his nonviolent efforts and his devotion to the issue of segregation that makes the reader believe his how seriously King takes this issue. Conversely, one has the moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws. Dr. Martian Luther King, Jr. explains with this that an unjust law is no law at all. King does not feel like he has broken any laws in his protest against segregation. In his eyes, laws atomic number 18 made to protect the people, not degrade and punish. The Negro has many pent up resentments and latent frustrations, and he must release them. So let him March. As far as King is concerned, the Negros will continue to do whatever is necessary, preferably non-violently, to obtain the moral and legal right that is theirs. If they are not allowe... jail. He was beaten and put down in jail, but he never gave up on his idea of God and never once regret they steps he took to spread the work of God, despite where he ended up. Whether our dreams have been crushed by forces beyond our control injustice, disaster, or the devastation of a love one or weve shattered them ourselves through cowardice, poor judgment, moral laxity, or laziness, foretaste is not beyond us. Nor are we beyond hope as long as we press on in Gods direction. Dr. King uses this powerful statement along with several others like it to really get the point across that you need to fight for what you believe in and dont lose hope. The process to gain desegregation of African-Americans and whites will be a fight, but they key is to follow in the line of God and keep moving forward, while pushing aside and stepping over any despair you may encounter.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Southern Arizona: Lives that Shaped the Frontier Experience :: Essays Papers
Ordinary Women in Early Twentieth Century Southern Arizona Lives that Shaped the Frontier Experience Some historians have argued that womens roles in early 20th century Arizona centered exclusively around the domestic sphere and typified values of femininity such as passivity, motherhood, and dedication to marriage. Their journeys to the West are likewise portrayed as involuntary and life on the border a hated struggle. For example, Christiane Fischer states, Frontier conditions tended to reinforce women in their handed-down roles and did not open up any new possibilities for them (Fischer, 46). Although this may have been true for some, womens overall experiences and contributions to Arizonas account were much to a greater extent complex. Although historically important figures are often over-represented in the stories we tell about our past, it is essential to remember that social change cannot occur without the involvement of thousands of ordinary folks. fit in to E .D. Branch, If there is a moral to the history of the westward movement, it is this the transcendent importance of small things and of unimportant people (Branch in Poling-Kempes, xii). This is especially relevant to womens history in that womens experiences are often ignored in dominant discourse and their achievements are relegated to the invisible sphere of domesticity. This essay will explore the shipway in which ordinary women influenced the development of the Arizona frontier and to what extent the conditions of this lifestyle affected their roles and opportunities. At the turn of the century, women in the West enjoyed greater freedom than their sisters in other parts of the country. Various social and economic necessities both allowed and forced women into situations that were traditionally reserved for men. Lesley Poling-Kempes states, Liberation may have been a side effect, sort of than a motivating force or premeditated goal, for women in the new society of the A merican West (Poling-Kempes, 49). Women in this region generally had a bump economic status, more job opportunities, and higher legal status than women in other regions (Rothschild and Hronek, xx). Historians have presented several hypotheses to explain this geographical distinction. One such guess is that the biased sex ratio (many more men were present than women) required men to be tolerant of women leading unconventional lifestyles. Another possibility is that, overall, the frontier embraced a more democratic way of life than settled areas, which in turn affected womens rights (Rothschild and Hronek, xx).
Southern Arizona: Lives that Shaped the Frontier Experience :: Essays Papers
Ordinary Women in Early Twentieth Century Southern Arizona Lives that regulate the Frontier Experience Some historians have argued that womens roles in early 20th century Arizona centered exclusively around the domestic bailiwick and typified values of femininity such as passivity, motherhood, and loyalty to marriage. Their journeys to the watt are likewise portrayed as involuntary and life on the frontier a hated struggle. For example, Christiane Fischer states, Frontier conditions tended to reinforce women in their traditional roles and did not open up any new possibilities for them (Fischer, 46). Although this may have been true for some, womens boilers suit experiences and contributions to Arizonas history were much more complex. Although historically important figures are often over-represented in the stories we tell about our past, it is essential to remember that loving change cannot occur without the involvement of thousands of ordinary folks. According to E.D . Branch, If there is a moral to the history of the westward movement, it is this the transcendent importance of small things and of unimportant volume (Branch in Poling-Kempes, xii). This is especially relevant to womens history in that womens experiences are often ignored in dominant discourse and their achievements are relegated to the concealed sphere of domesticity. This essay will explore the ways in which ordinary women influenced the development of the Arizona frontier and to what extent the conditions of this lifestyle affected their roles and opportunities. At the vacate of the century, women in the West enjoyed greater freedom than their sisters in other parts of the country. Various social and economic necessities both allowed and forced women into situations that were traditionally reserved for men. Lesley Poling-Kempes states, hammock may have been a side effect, rather than a motivating force or premeditated goal, for women in the new society of the Americ an West (Poling-Kempes, 49). Women in this region generally had a better economic status, more job opportunities, and higher legal status than women in other regions (Rothschild and Hronek, xx). Historians have presented some(prenominal) hypotheses to explain this geographical distinction. One such theory is that the biased sex ratio (many more men were present than women) required men to be broad of women leading unconventional lifestyles. Another possibility is that, overall, the frontier embraced a more democratic way of life than settled areas, which in turn affected womens rights (Rothschild and Hronek, xx).
Monday, May 27, 2019
Oppression among First Nation People: Canada
Oppression among scratch Nations peoples in Canada The detrimental enforcement of colonialism sparked an era of oppression that has altered, blush destroyed days of cultural and spiritual traditions by creating a forced lifestyle that changed the face of first off Nations peoples forever. Forced European stopping point willed in the fall of initials Nations values and rights. A cycle of affectionate, physical, and spiritual obliteration resulted from the dispossession of head start Nations lands and the implementation of foreign methods of government.Poverty, poor health, and substance abuse argon some of the long side effects that came about from this oppression. European settlers came overseas, unwelcome into initiatory Nations territory with absolutely no respect for their traditions and ways of living. Over epoch s move overrren were taken aside from their families and native homelands to attend residential schools Native students were given new names and taught t o speak English. Residential schools attempted to brainwash First Nations children to erase their native culture and traditions.First Nations peoples were defenseless under the power of the Europeans their rights were ignored and their values were completely demoralized. First Nations peoples were forced down the path of violence and educational failure, which eventually led to poverty. These effects were a direct result of the disrespect and insensible attitude put forth towards First Nations peoples by the European settlers. The introduction of Residential schools to the First Nations peoples of Canada was a system that began in New France in 1620, and was known as the experiment of education of Indian Children in residential establishments. (Timeline Canadas Residential School History) These schools had a system that was based upon the idea of kill the Indian, save the man (Capt. Charles Pratt, founder of the Carlyle Indian School. ) European authorities were trying to Europeaniz e the First Nation occupants of Canada by instilling in the minds of young First Nations children the beliefs and values of the European culture. The Clash of two different cultures brought upon destructive trauma amongst the First Nations peoples and their future.The government formed a rule that prohibited the First Nations peoples ability to develop their own culture through their rich traditions. Cultural genocide resulted from historic period of oppression, and social violence. According to Dr. Leslie Korn, Community development that is non self determined precipitates intergenerational trauma in individuals and communities. When this occurs people suffer loss and grieve over ways of life. Families break open and rituals of celebration and healing lose meaning (Dr. Leslie Korn Community trauma and development).The development of a culture is jeopardized when change is implemented on a certain meeting by a nonher group. This reflects the result of European influence on First Nations peoples. By 1870, the government and missionaries shared the same objective of lowering First Nations children into the reaches of society. By 1920, First Nations children aging from 7-15 years were forced away from their families by priests, Indian agents and police officers as it was now compulsory to attend residential schools. As the years moved along, residential schools slowly faded away.It wasnt until 1980, where sexual, and other forms of abuse were finally removed. In 1996, the last residential that was federally ran was closed. Most First Nations children, from birth, are surrounded by the attitude, and social obligation of being faithless. The short story Traplines, written by Eden Robinson, is about a young aboriginal son named Will. Will is falling deeper and deeper into a dark lifestyle that seemingly has no hope. Surrounded buy substance abuse, alcoholism, physical and emotional abuse, Will is caught up in a trap that many aboriginal teenagers misguidedly fin d themselves falling into.Will is an adolescent teenager that seems to have a silent side of him that wants to change his life. Will doesnt partake in alcohol or drug consumption, but seems to be desensitized to what is taking place at home and in the community. Will contemplates whether or not he should take the offer put forth by his English teacher, Mrs. Smythe, to move into her and her husbands household and receive a priceless prospect for a better start to his life journey. An opportunity that offers much safer and more rewarding lifestyle filled with love and morals.It seems Will doesnt feel be of that deliverance from the violent, detrimental lifestyle he is surrounded by at home. The frequent abusive confrontations Will experiences at home are evident in the text, Are you a sissy? I got a sissy for a son. Look. Like cutting up a chicken see? Pretend your skinning a chicken (379). Wills father is verbally abusive when Will shows the slightest discomfort towards skinning th e marten they had trapped. Accompanied by abuse, alcoholism is also evident in the text.Wills explains the tendencies of his parents on the weekends, Theyll probably find a party and go on a bender until Monday, when dad has to go back to work (380). This shows that his parents who are say to guide him and raise him properly, would rather waste their weekends away by drinking and doing drugs. Will is forced to stay at his friends house when his parents are drinking in order to avoid the violence that follows alcohol, Im not going home until tomorrow, when mom and dad are sober (388). In doing so, Will is undefended to watching his friend smoke crack.When confronted by his father about the offer presented by Mrs. Smythe, Will is immediately accused for forking her about the abuse occurring at home. Wills father uses intimidation to overwhelm Will with fear towards sharing with others what takes place at home. Instead of apologizing, and sensing that his son may not want to live at home anymore, Wills father shows anger towards Will. All of the conflicts involved in this short story are a direct result of hundreds of years of colonialism and oppression. The European system that was taking over First Nations peoples and their lands was that of patriarchy.A male dominated social system brought about massive sexual exploitation amongst First Nations women prostitution is a graphic example of how deeply patriarchy has wounded the lives of this particular group of women. First Nations women, and men for that matter, did not have the power to outdo the forceful European invasion. Prostitution in First Nations women is obvious evidence of oppression and colonialism that is still very visible today. Ever since the first European contact, First Nations women have been sexually exploited.The first brothels in Canada were set up around military bases and trading posts, European men demanded sexual accessibility to the defenseless First Nations women. In order to supply the business of prostitution, a low self esteem and demoralized group of women is required. Through the power of colonialism, the oppression involved allowed the First Nations women to fall into this lifestyle. Colonialism, childhood sexual abuse, childhood physical abuse and neglect, family addictions, husband violence, and alcoholism are all vital ssues that lead First Nations women into prostitution. Lorne Croziers Dark Ages of the Sea reflects First Nations peoples as a metaphor of being children that fall into wells, there was a time when / children fell into wells (6-7).This reflects First Nations peoples unable to help falling to the power of the European invasion. A race of people who had no education about the effects of what was happening to them, hopeless corresponding a child falling into a well. When Europeans came overseas and found this new land, they were blind to the ways First Nations peoples lived their lives nd a faith in things invisible, be it water never se en or something trembling in the air (12-15). The excitement of the European people when finding this new land blinded them towards the rights of First Nations peoples. The new waters traveled to arrive at this new land, was the water never seen (13-14). Regardless of what happened to the First Nations peoples and the land that is rightfully theirs. Sensing opportunity, the Europeans wanted to expand into this foreign land they have stumbled across, something / trembling in the air (14-15).Once realizing the unstoppable power of the Europeans, the First Nations spirits were severely damaged, We are born to fall / and children fell (16-17). This resembles the wounded spirits of the First Nations peoples, slipping into the realm of violence and abuse. The surviving members of the First Nations community passed along the stories of suffer and change that came about through the establishment of colonialism and oppression, Some surviving / to tell the tale (18-19).Like a new born calf w hose mother passed at birth, blinded and wet, experiencing a new world outside its womb with no focussing the First Nations peoples were abruptly introduced into a new world, blind towards the harsh reality in which the Europeans were about to instill upon them with no guidance, Wet and blind with terror / like a calf (22-23). Over the past 400 years, First Nations peoples have been struggling to improve their lives. Re-establishing old traditions and values that have been lost throughout years of oppression has been a very slow process.With the help of non-First Nation peoples in Canada, realizing the detrimental damage that has been caused, there are establishments and groups all across Canada joining the drive to replenish what has been torn apart. The teachings and rich traditions that the First Nations peoples have developed are being shared and taught at a rate that is increasing as time passes along.Works Cited Timeline Canadas Residential School History. virtualmuseum. c a. virtual museum, n. d. Tues. 16 Nov. 2010. History of Indian Residential Schools. afn. ca. afn, n. d. Tues. 16 Nov. 2010. Lynn, Jacqueline. Prostitution of First Nations Woman in Canada. sisyphe. org. sisyphe, 17 May. 2005. Tues. 16 Nov. 2010. Dr. Korn, Leslie. Community Trauma and Development. centerfortraditionalmedicine.orgcenter for traditional medicine, Aug. 1997. Tues. 16 Nov. 2010.Aboriginal Issues. socialjustice.orgsocial justice, n. d. 16 Nov. 2010. Robinson, Eden. Traplines. The Wascana ANTHOLOGY OF SHORT FICTION. 1999. 378-395. Print. Crozier, Lorne. Dark Ages of the Sea. Cyr, Annette. Long Term Effects of Residential School. suite101. com. suite101, 3 Mar. 2009. Tues. 16 Nov. 2010.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Eco 372 Week 2 Individual Paper
Week 2 Fundamental Macroeconomics October 22, 2012 ECO/372 There are several factors that affect our economy, gross interior(prenominal) product (GDP), real GDP, nominal GDP, unemployment mark, inflation rate, and delight rates. All of these factors have influences over how we purchase groceries, weather there ordain be massive layoffs of employees, and decrease in valuees. Gross domestic product is the foodstuff value of final fulls and services produced within a country in a given period. Which this is commonly considered an indicator of the standard of living within a country.Real GDP on the other hand is measure of the value of economic output that adjust for price changes. Nominal GDP is a gross domestic product figure that has not been adjusted for inflation. Unemployment rate is the measure of the prevalence of unemployment and is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed wad by the individuals that are currently in the labor force. Inflation rate is the percentage rate of change in price levels over time, usually single year. An interest rate is the rate which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender.All of these factors are related to our everyday lives and how we music director our money, what we spend our money on, and when we spend our money. Buying groceries sounds like a simple task but when you are on a budget it can be pretty stressful. The cost of groceries affects the government because this is a good that is produced and sold within our country which affects GDP, real GDP, and nominal GDP. This is directly related to consumer expense and in multiplication of a recession consumers pull back on their spending and go into savings mode.When consumers go into savings mode this affect every type of byplay because production is down and this could cause layoffs. Buying groceries affects households because thousands of people struggle everyday to provide for their families and when the cost of goods constantly goes up but wages dont this makes it really problematic to live. colossal layoffs affect peoples standard of living and that is what the GDP is centered around as it measures the standard of living in that country.Massive layoffs will definitely affect the unemployment rate and a higher unemployment affects the economy because this doer more(prenominal) people are on unemployment so there salaries are down so what they are spending is down. Massive layoffs has a vicious cycle and globally in 2012, 200 million people are without employment and this shows the slowdown in employment growth, which means companies arent hiring and people arent spending like the where. Massive layoffs affect the economy dramatically because it has a huge impact on consumer spending which in my opinion makes the earth go around.If no one is buying then production is down and thats how layoffs happen, and this affects households, businesses, and the government. Tax de creases can stimulate economic growth because if people are paid less in taxes, they have more money to spend. It has been proven over the years that tax decreases generate economic growth and federal revenue will always rise. From a personal standpoint I always spend more during tax season because I usually get a good return since I am a single parent and full-time student, therefore, I qualify for various tax breaks.These obviously affect my household because I am more disposable income. Tax decreases can help a business if their taxes are decreased the organization will payout less and have more income. As we compare GDP, nominal GDP, real GDP, unemployment rates, inflation, and interest rates, it is obvious that all of these factors affect us everyday. They show how we spend our money and these factors give indications of recession. Buying groceries, layoffs, and tax decreases are all a reflection of these factors.Daily acts, such as, buying groceries has huge impact on our eco nomy because it is directly related to consumer spending, which is a driving force. Massive layoffs affect our households, business, and government because this causes consumer spending to go down. Tax decreases on the other hand has a positive influence on all six factors. addition it will benefit your household, business, and the government. References Colander, D. C. (2010). Macroeconomics (8th ed. ). Boston, MA McGraw-Hill/Irwin http//www. forbes. com
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Gatsby Essy
Gatsby is non of royal greatness but fulfills all the other criteria of a tragic hero. the like everything else, the typical tragic hero has evolved greatly since its beginning twenty-four hourss and Fitzgerald has made a large contribution to its evolution with his tragedy, The Great Gatsby. Jay Gatsby is considered a advanced(a) day tragic hero because he fulfills all of the expectations a tragic hero in todays day and age has. The first expectation that Gatsby fulfills to be a groundbreaking day tragic hero is that he has a Hamartia. His Hamartia is his obsession over having Daisy to himself.He considers her as the last thing in vitality that he need in order to have perfection. She is the only unrealistic dream that he chases and in the end, dies because of her, which is symbolic of her devastating impact on his life. Everything he does in life is geared towards his goal of having Daisys love. A quote to argue when Nick realizes Gatsbys Hamartia is, Then it had merely the stars to which he had aspired on that June night. He came alive to me, delivered suddenly from the womb of his purposeless splendor (Fitzgerald 79).Nick realizes all of Gatsbys parties and everything Gatsby does is to reach his ideal, Daisy. This flaw of Gatsbys is what indirectly leads to his horrific demolition. Something else that happens to Gatsby which makes him a tragic hero is Hubris. Ever since the beginning of his life, Gatsby has always envisioned himself as better than what he was given. He was born poor, but worked to be rich and successful, all for Daisy. He is too arrogant though, to realize he will neer enamor Daisy. He thinks himself too powerful and cannot understand how Daisy cannot ossibly love him enough to leave Tom.A quote to prove this is, Was already behind him, somewhere back in that vast obscurity beyond the city, where the dark fields of the republic rolled on under the night. (Fitzgerald 189). He is too conceited to realize that his illegal money is nt enough for Daisy to fully love him back. His arrogance is what leads to his destruction in the end by the Gods. Pathos is another requirement Gatsby fulfills in being a modern day tragic hero. Although Gatsby makes many mistakes that are indirectly the cause of his death, he Just didnt know better.He cant seem to get over his obsession of Daisy, as he is blind to the truth. Gatsby is a romantic dreamer who believes he will win the love of his life by gaining wealth. Daisy, however, is completely undeserving of his devotion. This is what causes the reader to feel empathy with Gatsby at the end. Its not his fault that he cant seem to notice how superficial and materialistic Daisy really is. A quote to prove Gatsbys absolute love for Daisy is, He stretched his arms to warm water(Fitzgerald 25). This reters to whenGatsby is seen looking at the green light leading to Daisys house. W this, the reader can see the extreme desire Gatsby has for Daisy, but no matter how much he reaches fo r her, he will never be able to have her. This however, is something Gatsby doesnt realize, making the reader feel compassion for his blindness to the truth. purge is also something else seen in The Great Gatsby that makes Gatsby a tragic hero. Towards the end of the novel, the readers start to realize his complete carelessness and selfishness.He only cares about himself and oes what he feels is best for himself, not really taking into consideration how his decisions will affect anyone else. A example of his recklessness would be myrtle Wilsons death. Although Daisy was the one who ran her over, Gatsby showed no remorse with killing Myrtle and even after he stepped on the emergency brake and Daisy fell into his lap, he drove on without regret of leaving her there. A quote to show this is, So I pulled on the emergency brake. Then she fell over into my lap and I drove on (Fitzgerald 137).Gatsby couldve easily turned the car near and went ack to see if Myrtle was okay but he decided to drive on, which shows how he only cares for himself. Even when he became friends with Nick, he only did so to get closer with Daisy. Daisys materialistic outlook influences Jay enough to think that way too. So everything that Gatsby ever does, is all for his personal gain and his dream of getting Daisy. Gatsbys catastrophe death is the one of the things that happens to him which makes him a tragic hero. Gatsby is tragically murdered by Mr.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Behavior Management Plan for High School
The moxie Creek high-pitched School is one fussy presentation know for its capability of handling numerous scholarly persons coming from opposite respective(prenominal)ities that whitethorn at times ca-ca presented several behavioral problems on the part of the students tie-in with the environs that they argon oddly evolving with. This is the reason wherefore this paper is presented by the author.The idea is to broadly raise clues that be viewed effective by the author for further operation on the systems of solution that the said high school is applying to be able to meet the needs of the students in terms of behavioral development.From the different sections of research that atomic number 18 generally presented in this study, it could be observed that the informations apply to furnish the ideas in truth atomic number 18 strongly implied for pr coiffureical discussion of the suggested plans of behavioral attention improvement. Through this study-based suggesti on paper, the streng thening of the idealism of behavioral management salute is further evaluated for further application. Making a fine comprehensive understanding of the matter work ups this presentation of informations a direct intimation of improvement inside the existing systems of instruction applied in the Sand Creek High School. Behavior Management Plan for High School (A RESEARCH PROPOSAL) PART 1 INTRODUCTION High Schools around the world naturally face a societal dilemma of being concern in issues of student even off. Perhaps because of the major issues of moral breakd ingest instantly, facing such problems may not come as easy as it grouchyly necessary to be re newd with the material situations of the party today. Undoubtedly though, psychologists and school counselors have strongly tried to answer the issues in a much to a greater extent than plausible approach.The implication of the matter has actually raised the challenge to school administrators questioni ng their capabilities of controlling the behavior of their students. This is among the many problems that school administrators today atomic number 18 judge to deal with. Obviously though, as the society today develops into a more less-moralized mental institution of human development, facing this specific dilemma may appear to be some(prenominal)thing that is almost near to impossible.This is the primary quill reason why educational developers today are trying their best to find ways to regulate the systems of favorable and indwelling influences that the students are receiving from in and out the school premises. High School students are usually ranging from ages 15 towards 18. It is undeniable that by dint of and done these ages, individualists are highly susceptible to these particular influences both in and out the society that they are adequate the main cerebrate of such computer programmes that are aimed in making effective behavioral management programs that are to be implemented in training institutions.What is the vastness of this particular matter? This is what is supposed to be discussed at bottom the study that follows herein. Case Background Sand Creek High School handles a number of different students from different races. Because of this, there needs to be an equalizing matter that would handle the differences of the students as individual learners. This particular equalizing manner is something that has to be dealing with a common factor of concern among the students, and that is behavioral advancement.Through focusinging on this specific matter of common ground, the development of the suggested wreak of increasing the capability of the institution in handling behavioral issues among students is a vital part of institutional progress. In this study, the development of the said factor of institutional progress is further presented in assisting students in becoming the best individuals they could be by means of becoming behavio rally assured of themselves. Problem Human morality is indeed a loosing virtue at present.It could be storied that because of the many influences that the media and the society itself impose on the minds of the new-fashioned population, it is pitiful that young learners are loosing their grip of the moral determine that they are supposed to receive from their studies in school. True, the modern society became less caring on the part of t severallying the young propagation of the morals that they actually need to know simply because of the fact that these moral values are the ones that would particularly assist them in becoming the right kind of people that they unfeignedly ought to be.This is particularly the reason why it has been made possible by educational enthusiasts as well as the educational authorities to incite moral studies within the program of young learners in school. They do believe that this particular way of dealing with the problem shall be an effective solv e of making the young ones draw of their moral responsibilities towards themselves and the society as well (Johnson, 2002, 19). To be able to do so, the creation of several programs with regards the said aim towards educational progress and moral implication among young ones receives among the focus of the said systems of education.According to Cornwall, Character is a term that is primarily utilize to assist humans in becoming the best individuals that they ought to be. It is has been noted to by the same author that the philosophies governing character are particularly related to the abilities of humans to become the best that they could be while they are following current regulations of life that keeps them within the laws that make it easier for them to be morally serious. Being upright then is the primary element that that is believed to lead people to becoming more victorious in their future.However, because of the many pressures coming from the world, it could be conclu ded that this particular process of development is not that easy to comprehend with. (Lickona, 1992, 10) This is the reason why the rules of obtaining curriculum arrangements for young learners that are designed for them to become well aware of their responsibilities as individuals in attaining the most important factors of being morally upright is being boost by different acquirement institutions.Among the programs concern is to incite respect, honesty, kindness, generosity, racial equality and other moral values that are intended to attend students become better individuals for the sake of their own good and the society that they are living in as well. (Lickona, 1992, 31) One part of the program, as earlier mentioned is the implementation of regulations that help students enhance their virtue of respect towards others. Respect as noted to be one among the many virtues that are enhanced by the said program shall be the focus of discussion in this paper.The presentation of the re gulations as well as the activities that are needed to be performed by students make this particular program more effective and knowingly practical for application among the students being returnd. The political program for Retaining Respect in Schools This type of program authorizedly adheres to the aims of the administration of the school in becoming highly expressive of their goals in making the students respectful as they could possibly be within or even outside the school promises. It could be noted that this particular virtue is already gradually diminishing today.Youths become more aggressive as to how they primarily treat their parents. It could not be denied that the effects of their peers as well as the presentations that they see through media entertainment easily sinks in within their system that it begins to show out in the ways that they treat their parents or even their educators at school. The Program for Retaining Respect in Schools then primarily aims to return and furthermore, retain the respect that has already been lost by the students towards the elderly generation and their peers as well.To be further implemented, the ones pursuing the program are expected to create possible ways by which the students are to be given a chance to evaluate themselves through self- evaluation. They the students are then given a specific time with which they are to submit themselves to the school counselor for some personalisedised interview sessions. The said interview questions are made more intimate to help the students realize of their subroutines with regards the said program in a more personal way.Later on, several seminars or even pep talks are to be held within the premises of the school that are aimed in reminding the students of the importance of the virtues concerning the enhancement of respect. (Ramsey, 2001, 21) The evaluation of the students progress shall be done through a survey procedure that is particularly made to adhere to the proce ss of seeing of the program actually made any changes within the characteristics of the students.Once the survey procedure is over, the institution is expected to give awards to those who are deserving. The said awards could be given as label on the moral character of the child or a special recognition of the said students with regards the improvement of their character in school. Parents and guardians are also encouraged to help within the process. Their involvement in the program would actually make the process much easier to bear on the part of the educational proctors of the children.The Issues Binding the Program There is nothing that is actually faultless in the program except for the fact that it adheres to the awarding process that might actually dim the goal of the institution in implying heart-felt improvement in the moral standards of the students. At some point, the motivation of the students in becoming well-mannered in terms of them respecting their peers and their el derly may then be solely foc employ on their aim of having the award.Thus making it less connected in being able to become the model students who are upright enough to stand up for themselves in times that they are required to respect their fellowmen which is at always. Although the awarding simply aims to attract the students and their parents in adhering to the program, what they show as an improvement on their manners may not be that reliable enough anymore. Since they are empowered to show their respect because of the aim of gaining the award, after gaining it, they may return to their old attitudes that are not merely as perfect as they have shown when they do not have what they particularly wanted yet.It has neer been wrong to give incentives for good works (Short, 1993, 16). It could not be denied however that some incentives may have other effects on the credibility and the practicality of some of the programs that are implicated by several encyclopedism institutions with regards morality. This is the reason why it is very important to first examine and predict the pros and cons of the proposed programs even before actually applying them for the schools to adapt into. Evaluation of the ProgramMoral education has always been a part of institutional development and teaching techniques that are offered to students within the universities. It could then be observed that through the programs that are implied by several schools with regards the enhancement of the moral characteristics of students (Jamie, 1998, 14). This aim of making a morally upright society is not that hard to predict. Overall, it could then be noted that the program that has been primarily evaluated in this paper is highly recommended for institutional adaptation.This is because of the fact that it adheres to the elements that need to be added on the different procedures of advancing in educating students through character enhancement programs. IT involves not save the students but th e parents and guardians as well, making it more effective in terms of being highly related to the social growth of the people who are concerned within the said process of wakening the senses of the people in returning to moral standards again as they spread over progressing as individuals in the society.To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace society- Theodore Roosevelt The late American Presidents word as posted above adhere to the fact that the implementation if character learning programs among young learners within educational institutions is indeed one of the keys in obtaining a society that is highly concerned with morality and social equality.True, the peace and security that everyone had been longing for, ever since could only be obtained once the offspring of the society, the young generation, would be educated in the right ways of moral living (Lowman, 2002, 19). Constantly adhering to the ways by which morals are to be implied must and shoul d always be the main aim of educational institutions in equipping their students with the assistance that they need to become successful in their own lives later on. This would then help then lead a more meaningful future.Reasons For Pursuing the Study Background of the Study The schools and other educational institutions today are facing large problems regarding the issue on the students lack of self see resulting to under-achievements of the students in the school as well as violence within the school premises. How close are these ii issues related to each other? Mostly, the age-stage of which the student enters when he attends secondary school is ranged as the puberty stage of an individuals growth.According to psychologists, this particular stage of growth introduces an individual to several major decisions that he has to face along the way towards his maturity. Hence, confusion of priorities and aggravation of depression through the environment occurs (Coon, 1999, 88). As rep orts could attest to this fact, it is not that hard to understand that there is an infixed need of restructuring the procedures of the school when it comes to disciplining students who are attending secondary education. This is the reason why the researcher of this paper opted to discuss the issue mentioned.The timeliness of the research would indeed help in solving the problems at present especially with regards the issues of education, discipline and student achievements. Significance of the Problem The problem as mentioned earlier straight off affects the achievements of the students in their schools. This means that because of the lack of discipline, the students of the secondary school level face the challenges of being misaligned when it comes to their focus and at some point become highly attracted to drugs and violence.This is the fact when it comes to school procedures. The actual reports that pertain to the said issue are indeed much disturbing and further more alarming to the institutional boards. As most of the schools affected by this dilemma are public educational institutions at 79% whilst Private schools are affected by at least 45%, it is indeed necessary to identify the reasons behind the incidents that lead to students lesser interest in school and a high rate of attraction towards drugs and violence.Through the proceedings of this particular research, it is expected that the reasons behind the ongoing issue in schools would be further regulated and controlled by institutional administrations through the use of psychological and psychosocial motivation. Research Questions To be able to attend to the most important issues related to this particular problem, the researcher decided to use the following questions as guidelines for the completion of this particular study What are the primary sources of the discipline of the students?Do those sources pertain to the personal or the social connection of the students to the society? How are stud ents reacting to the discipline that they learn from their homes and from their environment? What are the elements that are so far affecting the vision of the students towards their achievements in school as well as towards their future? How are drugs and violence related to the effects of lack of discipline among students? These particular questions shall serve as the primary foundation of the study.These questions shall be the circumscribetling ground of the researcher in finding the right sources for the completion of this paper as well as deciding on the right method to be used to collect actual data for the validation of this study. Purpose of the Study To add up to the stress that this study places on the topic to be discussed in this paper, the following presentation of the purposes would primarily support the existing statements of the problem to assist in the validation of the facts that are to be presented. The purposes of this study are TO assist the ongoing researches on school students discipline issues and help the institutions solve the impending results of the said problems. To make assessments on how the issues could be investigated through the use of psychological assessments and actual-report-based evaluations of the situation. To strengthen the procedures of student motivation that is already currently used in schools in the society today. The utilization of these purposes within the completion of this study certainly helps in aligning the focus of the researcher.Hence, by doing so, the researcher expects that the focus would be on the cycle of events that involve the source of discipline, the results of the influential elements of the environment to the discipline of the students and the future of the students afterwards. PART 2 LITTERATURE REVIEW Background of the Information procreation has and will always be an important facet in the society. This idea is mainly true because of the fact that it ensures an individual sense of resp onsibility and it promotes independence by equipping individuals in the society valuable knowledge and skills for them to survive and become existent to their purpose.In general perspective, education significantly promotes the development and further advancement of the society as a whole by enabling the young people to become knowledgeable individuals capable of enhancing the current lifestyle and culture of the society. Thus, in uniform manner, the act and concept of teaching is indeed significant since it is one and the major link between education and the society. Teaching in either private or public educational institutions is always perceived to be a great and respectable profession however, challenges and problems also exist in this field.Personally, this author also recognizes the importance of the concept of teaching to the society because of its significant benefits it offers for the individuals seeking knowledge and education. Secular teaching in the established educatio nal institutions is generally considered by this author as a profession that is well honored and valued by the people (Mather, 2006, 18). However, many problems and issues are still needed to be address and developed to richly recognize the significance of this concept for the society.Society has always been increasing and the population and likewise its number of students because of which, facilities in the educational institutions must also be expanded to curb the said increase. This author believes that every student has their own right to claim and have access to education thus they must be given a way for them to do so. Aside from the classroom, outside facilities must also be given to the student population such as laboratories, athletic fields and others (Gabelnick, 1990, 17).These facilities will greatly promote the enthusiasm and the educational pursuit of the students and also aid in their complete personal development in different humanistic aspect. Teaching, generally also involves the professional and interaction between the students and the teacher wherein it is culturally perceive that the teacher has the authority over the situation. However, this author believes that the grounds for the authoritarian aspect should only concern the issue of respect of position between the two and should not be abuse.To develop a harmonious educational environment, this author believes that a certain bond or connection must instead be develop by the teacher to his or her students that is based on the grounds of understanding wherein each of the two can actually learn and develop from their relationship. Through this concept, teacher can actually promote an environment for their students wherein they can grow and develop in both the academic and personal aspects. (Knapczyk, 2004, 21) Teaching should also involve the aspect of relating the students to the social community they belong with.This concept will involve teaching the students their social responsibilit ies, its process of enactment, and its significance for the society. Through this concept, students will also learn to participate in their community and become socially responsible individuals (Ramsey, 2001, 41). Education is not only focus on the secular education aspect of the individuals involve in it. This writer strongly believes that the concept of education also transcends all of the basic aspect of the personal development wherein it involves the physical, emotional and social realm of the personal qualities of the human being.These aspects are indeed important and must be addressed by primarily the teacher in his or her goal of guiding the students in their development to become responsible units in the human society. The Relation of Teaching to the Aspects of Student behavioural Management Education has always been an important aspect in the course of personal and societal development as a whole. Every individual has an cheer up and personal willingness to learn valuable information that varies from either practical knowledge o scientific ones.However, all of these relevant informations are very much needed by every individual to be able to develop their own self and become self-sufficient and productive members of the society. Education has many methodologies from which one individual can attain it in a scientifically formulated pattern. This is actually the main pattern accepted and utilized by all educational institution in their formal learning process and even implemented by those who implement informal ones.Gradual and progressive pattern is the most effective and easiest way used in learning process because it mainly accommodates normal brain development and innate learning abilities of the person. In this learning process, the main methodology commonly used in the per curriculum basis encompassing teaching instructions for learning individuals. Curriculum is literally defined in education as a set of courses regarding different classes or s ubjects offered in different educational institutions such as a school or a university.Embedded in its process are different specific classes for minor and major aspects that are all conjoined in adherence to the course objective of the entire curriculum. This is actually formulated and expressed in terms of its learning outcomes and for the development of the students taking up the said curriculum. Curriculums in general, whatever its subject or class is, are all created to envelope the learning process of individuals learning their specific course to develop and acquire valuable and relevant skills in that specific field.The main learning approach commonly used in the curriculum teaching is based on a set of instruction, which are all directed to guide the students in the gradually process of learning in the curriculum. Instructions are a basic aspect of the learning process. They are all formulated to guide students in their gradual learning process in their respective fields. In educational curriculum, instructions serve as a form of communicated information that has a command and explanation nature.Thus, instructions are descriptive explanations for how an action, behavior, method, or task is to be begun, completed, conducted, or executed. Because of their significant relevance to the learning process of individuals, instructions are explicitly used in the approach system and learning process in a curriculum. Learning instructions are generally formulated and given to students to guide them in discovering and thus learning the different specific informations and processes that are significant in the execution and completion of their respective subjects that are enveloped in their curriculum.With consideration of the definition and significant or the two main aspects in the learning process, curriculum and instruction have a direct relationship with each other. In the education aspect, curriculums are generally comprise of specific set of instructions in specific subjects based on its respective course. Instruction are formulated and applied by the educational institutions to guide and educate explain to their students the knowledge and information in the different subjects encompassed in the gradual learning process of their different curriculums in every courses or fields.Thus, curriculum and instructions go side-by-side in systematically developing and directing the educational system to better address the normal mental development and innate learning process of the students thus encouraging more productive and efficient learning approach for the society. Constant Discipline and the Programs needed to implement it In Schools What Psychology Says and how Anthropology Relates twain psychology and anthropology concentrate on the behavioral study of humans.Through the use of the said studies, the reasons behind the occurring behaviors of students in secondary school could be well identified. With regards the issue on discipline and how it affects the students, Psychologists claim that the situation is much controlled by the upbringing of the students. The original discipline that they receive from their homes are supposed to be the basis of why they act the way they do when they are already mingling with their peers or with the society as it is.(Coon, 1999, 89) Moreover, girls of the same age are differently reacting to the discipline that they receive from their homes canvassd to that of the boys. anthropological studies attest to the claims of psychology as the said field of human understanding particularly points out the instance by which the discipline received by students from their homes are directly affected by the elements of the environment when they already begin to mingle with their peers or the society.As mentioned earlier, the effects vary. To young girls, the discipline that they receive from their homes are more belike more evident in their system of dealing with others as young girls are expe cted to be more emotionally and personally attached to the their families compare to that of the boys who are at some point more affected by the elements of change that they encounter in dealing with other people especially with their peers (Coon, 1999, 90).Knowing the sources of the discipline, it is essential to evaluate the claims of both psychology and anthropology through the use of the actual reports that are further presented for better understanding of the readers. What Actual Reports Say Discipline is one primary element that is highly needed in schools, however, the irony pertains to the fact that it is also the primary element that is lacking in the said system of social connection at present. According to William, of Kenya, things have changed in this regard in Africa too. He said Discipline among the children is on the decline.When I was growing up he is now in his 40s, teachers ranked among the most respected people in African society. The teacher was always seen by yo ung and old as a role model. This respect is on the decline. Western culture is slowly influencing young ones, even in rural Africa. Movies, videos, and literature depict lack of respect for authority as something heroic. (Awake 1999, 25) Giuliano, who teaches in Italy, laments Children are affected by the spirit of rebellion, insubordination, and disobedience that permeates the whole of society. (Awake 1999, 29) Sad to say, drugs have also become a problem in schoolsso much so that U. S. teacher and author LouAnne Johnson writes Drug-abuse prevention is part of nearly every school curriculum, starting in kindergarten. Italics ours. Children know much more more or less drugs . . . than most adults do. She adds Students who feel lost, unloved, lonely, bored, or insecure are most likely to experiment with drugs. (2002, 51) Amira teaches in Guanajuato State, Mexico.She admits We face problems of violence and drug addiction in the family that directly affect the children. They are i mmersed in an environment in which they learn foul language and other vices. Another big problem is poverty. Although schooling here is free, the parents have to buy the notebooks, pens, and other materials. But food must come first. (Johnson, 2002, 59) In the United States, recent shooting incidents at schools have highlighted that gun-related violence is not a minor problem in that land.One report states It is estimated that 135,000 guns are brought to the nations 87,125 public schools each day. To reduce the number of guns in schools, officials are using alloy detectors, surveillance cameras, specially trained dogs to sniff out guns, locker sweeps, identification tags, and a prohibition against bringing book bags to school. (Teaching in America) Such security measures make one ask, Are we talking of schools or prisons? The report adds that more than 6,000 students have been expelled for taking guns to school. (Johnson, 2002, 29)
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Comparing and Contrasting Country Lovers and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Essay
These elements contribute to the short storys effectiveness as author uses dissimilar literary forms and styles to connect the reader to the story. Style has many characteristics that help the author engage the reader such as punctuation, the use of connotations, and culture. This is what helps the readers image take over, paint the picture, and get emotionally connected to the authors story.In comparing and contrasting the twain short stories of the Secret Life of Walter Mitty by mob Thurber and Country Lovers by Nadine Gordimer you see the differences and similarities in style between the two authors. The culture, which is the common characteristics of a group or a region (Clugston 2010), is actually similar in both stories since they are close to rattling life with the setting in the 1900s. Both stories revolve around relationships and get it on. Thurber style is more chimerical then Gordimer which is defined by his use of connotations and punctuation, although both storie s are genuinely detailed when it comes to the characters and settings within the stories.In the short story Country Lovers Gordimer does a majuscule job illustrating the setting, which is the time or place in which the action occurs (Clugston 2010). Gordimer provides details about the South African culture that allow the reader to understand the separationism and segregation the characters are living. The reader gets to feel what its like to be black in South Africa through the detailed descriptions of the loving conditions and treatment of blacks. The chief(prenominal) characters in the story are Paulus and Thebedi. Paulus is the son of a farmer who was raised with the children of the black families that worked on his fathers farm. He falls in cacoethes with a black childhood playmate as a teenager but he understands that a relationship with her is forbidden. Thebedi is Paulus black childhood playmate who becomes his applaudr. The two begin a sexual relationship which results in a child being born. The theme, which is a representation of the idea behind the story (Clugston 2010), is interracial love or forbidden love. The laws and culture of South Africa forbid interracial couples. Thebedi & Paulus are aware of the dangers of being together but choose to get involved anyway.As the story unfolds, Gordimer brings out the imagination of the reader through the use of metaphors, which is an implied comparison between one object and another that is different from it (Clugston 2010). An example of this is when Goridmer writes, hidden by the mesh of old, anteaten trees held in place by vigorous ones, wild asparagus bushing up between the trunks, and here and there pricklypear tree cactus sunkenskinned and bristly, like an old mans face (Clugston 2010). This allows the reader to visually paint the picture of where Thebedi and Paulus are at and what the scenery is. A common symbolism, which is something that has a literal identity but also stands for something e lse (Clugston 2010), that is used in Country Lovers is a tree. A tree can be a symbol for life, death, or immortality. This is a good match with the theme and plot of the story.The plot, which is a dynamic element in fiction, a sequence of interrelated, conflicting actions and events that typically build to a climax and bring about a resolution (Clugston 2010), thickens as both Thebedi and Paulus continue their love affair. Thebedi goes on to marry Njabulo, who is also black, and fails to put forward Paulus of her unification. At the same time Thebedialso finds out she is pregnant with Paulus tyke. When Thebedi gives birth to her daughter its obvious the baby isnt Njabulos but he accepts her as it was his own. When Paulus finds out about the marriage and the child he becomes upset, why does he get upset, I believe its a sign of his love for Thebedi which ties back to the theme of forbidden love. The story takes an interesting twist, although the author never clearly states that P aulus killed the baby, its evident he did by the flow of the story. Its up to the reader to understand the why, why would Paulus kill the baby? Again, I believe the why ties back to the theme of forbidden love.Paulus has accepted that Thebedi will never be his wife due to society and the racial customs of South Africa. Understanding this he doesnt want anyone to find out about the baby because interracial relationships are forbidden so he takes the extreme measure of killing the baby. One could also argue that he killed the baby out of green-eyed monster and not wanting another man to raise his child. The story ends with Thebedi refusing to testify against Paulus in the killing of her baby. This shows that Thebedi has accepted her role in society as a black woman giving up any hope if a relationship with Paulus. Throughout the whole story Thebedi character is submissive to Paulus but the conclusion shows that Thebedi is also submissive to society by giving into social traditions a nd discriminatory behavior of South Africa.The short story of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by James Thurber is written in a third person point of view, which occurs when the speaker is not a participant in the story (Clugston 2010). The form is limited omniscient, which is when the thoughts and feelings of still one of the characters are related through the narrator (Clugston 2010) that character is Walter Mitty. The setting of this story occurs in a city called Waterbury but the state is never mentioned or disclosed, one can assume its Waterbury, Connecticut. The main characters are Walter Mitty and Mrs. Mitty. Walter Mitty is someone who gets bossed around by his wife so he creates a secret life for himself. In his secret life he sees himself as a powerful man who is admired by all, something he is not in real life. Mrs. Mitty is the bossy, nagging, overbearing wife of Walter Mitty. Thurber does a great job illustrating the relationship between Walter and his wife which many p eople can relate too, I found it very humorous. That takes me to the theme of thestory, which I believe is marriage. Thurber portrays a marriage where the husband is submissive to his bossy, nagging, and overbearing wife. A second theme could be masculinity since all of Walters dreams portray him as a powerful man whos admired by all.The story is about Walter taking his wife into town to visit her cop dresser. Along the way Walter begins to fantasize to escape the reality of his real like. Thurber does an excellent job of engaging the readers imagination through individually of Walters fantasys allowing the reader to vividly picture what Walter is fantasizing about. An example of this is during Walters first fantasies where he is commanding a hydroplane through a storm, rpm her up to 8500 Were going through The pounding of the cylinders increased ta-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa-pocketa (Clugston 2010). The sound of ta-packeta-pocketa is just the cylinders of the car Walter is driving. Each one of Walters fantasies is tied to something that is specific to whats going on in the story. As Walter drives past the hospital he starts to fantasize about being a surgeon. As the newsboy shouts about the Waterbury examination Walters fantasizes about being in a courtroom. The Liberty magazine leads Walter into a fantasy about military dugout. Thurber does a great job of interweaving Walters fantasies with the environs of the story.The uses of symbolisms in The Secret Life of Walter Mitty were not used in the traditional literary forms. Instead Thurber ties in the symbolism of control and power in each of Walters fantasies by Walter showing bravery, no fear, power, fame, and a man with high ranking titles. Thurber does a great job of connecting and supporting the symbolism with the theme of marriage and masculinity. The use of this symbolism is to show how Walter feels about marriage, since Walter feels powerless throughout the story as his wife talks down to him. There are many differences and similarities in Country Lovers and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. The first and most recognizable difference is Country Lovers is a tragic story with a plot that builds up on with way with romance, physical relationship, racial discrimination, pregnancy,arranged marriage, murder, deception, secrecy, and acceptance of normalcy. While The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is a comedy with not much of a plot. Where they are similar, both are written in a third person limited omniscient point of view. Both had themes of love and marriage but were very different in how each played out. Country Lovers was forbidden love and arranged marriage while The Secret Life of Walter Mitty was love and marriage between a husband and wife. These literary elements contribute to the short storys effectiveness as authors uses different literary forms and styles to connect the reader to the story.ReferencesClugston, R. W. (2010). pilgrimage into literature. San Diego, Califor nia Bridgepoint Education, Inc.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Something That Changed My Life
Frank Tsiboe Ms. Brooks 9th Honors LA 21 November, 2011 A Word To The Wise Is Enough tactile property at me now, you see a student that no one will have ever thought I was just someone adding up to the number of students at school. I was once the person who didnt care ab show up my education or future because I thought I would constantly have my parents, but I grew up and understood they wont always be there for me.I remember I hardly had a B or an A until my mom told me what I didnt know. I didnt know I had a chance a lot of mountain didnt have, I didnt know I had a chance a lot of people wish they had. Once I brought my report wit and it wasnt good at all. Then my mom sat me down and told me something that changed my life. She told me she didnt have the chance I was getting and she wished she had completed school but her parents were never there for her.My mom lived with her grandmother who took care of her and saw her through her school but unfortunately she couldnt complete school, unfortunately she had to drop out because there was no money to support her through school. she had to struggle to get Its funny because my mom actually had the same problem as I had but then she realized she wasnt hurting anybody but herself, but nobody had to sit her down to talk to her she realized it by herself. She later changed her bearing her school and started putting an effort.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
The Reasons Why Firms Want to Use Earning Management
Good afternoon everyone, today we are issue to continue to pour forth about the consequence of Earning Management, I am xxx We go forth present the bad side of earning focal point through 2 cases, The first one is Enron what happened and what we can learn from it and the second one is the ethical quandary at Northlake. Both cases are present how heed is motived to manipulate accounting numbers to achieve their proper(postnominal) purpose, for example in the first case, Enron increased their net income through many methods to boot out their share price, further in the second case, the company decreased their net income.However, both earning management comes with the bad consequences happened to the society. Next, we are going to see another example which is how management is motived to manipulate accounting number to reduce or underprovide for purlieu and restoration approachs. As a result, there ca mathematical function some ethical issue. First let us go through the Backgr ound information (A. F. P. Company). It is in the Pulp and motif assiduity. The company had three study mills, located in some of the more remote location in the province. From A. F. P.Companys standpoint, of course they do not want to expend too much money on the discharge of waste wet from pulp and paper mills furthermore, the firm had been facing difficult pecuniary times due to recession, and this had caused unassailable hardship in the three sm either communities where the mills were located. But, as in the Pulp and Paper industry has the responsibility to the new government proposals to put effluent controls on the discharge of waste water from Paper mills in environmentally sensitive regions of the province. Therefore, the managers in the (A.F. P. Company) find a way to give themselves a reasonable reason not to install the cleaning equipment. CEO and V. P. of A. F. P. collude together to use earning management to increase their cost on the financial analysis. in the fi nancial report, they states that we will have severe financial problems if we are forced into building a lagoon for waste water treatment, in effectuate to show their fake severe financial problem going to happen, they highly estimate their operating cost would rise 30%, but in fact their cost only can be rise around 8%-10%).And they also highly estimated all other costs. In addition, they dont guide on into account the damage to the local river at all. The people live in the downstream are nevertheless drinking the garbage or damaged water In this case, let us put all the legal issues behind, and focus on the ethical issue first. As the case mentioned the down totally strung-out on the mill for economic survival. It is kind of like Blackberry in Waterloo.As the mills goes, so goes the town. And will thousands of people lost their jobs, if put you in the position to finalize between the economic survival or environment damage, how will you decide? If you in the position of A. P . Fs accountant how do you decide between your personal benefits and code of professional code? Lets say, if you do not use earning management to increase the cost, you will force to lose your job by the CEO.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Haugen Julia versus Winston Contrast Essay Essay
In 1984, by George Orwell, the two main characters, Julia and Winston, provide a cogent thrill to the readers through their passion for each other and for rebellion. Through shape up character analysis, one goat see that Julia and Winston sh ar similar characteristics, same rebelling against the party. But in many more ways are they very several(predicate). The brown-haired Julia, with voluptuous curves puts up a front that she is a part of the Junior Anti-Sex group discussion and is as orthodox about the Parties values and one can commence. Upon further reading the book, Julia develops into a promiscuous, uncontrollable girl only when does not seem to care about upsetting the government, but only wanting to have the ability to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants.She explains to Winston about how she just wants to be able to do what she desires, like eating a piece of chocolate or marrying somebody she loves, whenever she wants. Examples of Julias concern for herself a re plain when Winston is reading to Julia, Goldsteins book, and she falls asleep. This shows that she doesnt share the same fascination as Winston so plainly does. Even so the only rebellious branch about Julia is that she is only a rebel from the cannon down (page 179, chapter 5) meaning to say that the only reason shes considered naughty in the eyes of the horizon Police and companionship is because she likes to have casual sex.Winston, on the other hand, is rebellious and careful mentally. He is different from Julia in that he does want to upset the order of the government and he does want to have sex, but to him it means more than just an embrace of passion, it means showing the Party that they are doing something that is considered illegal in the eyes of the Thought Police and that they are able to get away with it. He demonstrates this ability to get away with things by reading Goldsteins book, buying the paperweight, having sex with Julia, which further proves his yearni ng to overthrow the Party and Big Brotherhood. As Winston reads the book, he is fascinated with what Goldstein has to say and how Ingsoc came to be in the first place, by the change of Goldsteins ideas.As the two main characters of this book, it does seem fitting to have twocharacters that are unstrained to do imaginable things that might get them vaporized by the Thought Police to be together and share some of the same values. Even though Julia and Winston share the same ideas in some ways, upon further character analysis, there are some startling differences between those two.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Chemical Policy Regulation Essay
The European Commissions Registration, Evaluation and Authorisation of Chemicals ( strike) is a rude(a) body wherein manufacturers, distributors, and importers atomic number 18 required to sign-in their chemic inventories into a centralized infobase, along with information on physical and chemic properties, safe handling, fortuitys, and uses. Substances with carcinogenic, toxic, or mutagenic activity will require permission before being use, and e rattling chemic whose perils argon too unmanageable will be banned for use.REACH will frankincense be an aid in the management of information on chemicals, since it will demand that unknown data on chemicals currently in use be determined for registration purposes, and that new chemicals to be utilize by industry will now induct a standardized procedure for the acquisition and scattering of information and conceal on their use.In detail, REACH will operate in the manner expound in the following sentences. First, parties deali ng in chemical products will be required to send a dossier of information on chemicals that they handle that are produced in excess of 1 metric tonne annually. grassroots information will be required of chemicals dispensed in the range of 1-10 metric tonnes, while much will be asked of chemicals distributed in macroscopicalr quantities. As an example of additional data that will be required, substances produced in excess of 10 tonnes annually should have an associated chemical safety report in which the hazard and risk assessment of the substance for specified uses must be outlined and how the risks posed by the chemical can be adequately controlled for these uses.One component of the assessment is an exposure scenario, a summary of the use(s) and sequester risk management measures for the substance studied. All the safety data then submitted for substances of truly high furbish up and chemicals used in bulk will be evaluated by a panel of experts, and any chemical whose use c annot be justified in terms of its risk of use being at a lower place control or its socio-economic value outweighing risks con berthred will be subjected to a var.-out and replacement with safer alternatives, if there are any. REACH in effect is an implementation of the venerable preventative principle, one statement of which being that the burden of establishment of a chemicals ability to deal severe or irreversible harm should be foisted upon the advocates of the chemicals use, in the absence of evidence that the chemical is safe for use.To illustrate the importance of the precautionary principle, one wholly needs to look at dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) and the organochlorine pesticides that followed. At the snip of their introduction, they were wide accepted and hailed as being much safer than the inorganic pesticides such as the arsenicals that were then the mainstays of pest control. It was only after many geezerhood of use that their deleterious effects toward s valet health and the environment became noticeable. In short, the tenet innocent until proven guilty is not to be applied to chemicals that may require years of use before exerting ill effects, and by then the damage done may already be too difficult or impossible to undo.REACH aims to address issues such as safety, the phasing out of substances of anguish, and the encouragement of innovation in industry. In detail, REACH can address health issues because, by its very nature, it will prevent the unnecessary use and needless release into the environment of substances whose risk of use cannot be justified as against the benefits that can be accrued.In this respect, if it can be shown that a substance down the stairs scrutiny has no justifiable reason for its continuous use because of the availability of environmentally benign alternatives, its phase out will be implemented as soon as possible. Finally, industry will be spurred, in theory, to research possible replacements for the hazardous chemicals that they currently use due to the pressure exerted by REACH to limit or stop the use of hazardous chemicals, paving the way for innovations.To facilitate the implementation of REACH, the European Chemicals Agency will be established in Helsinki, Finland. The Agency will serve to coordinate the majority of the work related to chemical regulation and evaluation. Members of the European Union still wield responsibility, however. A large portion of the data gathered through REACH will be publicly accessible.The legislation aims to nurse human health and the environment, but the risk of negatively impacting the European economy has been brought up by touch on parties. Efforts to strike a happy medium have been going on for several years.One side has talked about increases in the incidence of cancer and disorders related to the malfunction of the endocrines, while the other side has focused on burgeoning red tape, rises in costs and loss of jobs as businesses mov e away from Europe. Groups with vested interests in the chemical industry have been accused of lobbying to water down REACH for their benefit. As such, there are groups that swear that REACH has loopholes that can enable unscrupulous industries to persist in using substances of very high perplexity for their convenience.While industry has sought to have REACHs requirements loosened, European trade unions and environmentalists have united forces in arguing for strong legislation. It is said that one in three work-related illnesses in the 15 honest-to-god EU member states is due to chemical exposure. REACH also enjoys the backing of consumer groups and medical associations.A limitation of REACH is that it only applies to chemicals manufactured in or imported into the EU, and therefore is not applicable to chemicals that are incorporated into finished products. So a product like a television, or computer or shampoo made outside the EU could contain chemicals that are not registere d under REACH providing they are not banned under specific safety regulations (such as lead).Polymers (plastics, rubbers, and ilk) are excluded from the auspices of REACH for the time being, but monomers, or the chemicals used to make them, will still be covered by REACH. Pesticides, biocides and human and veterinary pharmaceuticals are also exempt from REACH, the rationalization being that they are regulated under a different legislation from industrial chemicals. Industrial byproducts and waste are also not covered by REACH, but substances produced from waste or substances used in the processing of waste are covered by REACH.REACH defines what it calls substances of very high concern as substances that belong in any of these categories substances that are cancer-causing (carcinogenic), mutation-inducing (mutagenic) or interfere with the bodys reproductive function (CMRs) substances that take a long time to shifting down (persistent), accumulate in the body (bioaccumulative) and are toxic (PBTs) substances that are very persistent and very bioaccumulative (vPvBs) and substances that have serious and irreversible effects on humans and the environment, for instance endocrine disrupting substances. Any new results in light of the effects of a chemical under scrutiny on the environment or human health can influence its retention or phasing out. As an example of the chemicals that can patch up under these previously mentioned classes, the previously mentioned organochlorine pesticides will fall under the PBT category Alar, a plant harvesting regulator that was pulled out from the market due to concerns about the mutagenicity and carcinogenicity of one of its breakdown products will fall under CMR, and the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) which, although nontoxic, tend to persist in the atmosphere to cause damage to the ozone layer will belong to the vPvB category. invoice that a chemical only has to satisfy one of the set criteria of a certain category to belong. dissemble triggers are an approach where substances of high concern are classified according to the hazards they present when tested in various models. Hazard triggers can be used as an adjunct or substitute for risk assessment since it is usually faster and cheaper to use such. However, extrapolating results of lab tests to what can happen when a chemical is used outside the lab is not always accurate.It has happened in previous times that there were chemicals that exhibited no destructive effects in lab tests and were subsequently shown to be unsafe when used in the field. Conversely, there have also been cases where a chemical that was initially shown to cause serious health problems in animal models was interdict from further use even if subsequent tests demonstrated that its use poses no risk to human health. As such, the evaluation of a chemicals safety based on hazard triggers should proceed on a case-to-case basis, and should be thoroughly scrutinized. Example hazard trigg ers include persistence (measured in terms of half(a) life in soil or aquatic medium), long-range transport (quantified by the DT50), and ecotoxicity (of which the LC50 is the quantifying parameter). aims of REACH disputed issues associated with the legislation substances of high concern hazard triggers and risk assessment the implications of REACH for Environmental protectionReferencesBBC discussion (2005) Q&A REACH Chemicals Legislation online accessed at http// for Environment, fare and Rural Affairs (2004) Government Response to the Royal Commission on Environmental pollution key on Chemicals in Products, Cm6300, HMSO online accessed at http// Commission (2006) REACH in Brief, based on common position of the Council online accessed at http// Lowell Center for Sustainable Production (nd) REACH The virgin EU Chemicals Strategy A New Approach to Chemicals Management online accessed at http// Compliance (2007) http// position/index.html
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Operation Management Essay
1. action ManagementFor the success of an organization, the forethought crew plays a major determination. An organizational structure is found on polar practic equal parameters and in order to perform every(prenominal) the feats, it is mandatory to scrutinize either major reflexion related to the organizational strategy. Keeping the signifi elicitce of function oversight infra consideration, different authors be in possession of developed different sentiments and hence exclaim all of them in order to prove all the major aspects that can specialise what the performance worry is and how it helps an organization in achieving high direct of success. This make-up is radicalally about how proper functioning counsel helps an organization in performing different tasks strategically. For this purpose, the abbreviation is done from different perspectives.The first part of the physical composition gives an overview of what is movement focussing and for this purpose d ifferent definitions promulgated by different authors have been cited as evidence. The second part of the paper throws light upon the role of an operable manager and what strategic efforts enables him to perform his duty stiffly. The third part of the paper identifies the relationship of movement concern with former(a)(a) core functions and for this purpose, the case studies of Heathrow International airdrome and Nestl UK Chocolate Factory have been elaborated. Hence, the entire paper indicates how effective operation management affects the progress graph of the comp all in one way or other. However, before elaborating how the manager performshis job, it is mandatory to throw1.1.Definition of operation management operating theatre management can be considered as one of the most significant factors responsible for either countrys economic growth. As service sector has observed mass development and changes, the very concept of operation management emerged with a focus on econo mic efficacy in manufacturing. The traditional concept of manufacturing was otherwise check to concept of production management only. The manufacturing capabilities have been advanced done innovative procedures and techniques, new materials and facilities as numerous challenges and opportunities have been posed by rapid development in technology sector. It thus gave rise to development and management of a service system which could effectively resolve major challenges for global competitive environment (Heizer, Jay H. and Render, Barry, 2008). some the world, operation management has now been considered as major business procedure for productivity and improvement.Organisations have puzzle more than vigilant in acquiring operation management procedures and techniques to achieve their objectives with minimum imaginations and efforts. (R. Pannerselvam, 2004) specialised operation management as a system which an ecesis employs within its framework to transform a large range of i nputs into the desired outputs (services) by achieving its requisite level of quality. Operation management transforms by combining several(prenominal) resources which ar being used in organisations operation subsystem into value added products and services. Undoubtedly this has to be a controlled process and it should follow the policies of organisation, therefore the whole concept of operation management works as integrated and interrelated management activities. These management activities be sometimes limited to manufacturing of certain products which is called production management, barely when the same idea is extended to effective service management, then resultant sum of management procedures is called as operation management.Resources, transformation, systems and value addition activities are some key factors which represents a broader picture of operation management within an organisation. Resources are material, capital and human inputs to the process of production. M aterial resources embroil materials and physical facilities such as inventories, supplies and plant equipment etc. capital resources include bonds, stock and/or taxes which canbe used to vex flow of associated resources. Human resource is sum of intellectual capabilities of managers, technical and non-technical staff and is considered as most decisive asset of the organisation.Transformation is prefatoryally the process of combining resources for obtaining higher value goods and services than original inputs under controlled conditions. Systems depict an arrangement of multiple components developed to obtain require objectives of the plan. Business systems contain personal, finance, engineering and operation, surgical process altogether for integrity of organisation. Value addition activities ensure to increase organisations productivity ratio and give more value to the products (Waters, C. D. J. (1991). After reviewing different definitions promulgated by different experts, th e next part of the paper result analyze the role of an operable manager in an organization.1.2.The role of Operation ManagerOperation managers of any organisation are come to with planning, systemizing and controlling the action which impact human behaviour with the help of models. planning helps in establishing action plan for the organisation and provide future-decision making. It is thus duty of operation manager to define the objectives and goals for the trading operations and its subsystems of the organisation. They need to design procedures and policies in order to achieve those objectives. This stage embraces the clarification of role and focus of certain operations into organisations boilers suit strategy. Product and services planning modulation process and facility designing are also include in the planning. The establishment of authority and tasks and other related activities fall under the judgment of organizing. The flow of information and structure of roles are being naturalised by the operation managers within operation subsystems. It is their responsibility to determine the attri providedes essential for goals achievement and they need to dish out the responsibility and authority to carry them out (Joseph, G. Monks, 2004).Other prime responsibilities of operation managers include transforming inputs into the outputs. To devise an effective production plan, say, which employs capacity, knowledge of production facility and materials is prime responsibility of an operation manager. They are supposed to catalogue and control the system demands in order to retain require services and/or produce desired goods. They need toevaluate quality inventory levels, cost etc. to maintain the quality associated with goods and services. They are cause to regulation of systems and resources within the organisation thus maintaining transformation and effective value addition activities. Operation managers are required to observe parameters which may af fect the human behaviors. They need to evaluate models and frameworks of an effective operation management within an organisation (Slack et al).As operation management is primarily concerned with the accomplishment of both resource utilization and satisfactory customer services, operation managers are supposed to maximize both and maintain an overall satisfactory performance of the organisation. Sometimes there is improvement in customer delight while declension in resource utilization. To overcome any such activity, operation managers are trained to tackle such conflicts and they need to find and implement a balance for the organisation in order to achieve its basic objectives. The principle customer service objective is strongly dependent upon services of an en enthusiastic and able operation manager (S. anil Kumar, N. Suresh, 2008).The next part of the paper will discuss the relationship of operation management with the core functionalities of the organization. 1.3.Relationship of operation management with other core functionsOne of the most significant functions that operation management plays in an organisation that it defines the ways for strategic planning of an organisation. As strategic planning is concerned with organisations decisions and remedies for certain environmental and business conditions, operation management provides road map for strategic planning for the organisation and eases the way with help of fundamental concepts.The scope of operation management is not limited to transformation of inputs into the outputs by utilising physical resources thus achieving successful customer satisfaction along with capacity, development and adoptability for the organisation, but it is deeply associated with other core functions of an organisation such as marketing, finance, personnel etc. It also include product design, quality control, maintenance management, location offacilities, materials management, planning and product control, process design a nd many other core and leap out functions. The modern concept of operation management is very dynamic and promising and it on the face of it brings outstanding results for an organisation working under controlled environment (Dilworth, James B., 1999).2.Case StudiesFollowing are two cases studies that indicate how proper operation management strategy helps the organization in achieving its ultimate objectives. In this regard, the Heathrow International airdrome and Nestle UK Chocolate Factory have been taken a evidence.2.1.Heathrow International airdromeHeathrow International Airport is the UKs only hub airport. Around 5,500 people have been employed by the BAA at Heathrow of which 25% employees perform operational, customer service and maintenance roles. Other 75% are in security and head office functions. In addition, BAA has some 65% interest and it operates the Naples Airport. These figures show the need and significance of operation management within framework of Heathrow I nternational Airport. An insight into Heathrows planning and preparation and its outstanding level of services and commitment will explain operation management practices being observed by the organisation. For example, winter resilience enquiry recently examined and implemented by operation management ensures its ability to provide exquisite services and support given to passengers and employees during severe weather conditions, (Heathrow, 2011).The winter resilience initiative was carried out by operation management teams through expert peer review and extensive quality assurance. Teams studied and wise(p) from Dallas Fort Worth, Madrid and Minneapolis-St. Paul airports which possess strong reputation for passenger welfare, airport operations and the headroom of snow. The devised plan for Heathrow was being examined and peer reviews helped it to carry out one of the most effective operation management tasks. For this, Heathrow had invested marvelously in acquiring innovative equ ipment which could effectively clear the airfield in reduced time. The equipment included taxiways, airside roads, runways, stands etc. and were used for the disposal of collected iceand snow. This one task brought the Heathrow airport to fully operational status. It in fact appointed a full-time operations manager for winter that is responsible for Airports winter readiness controlled. The regular refinement and review of organisations plans distinguishes it from other hint airports all over the world, (Heathrow, 2011).2.2.Nestl UK Chocolate FactoryNestls shit and product portfolio ranges from local favorites to global icons. The products are supported by vigorous research and development facility, focused driving renovation and innovation, and with clear priorities which is dinky and relevant for consumers. Nestls desire in becoming a leader of renovation and innovation, whether of systems, processes or products define the role of governing operation management body which gives its product an entire new and refreshing aspect. From brand effectiveness to effective supply chain, from farm to the fork, nestle UK chocolate factory ensured best production and operation management. Best raw materials are being used in the preparation of chocolate and other products. For operations needs, nestle has set four pillars for effective operation management which include increasing effectiveness and efficiency, operational efficiency, improved quality and elimination of waste.For continuous worthiness and to make most innovative and appreciated products in most efficient way, nestle has implemented these four pillars into its operational management structure. The product and operational excellence has been given utmost importance all because Nestle ensures to provide its consumers with delightful products whenever and wherever they need them. customer satisfaction is undoubtedly complimentary in consumer product market and Nestle has significantly fixed it through continuous planning and operational excellence besides giving its products the desired and unmatched taste and nutrition, (Nestle, 2011).3.Major Understandings of the surveyMajor understandings of the study suggest that operation management is, by far, one of the most significant aspects of any organisations development and economic growth. It provides enormous value to the resources of the organisation and adds value to them. The resources and investments of anyorganisation need to be utilised in more effective way for on-going progress. Furthermore, strategic planning fraction works hand-in-hand with operation management as it provides sustainable grounds for effective and efficacious planning and preparation. therefore no organisation can survive without future plans and policies that define its objectives and goals and its overall competitive market value. Operation management thus promises sustainable future for the organisations and procures enormous economic growth under co ntrolled conditions (Everett, E. Adam, Jr.Ronald J.Ebert, 1994).Another gigantic aspect of operation management is its ability of giving added value to products and services of the organisation. It is aimed at increasing the efficiency of the products and services by minimizing the circumstances that may prevent organisations to achieve great market value for their products and services. As it is clear as crystal that todays competitive environment demands higher level of excellence and efficiency from manufacturers and service providers, organisations should concentrate more and more on improving their standards. This can only be done through sustainable operation management plans and procedures.Furthermore, operation management not only serves as great quill in improving standards and adding value to goods and services, it has been proved as cost reduction tool within the framework of organisations. Great amount of capital and resources could be saved by implementing a capable and sustainable operation management plan which will ultimately turn the organisation into leading brand. To earn a competitive advantage in business sector, one needs to overlook every aspect that could affect it either positively or negatively. Only then unmatched products and slight services can be manufactured and being provided (Hill, Terry, 1993).4.ConclusionsOperation management works in combination to several support and core functions of the organisation. It also increases the potential and performance of those areas where strategic and effective operation handling is essential. The scope of operation management is never dying and it embraces internal and external factors associated with business of any organisation. From manufacturing to supply, from marketing to customer satisfaction, from financial backing to human resource, operation management has its deep roots in the organisations framework (S. indigotin Kumar, N. Suresh, 2008).Two case studies helped in understan ding the role of operation management and how it can be utilized in improving overall performance of the organisations. Heathrow Airport is among worlds leading organisations that provide its customers with excellent services and it managed to sustain that position through years by effective operation management procedures. It has appoint one fourth of its employees to operational tasks which ensures greatest level of quality service. On the other hand, Nestl employed a tremendous operation management task force to maintain its brand value. It is evident of the fact why nestle consumers prefer its products over other brands. It has successfully achieved a competitive advantage over other foods and beverage companies operating all over the world through systemic and devoted operation management and planning.Concluding, the most significant role operation management plays is ensuring greater levels of customer satisfaction for the organisations for their brands, products and services . Customer satisfaction is utmost objective of any organisation and it will require that organisation to develop, implement and manage a sustainable operation management plan that could work in vicinity of other necessary activities and operations. Operation managers at organisations have the utmost responsibility in promising desired levels of satisfaction among consumers and customers thus fulfilling requirements for achieving basic objectives for the organisation. Their role in economic development is as essential as organisations survival in the competitive environment (Chambers et al, 2007)ReferencesChambers, Stuart, Johnston, Robert and Slack, Nigel (2007) trading operations management (5th ed) Dilworth, James B. (1999) operations management providing value in goods and services. (3rd ed) Everett, E. Adam, Jr.Ronald J.Ebert, 1994. Production and Operations Management, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 5th Edition Heathrow, 2011. Heathrow Winter Resilience Programme, online open at Accessed 03rd December 2012 Heizer, Jay H. and Render, Barry (2008) Operations management (9th ed) Hill, Terry (1993) The essence of operations management Joseph, G. Monks, 2004. Theory and Problems of OperationsManagement, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited, 2nd Edition Joseph, G. Monks, Operations Management, McGraw-Hill International Edition, 3rd Edition. Nestle, 2011, yearbook Report 2011, Online Available at Accessed 03rd December 2012 R. Pannerselvam, 2004, Production and Operations Management, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, 9th print S. Anil Kumar, N. Suresh, 2008, Production and Operations Management, New Age International (P) Limited Publishers, 2nd Edition Slack et al, Operations Management 4th Edition online interpretation Slack et al, Operations Management 6th edition online version Waters, C. D. J. (1991) An introduction to operations management
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