Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sociological Implications Of The Modern Economy And The...
When describing the sociological implications of the modern economy and the workplace environment there are many subject to think about like: depend on the type of job, professional training, and level of occupational achievement and that person self of esteem and social approval. Today’s jobs and career’s depend on that persons qualifications they have to be qualified to do that particular job. Many jobs strive to reward their employee with bonuses, gift card or paid time off. Some employer try to fix that person self-esteem, by try to make them more successful and giving them more work hours. Spending so much time at work build your sociability with your co-works, it build creditable with your skills, and it give you the income you need to live the way you like. When a person work so many hours at work they build social skills with the people around them. While working some people feel so insecure in their jobs that they have to get multiple jobs just to make sure the y are stable and they have steady income coming in. According to (Hutton, 1995) describes Britain as the 40-30-30 society: 40% of the male population of working age have secure jobs, 30% are not working, and 30% are in insecure jobs. One reason people feel like this is because the job market is so strict that these employer, just want you to do the job and go home. Some employers do not care who you are and what you are about .Their main focus is get to their product out so you can make their money for them.Show MoreRelatedEconomic Growth And Development Of Development6644 Words  | 27 Pagesrestriction of collective bargaining, downsizing and commercialization of state corporations and businesses along the lines of market economy and democratization (Veltmeyer, 2011). These constitute the prescription of the IMF and are still dominant today. 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