Thursday, May 14, 2020
Theories And Theories Of Personality - 1236 Words
Theoretical Paper Freud, Jung, Adler, and many other theorists and psychologists have provided me a full understanding towards personality thanks to their intellectual theories. Personality comes from the Latin word â€Å"Persona†meaning mask, although there exists many explanations of personality they all are an attempt to define personality. It was thanks to these theorists that I understood how many peoples personality are different and how they can deal with them. Although many of these psychologists’ theories contradicted each other this gave me an opportunity to go either way I wanted, this was really important to me for the fact that it provided me a way to somehow choose the best theoretical beliefs that would best fit me in my future works. These beliefs that I chose as being important to me were the Reciprocal Determinism created by Albert Bandura, Linear Time which was brought out by Newton on his Newtonian Time theory, and the Rational Theory. These three t heories are an important asset to my understanding of personality it is due to these theories that I am able to implement what I have learned about personality and act upon this theories with others in the near future. Throughout this paper I will define, state the importance and show examples of these three theories. Reciprocal Determinism is a theory created by psychologist Albert Bandura and it states that a person’s behavior is influenced by their behavioral influences their personal factors and their socialShow MoreRelatedPersonality Theory And Personality Theories1441 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Personality can be defined in many ways due to the individual and unique aspects of personality, and there is yet to be a definitive answer for what personality is and how it comes into being. Generally personality can be defined as the relatively constant, individual and unique characteristics and traits which present themselves to others in different circumstances. Due to the many unknown factors of personality psychologists have suggested many ways in which personality is created,Read MorePersonality Theory : Personality Theories2989 Words  | 12 Pages Personality Theories Personality Theories: Of the many varieties of personality theory on offer, do you think any offer distinct advantages over the others, and if so, why? The personality of the man has been under study since the existence of man himself. It has been hard to understand the human personality due to the fact that one man is different from another. There are different aspects of life that have made the study of the human personality to be a challenge. Such factors include cultureRead MoreTheories Of Personality And Personality Theory4645 Words  | 19 Pagesinformative paper that explores theories of personality. The investigation that is included explains different views from past and present psychologists, from two different theories used in class during the semester. It is prevalent that a person development can suffer from behavioral and psychodynamic problems due to inconsistencies in their life growing up. This paper will discuss an eclectic view of ones personality in conjunct with a formulation of my own personality theory of development. Read MorePersonality Theory And Personality Theories3650 Words  | 15 PagesPersonality is the unique, relatively enduring internal and external aspects of a person’s character that influences behavior. Personality is something we deal with on a daily basis. We question people s behavior based on their motivations; like what childhood experiences did they go through to make them behave in a certain way. Many personality theorists present their own definitions of the word, personality, based on their own theoretical positions. 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Some people may even experience cognitive dissonance in trying to explain different stages of life, while others will be comfortable in responding instantaneously with minimal cognition. In going through this process and drawing up the ‘who am I’ andRead MoreTheories On Personality And Personality2396 Words  | 10 PagesMany psychologist have different theories on personality and how personalities develops from childhood to adulthood. Alfred Adler, Alderian Psychology focuses on people’s effort to compensate for their self-perceived inferiority to others. Erik Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages. They all seem to play a part in the shaping of the social behavior of one’s personality, failure or succes s. Freud theory of personality reasons that the structures and conflicts in the human
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sociological Implications Of The Modern Economy And The...
When describing the sociological implications of the modern economy and the workplace environment there are many subject to think about like: depend on the type of job, professional training, and level of occupational achievement and that person self of esteem and social approval. Today’s jobs and career’s depend on that persons qualifications they have to be qualified to do that particular job. Many jobs strive to reward their employee with bonuses, gift card or paid time off. Some employer try to fix that person self-esteem, by try to make them more successful and giving them more work hours. Spending so much time at work build your sociability with your co-works, it build creditable with your skills, and it give you the income you need to live the way you like. When a person work so many hours at work they build social skills with the people around them. While working some people feel so insecure in their jobs that they have to get multiple jobs just to make sure the y are stable and they have steady income coming in. According to (Hutton, 1995) describes Britain as the 40-30-30 society: 40% of the male population of working age have secure jobs, 30% are not working, and 30% are in insecure jobs. One reason people feel like this is because the job market is so strict that these employer, just want you to do the job and go home. Some employers do not care who you are and what you are about .Their main focus is get to their product out so you can make their money for them.Show MoreRelatedEconomic Growth And Development Of Development6644 Words  | 27 Pagesrestriction of collective bargaining, downsizing and commercialization of state corporations and businesses along the lines of market economy and democratization (Veltmeyer, 2011). These constitute the prescription of the IMF and are still dominant today. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Curative International Marketing Construct †
Question: Discuss about the Curative International Marketing Construct. Answer: Introduction: International management is the technique of being responsible for business operations in several countries simultaneously. This requires that the parties involved, that is the international management professionals, be acquainted with the language, cultural, economic, legal, political and business practices of the country of interest in order to efficiently and effectively conduct business (Eisend et al, 2016). International management helps in market expansion and also in improving individual living standards for various people. This is based on the fact that with the growth and expansion of business, there is creation of jobs in different countries (Key et al, 2016). Even though like many other business growth strategies it has its disadvantages like challenges in acquiring knowledge of a peoples culture, international management is one of the best ways in growing a business as it is based on diversification. Situated in different countries across the globe, Welspun group of companies would find it difficult to find the right people at the right time and with the right skills and talent to carry out various activities. Even if a particular company is acquired, it would be impossible to acquire all its employees as well because that company has entered a whole new level of conducting operations and it is probably answering to a new management (Eisend et al, 2016). The companys strategy for growth involves geographical and product diversification which requires different capabilities to succeed. This makes the process of hiring time consuming especially for the senior team which should comprise professionals who are conversant with the culture, economic, political and business practices of a particular country, for example the chairperson. The growth of the company through globalization is faced by various cultures which may affect the companys development negatively. Leadership and management styles may differ from country to country making it difficult to adopt the most popular strategy for management in the group everywhere, even if it possibly could also be the most rewarding (Adler et al, 2017). The culture of people also affect the manner in which communication takes place in an organization as well as what is communicated. Welspun group of companies therefore would have a problem in adopting different ways of life in order to expand their operations across the globe. Rising Operation Costs Welspun group of companies was founded at a time when technology was not as efficient and as fast changing as today. Based on this fact, the company would have incorporate large amounts of cash in adoption of the modern technology. This is obviously unavoidable if the groups mission is growth and development. As it diversifies its operations into other industries and geographical region it incurs costs in acquiring the needed companies and hiring people with the right skills (Chabowski et al, 2017). Relocation also requires change of the name of the acquired company which could be both costly and time consuming. There could also be a need for a translator incase the management of a certain company speak their native language which also adds up to the total operating cost. It is impossible for the company to predetermine if all these activities will be worth the risk without actually carrying them out. Yes. The ability to spot opportunities all over the globe and its willingness to venture into very risky but highly profitable enterprises is what gives Welspun an edge over its competitors, thus becoming its key success factor. Other than the obvious available opportunities all over the world taking risks creates opportunities of its own, that is it opens an organization up to new possibilities for consideration, thus leading to both external (of the company as whole) and internal growth (of the employees and management). Taking risks aids the group in overcoming the fear of failure meaning that it incorporates confidence in its operations and it is able to pick up after a fall-out (Skarmeas et al, 2016). The group would also be able to comfortably adopt new technology and be free of its comfort zone, which is crucial to growth in all sets of life. Welspun group of companies has also diversified its product by acquisition of different types of companies to ensure growth and development globally. This is very important because there is no certainty that a specific business venture will be successful. In case it fails, therefore, the company would have other sources of income meaning that bankruptcy is not a likely obstacle for the business. Customer satisfaction is also guaranteed as the company taps an opportunity, that is, identifies what is needed and provides it. The group has formed and maintained business relationships with various companies such as Chevron, Walmart and Shell, which is one of the largest petroleum company in the world. It has investments both in the United States and in United Kingdom which are the fastest growing economies in the world thus giving assurance of the groups further expansion. The decision by Welspun group to act as both supplier and manufacturer has enabled it to venture many global markets where its services are required. Yes. The growth strategy for Welspun group of companies is geographical and product diversification. This is a very risky and difficult way of conducting business since it requires various capabilities to succeed (Czinkota et al, 2017). The process is made even more unpleasant by the fact that the group is entering a new geographical area, possibly with different beliefs and ways of life. This growth strategy, however, is made easier by acquisition of small companies in different regions. This makes it easy to diversify the product because the companies acquired often deal with other products such as pipes, infrastructure and energy. Welspun groups growth strategy may be cumbersome and often risky but it has led to a high growth rate of over 30 percent annually. The strategy therefore acts as a good role model for other companies for fast growth and expansion. However, this strategy will not be appropriate for smaller companies who are capable of dealing with only a single product. Small companies often lack a large capital base and therefore it would be next to impossible for them to venture in multiple industries, especially those that require a high capital investment such as power and pipeline. They are also based in one geographical location and have no interest in diversifying to other countries, not to mention the fact that even if they wanted to diversify they may not be able to due to the large capital investment required in this process. The groups growth strategy, however, may work very well with large companies that have a heavy capital investment and are willing to expand their businesses to global height at whatever cost. These include manufacturing companies involved in infrastructure and power industries, as well as those that have adopted network marketing as their main growth strategy. Diversification has had the largest impact on Welspuns growth because it has led to maximization of returns from different industries as they do not react the same to similar circumstances. Geographical diversification has enabled the group to open up new markets all over the world for its products which is an important factor in a businesss development. Product diversification makes it possible for the group to satisfy its customers by gearing the product specifications towards customer needs. Diversification minimizes risk. As mention earlier, Welspun group of companies venture in business entities that are very risky. Diversification therefore, ensure that the group obtain long-range financial objectives while minimizing risk. Even if diversification does not guarantee against loss, it ensures the group that its risky investments will not go unrewarded (Li et al, 2014). This is because there are different types of risks and every investment faces different challenges thus with diversification there is assurance of a flow of income. Diversity gives Welspun group of companies competitive advantage. The group identifies an opportunity and is proactive in its efforts to take advantage of it thus increasing its customer base. The groups management is efficient in spotting market gaps all over the world in places that are under-served and investing in them. It aids in building the groups stability. If the group were to concentrate all its efforts in a single industry, product or region, it would be risking volatility in revenue and resources due to the changes in the forces of demand and supply. It would also have to retrench most of its employees if that certain industry faltered or the consumers tastes and preferences changed against that particular product. Losing some clients are a single industry failing is not as destabilizing if the group is diversified. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that for any kind of business to succeed especially internationally, it must be ready to take risks and diversify its operations. References Eisend, M., Evanschitzky, H. and Calantone, R.J., 2016. The relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities in influencing new product performance: the moderating role of country institutions.Journal of International Marketing,24(1), pp.41-56. Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013.International marketing. Cengage Learning. Papadopoulos, N. and Heslop, L.A., 2014.Product-country images: Impact and role in international marketing. Routledge. Li, L., Qian, G. and Qian, Z., 2014. 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