Thursday, August 27, 2020
'An awareness of the impact of (national) culture on people in work Essay
'An attention to the effect of (national) culture on individuals in work associations' is significant in this day and age - Essay Example The paper likewise presents two hypotheses of culture to be specific: Stadial hypothesis and Classical social evolutionism. In the conversation and hypothetical thought, the facts confirm that national social mindfulness has a positive effect of authoritative turn of events. National Cultural Awareness Cultural mindfulness is the cognizance of the manner in which individuals live by and large in the country. It further includes knowing the chronicled position of culture in history and how it has formed peoples’ lifestyle (De, 2011). Furthermore, includes assuming liability of supporting the verifiable obligation in upgrading formative culture. Social cognizance and mindfulness is an interior drive which impels an association to try to comprehend and to eagerly anticipate adjust their formative plan to the organizations’ objectives. The past and the current make up the way of life of a country, it is basic for associations to know the previous history of a country to dec ide the successful convictions and their causes. At the point when associations have a higher national social mindfulness, it will flourish in the current market, yet it will likewise set them up for extraordinary advances later on. Associations which succeed are those that have adjusted their organizations’ culture to the national culture. ... This can be made conceivable by organizing social information as a main consideration in making courses of action for advancing their items. Culture decides people groups affiliations, observations, and it additionally decides mental self view of people and a country. It consequently follows that for any association to flourish; it must be aware of the manner in which individuals live inside certain limits (De, 2011). The world is almost there changes and advancement consequently changing peoples’ culture. Associations must know about the progressions which happens socially to empower them to modify appropriately allows they to fall flat. Social situation of a country is getting exceedingly evident and its job in financial improvement is about extension and its impact is getting more profound and powerful than previously. New points of view and circumstances expect associations to change on their bundling and showcasing systems. Numerous associations flop today while a million others are flourishing day by day. For associations remain in the new circumstances, they need to fortify their social mindfulness significantly on the accompanying three topical territories: they must be aware of the position and impact of culture, they must know about the functionality of culture, and they must be prepared to partake on social improvement and advancement. It is essential to know about the huge situation of culture. Culture has a propensity of tirelessness and it pervades the brains of residents. Culture in a country resembles air, it is found wherever simultaneously in a country, and it legitimately impacts the progression of the real world. It has a significant job in social and monetary advancement and improvement through the elusive cognizance. Culture changes
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Use of Symbolism in Goldings Lord of the Flies Essay example -- Lord
Utilization of Symbolism in Golding's Lord of the Flies Master of the Flies, an interesting name for the Devil, a villain whose name suggests that he is committed to rot, annihilation, debilitation and frenzy, precisely what William Golding had as a main priority when utilizing imagery in this novel. The Lord of the Flies (1954), is a novel where interpretating the images are a primary key to seeing, yet additionally getting a charge out of the novel. In the wake of tying a significant number of the images together, you can make sense of increasingly about what the creator is attempting to portray, the general scene. This story happens during World War II on a remote location. After a plane, moving around twelve little youngsters, gets killed, they are caught on an island with no grown-ups. All through a couple of week term, they become isolated through numerous troublesome, and attempting times. Each character and item that is oftentimes utilized, are images that speak to a little part in the comprehensive view. Through the images, the creator depicts what every kid contributes, or troubles, the island with during their battle to get away. The primary thing I experienced and saw as an image when perusing, was simply the island. This island had become their reality. For whatever length of time that they were been on that island, that was the main thing they had, the main thing they knew. It was a world liberated from grown-ups, laws and cultivated society and loaded with obligation. This set the image of the young men, figuring out how to make due without anyone else, and gives you how significant it is that they all meet up. Ralph is a genuinely peaceful multi year old with fair hair, and is the most powerful of the gathering. He is the first William discussed in the book. He was introduced as an intelligent kid, and as the story advances, you ... ... light the fire again later, You ought to have been with us. We made some crushing memories (69). This fire, their lone any desire for getting off the island, getting away from this world, was out and there was no chance to get for Ralph to begin it. He was the one in particular who was sound enough to utilize the fire to get off, and the clan had taken it from him. While this developed and in the long run transformed into a war, the political agitation of the world really liberated them from what they had been living. At the point when resistance and tumult had attempted to get arrange and obliterate it, they lit a fire, another expectation, that spared them from the island. Interpretating and understanding these characters and articles as images, carry an entirely different light to the novel. As you read this, or some other story, let it get inside your head a little and attempt to see whether there's a Devil, one committed to rot, annihilation and dampening.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Beyond the MBA Classroom Hang Out at The Arb at Michigan Ross
Blog Archive Beyond the MBA Classroom Hang Out at The Arb at Michigan Ross When you select an MBA program, you are not just choosing your learning environment, but are also making a commitment to a community. Each Thursday, we offer a window into life “beyond the MBA classroom†at a top business school. Created in 1907, the Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum, known collectively as “The Arb,†is not far from the University of Michigan’s Central Campus, near Ross. The Arb offers space for an abundance of outdoor activities and provides a great place for students to jog, throw the Frisbee, study or even sled during the winter. During the summer months, The Arb hosts events such as flower-related festivals, fundraisers, garden and art workshops, seasonal exhibits and more. The space can even be rented for birthday parties and weddings. For in-depth descriptions of social and community activities at Ross and 15 other top MBA programs, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet Beyond the MBA Classroom University of Michigan (Ross)
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Theories And Theories Of Personality - 1236 Words
Theoretical Paper Freud, Jung, Adler, and many other theorists and psychologists have provided me a full understanding towards personality thanks to their intellectual theories. Personality comes from the Latin word â€Å"Persona†meaning mask, although there exists many explanations of personality they all are an attempt to define personality. It was thanks to these theorists that I understood how many peoples personality are different and how they can deal with them. Although many of these psychologists’ theories contradicted each other this gave me an opportunity to go either way I wanted, this was really important to me for the fact that it provided me a way to somehow choose the best theoretical beliefs that would best fit me in my future works. These beliefs that I chose as being important to me were the Reciprocal Determinism created by Albert Bandura, Linear Time which was brought out by Newton on his Newtonian Time theory, and the Rational Theory. These three t heories are an important asset to my understanding of personality it is due to these theories that I am able to implement what I have learned about personality and act upon this theories with others in the near future. Throughout this paper I will define, state the importance and show examples of these three theories. Reciprocal Determinism is a theory created by psychologist Albert Bandura and it states that a person’s behavior is influenced by their behavioral influences their personal factors and their socialShow MoreRelatedPersonality Theory And Personality Theories1441 Words  | 6 PagesIntroduction Personality can be defined in many ways due to the individual and unique aspects of personality, and there is yet to be a definitive answer for what personality is and how it comes into being. Generally personality can be defined as the relatively constant, individual and unique characteristics and traits which present themselves to others in different circumstances. Due to the many unknown factors of personality psychologists have suggested many ways in which personality is created,Read MorePersonality Theory : Personality Theories2989 Words  | 12 Pages Personality Theories Personality Theories: Of the many varieties of personality theory on offer, do you think any offer distinct advantages over the others, and if so, why? The personality of the man has been under study since the existence of man himself. It has been hard to understand the human personality due to the fact that one man is different from another. There are different aspects of life that have made the study of the human personality to be a challenge. Such factors include cultureRead MoreTheories Of Personality And Personality Theory4645 Words  | 19 Pagesinformative paper that explores theories of personality. The investigation that is included explains different views from past and present psychologists, from two different theories used in class during the semester. It is prevalent that a person development can suffer from behavioral and psychodynamic problems due to inconsistencies in their life growing up. This paper will discuss an eclectic view of ones personality in conjunct with a formulation of my own personality theory of development. Read MorePersonality Theory And Personality Theories3650 Words  | 15 PagesPersonality is the unique, relatively enduring internal and external aspects of a person’s character that influences behavior. Personality is something we deal with on a daily basis. We question people s behavior based on their motivations; like what childhood experiences did they go through to make them behave in a certain way. Many personality theorists present their own definitions of the word, personality, based on their own theoretical positions. 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Some people may even experience cognitive dissonance in trying to explain different stages of life, while others will be comfortable in responding instantaneously with minimal cognition. In going through this process and drawing up the ‘who am I’ andRead MoreTheories On Personality And Personality2396 Words  | 10 PagesMany psychologist have different theories on personality and how personalities develops from childhood to adulthood. Alfred Adler, Alderian Psychology focuses on people’s effort to compensate for their self-perceived inferiority to others. Erik Erikson believed that personality develops in a series of stages. They all seem to play a part in the shaping of the social behavior of one’s personality, failure or succes s. Freud theory of personality reasons that the structures and conflicts in the human
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Sociological Implications Of The Modern Economy And The...
When describing the sociological implications of the modern economy and the workplace environment there are many subject to think about like: depend on the type of job, professional training, and level of occupational achievement and that person self of esteem and social approval. Today’s jobs and career’s depend on that persons qualifications they have to be qualified to do that particular job. Many jobs strive to reward their employee with bonuses, gift card or paid time off. Some employer try to fix that person self-esteem, by try to make them more successful and giving them more work hours. Spending so much time at work build your sociability with your co-works, it build creditable with your skills, and it give you the income you need to live the way you like. When a person work so many hours at work they build social skills with the people around them. While working some people feel so insecure in their jobs that they have to get multiple jobs just to make sure the y are stable and they have steady income coming in. According to (Hutton, 1995) describes Britain as the 40-30-30 society: 40% of the male population of working age have secure jobs, 30% are not working, and 30% are in insecure jobs. One reason people feel like this is because the job market is so strict that these employer, just want you to do the job and go home. Some employers do not care who you are and what you are about .Their main focus is get to their product out so you can make their money for them.Show MoreRelatedEconomic Growth And Development Of Development6644 Words  | 27 Pagesrestriction of collective bargaining, downsizing and commercialization of state corporations and businesses along the lines of market economy and democratization (Veltmeyer, 2011). These constitute the prescription of the IMF and are still dominant today. 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Diversity in the workplace is worker in workplace from different kind ofRead MoreIBUS201 Assignment22770 Words  | 12 Pagesï » ¿ IBUS 201 Individual Assignment 2 Cover Sheet Fonterra Incident in the International Business Environment Abstract: Currently, increasing number of firms get a powerful influence by the dynamic international business environment. Fonterra 2013 incident will be analysed in order to identify the key factors of failure. Firstly, the importance of international business environment for Fonterra will be illustrated briefly. Next, the report is focus on the crucial problems and mention about clostridiumRead MoreHealth Safety Issues in Garments Industry of Bangladesh11720 Words  | 47 Pagesimplementation in developed countries †¢ Analyze the present the Health Safety situation in workplace of Garments industry comparing to other part of the world †¢ Present guidelines for building proper Health Safety plan for present garments manufactures exporters. Scope of the report This report will be very fruitful for any ready garments manufacturer for ensuring proper Health Safe environment within his organization by establishing a proper Health Safety plan. Not only that thisRead MoreJuvenile Delinquency : The Basis Of Public Fear2219 Words  | 9 Pagesshowed how children appeared to be seen as adults. The way that children were treated and expected to be was significantly different to way in which today’s modern society perceived children to be. Child workers at the time had a major influence to household duties. They were preferably ideal over adult men and women workers, for the economy child labour was seen to be flexible and less economically costly, thus an advantage for the industrial state. Throughout this stage there was no concept youthRead MoreConsumer Behavior And Consumer Behaviour5800 Words  | 24 Pagesbuying behavior is influenced by four key set of buyer characteristics: cultural, social, personal, and psychological (Kotler ). In other words it is the interplay of forces that takes place during consumption process within the consumer self and his environment. The interaction takes place between three elements knowledge, affect and behavior. It starts from pre-purchase activities and continues till post purchase experience. Day by day the life of consumers is becoming more complex. Their needs and statesRead MoreMarxist Functions on Education2287 Words  | 10 Pages The result of this is that people who achieve a high qualification have done so entirely from their own efforts and so deserve the rewards it brings. As these qualifications lead to a privileged lifestyle, top jobs and positions of power, the implication is that all those in high positions within society deserve to be there, and society is just. Similarly, as everyone begins with an equal chance to succeed in education, those who end up with poor qualifications do so through their own fault, andRead MoreEssay about Morton R100 Handouts 1 4209 Words  | 17 Pagesï » ¿Handout 1: The Sociological Perspective Name: ____________________________________ 1. Watch â€Å"The Undertaking†where this video examines a family who works in the funeral industry as a window into American feelings on death and dying. Then, respond to the following questions: How do funeral rituals describe by the Lynch family show our cultural values about death and dying? How would a sociologist create a research question to systematically evaluate the claims that the Lynch family makes aboutRead MoreTheories of Organizational Behavior10512 Words  | 43 Pagesthe systematic study and careful application of knowledge about how people act within organizations. It encompasses the study of organizations from multiple viewpoints, methods, and levels of analysis. Some of the major ways of division are into modern, symbolic, and postmodern or micro organizational behaviorâ€â€which refers to individual and group dynamics in an organizational setting and macro strategic management and organizational theory which studies whole organizations and industries. ConceptsRead MoreThe Concepts of Lifelong Learning and Vocational Education Training3905 Words  | 16 Pagesperspective argues that responsibility and freedom are some of the key-thoughts; lifelong learning is dependent upon this approach (Morrell, 2013). A large portion of classical authors are viewed as advocates of this philosophy and numerous authors of the modern time either represent this concept (Rogers, Maslow) or use a percentage of the principle thoughts. Radical theory emphasizes the social function of education and defines economic, political and social advancements as its fundamental task. In this
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Curative International Marketing Construct †
Question: Discuss about the Curative International Marketing Construct. Answer: Introduction: International management is the technique of being responsible for business operations in several countries simultaneously. This requires that the parties involved, that is the international management professionals, be acquainted with the language, cultural, economic, legal, political and business practices of the country of interest in order to efficiently and effectively conduct business (Eisend et al, 2016). International management helps in market expansion and also in improving individual living standards for various people. This is based on the fact that with the growth and expansion of business, there is creation of jobs in different countries (Key et al, 2016). Even though like many other business growth strategies it has its disadvantages like challenges in acquiring knowledge of a peoples culture, international management is one of the best ways in growing a business as it is based on diversification. Situated in different countries across the globe, Welspun group of companies would find it difficult to find the right people at the right time and with the right skills and talent to carry out various activities. Even if a particular company is acquired, it would be impossible to acquire all its employees as well because that company has entered a whole new level of conducting operations and it is probably answering to a new management (Eisend et al, 2016). The companys strategy for growth involves geographical and product diversification which requires different capabilities to succeed. This makes the process of hiring time consuming especially for the senior team which should comprise professionals who are conversant with the culture, economic, political and business practices of a particular country, for example the chairperson. The growth of the company through globalization is faced by various cultures which may affect the companys development negatively. Leadership and management styles may differ from country to country making it difficult to adopt the most popular strategy for management in the group everywhere, even if it possibly could also be the most rewarding (Adler et al, 2017). The culture of people also affect the manner in which communication takes place in an organization as well as what is communicated. Welspun group of companies therefore would have a problem in adopting different ways of life in order to expand their operations across the globe. Rising Operation Costs Welspun group of companies was founded at a time when technology was not as efficient and as fast changing as today. Based on this fact, the company would have incorporate large amounts of cash in adoption of the modern technology. This is obviously unavoidable if the groups mission is growth and development. As it diversifies its operations into other industries and geographical region it incurs costs in acquiring the needed companies and hiring people with the right skills (Chabowski et al, 2017). Relocation also requires change of the name of the acquired company which could be both costly and time consuming. There could also be a need for a translator incase the management of a certain company speak their native language which also adds up to the total operating cost. It is impossible for the company to predetermine if all these activities will be worth the risk without actually carrying them out. Yes. The ability to spot opportunities all over the globe and its willingness to venture into very risky but highly profitable enterprises is what gives Welspun an edge over its competitors, thus becoming its key success factor. Other than the obvious available opportunities all over the world taking risks creates opportunities of its own, that is it opens an organization up to new possibilities for consideration, thus leading to both external (of the company as whole) and internal growth (of the employees and management). Taking risks aids the group in overcoming the fear of failure meaning that it incorporates confidence in its operations and it is able to pick up after a fall-out (Skarmeas et al, 2016). The group would also be able to comfortably adopt new technology and be free of its comfort zone, which is crucial to growth in all sets of life. Welspun group of companies has also diversified its product by acquisition of different types of companies to ensure growth and development globally. This is very important because there is no certainty that a specific business venture will be successful. In case it fails, therefore, the company would have other sources of income meaning that bankruptcy is not a likely obstacle for the business. Customer satisfaction is also guaranteed as the company taps an opportunity, that is, identifies what is needed and provides it. The group has formed and maintained business relationships with various companies such as Chevron, Walmart and Shell, which is one of the largest petroleum company in the world. It has investments both in the United States and in United Kingdom which are the fastest growing economies in the world thus giving assurance of the groups further expansion. The decision by Welspun group to act as both supplier and manufacturer has enabled it to venture many global markets where its services are required. Yes. The growth strategy for Welspun group of companies is geographical and product diversification. This is a very risky and difficult way of conducting business since it requires various capabilities to succeed (Czinkota et al, 2017). The process is made even more unpleasant by the fact that the group is entering a new geographical area, possibly with different beliefs and ways of life. This growth strategy, however, is made easier by acquisition of small companies in different regions. This makes it easy to diversify the product because the companies acquired often deal with other products such as pipes, infrastructure and energy. Welspun groups growth strategy may be cumbersome and often risky but it has led to a high growth rate of over 30 percent annually. The strategy therefore acts as a good role model for other companies for fast growth and expansion. However, this strategy will not be appropriate for smaller companies who are capable of dealing with only a single product. Small companies often lack a large capital base and therefore it would be next to impossible for them to venture in multiple industries, especially those that require a high capital investment such as power and pipeline. They are also based in one geographical location and have no interest in diversifying to other countries, not to mention the fact that even if they wanted to diversify they may not be able to due to the large capital investment required in this process. The groups growth strategy, however, may work very well with large companies that have a heavy capital investment and are willing to expand their businesses to global height at whatever cost. These include manufacturing companies involved in infrastructure and power industries, as well as those that have adopted network marketing as their main growth strategy. Diversification has had the largest impact on Welspuns growth because it has led to maximization of returns from different industries as they do not react the same to similar circumstances. Geographical diversification has enabled the group to open up new markets all over the world for its products which is an important factor in a businesss development. Product diversification makes it possible for the group to satisfy its customers by gearing the product specifications towards customer needs. Diversification minimizes risk. As mention earlier, Welspun group of companies venture in business entities that are very risky. Diversification therefore, ensure that the group obtain long-range financial objectives while minimizing risk. Even if diversification does not guarantee against loss, it ensures the group that its risky investments will not go unrewarded (Li et al, 2014). This is because there are different types of risks and every investment faces different challenges thus with diversification there is assurance of a flow of income. Diversity gives Welspun group of companies competitive advantage. The group identifies an opportunity and is proactive in its efforts to take advantage of it thus increasing its customer base. The groups management is efficient in spotting market gaps all over the world in places that are under-served and investing in them. It aids in building the groups stability. If the group were to concentrate all its efforts in a single industry, product or region, it would be risking volatility in revenue and resources due to the changes in the forces of demand and supply. It would also have to retrench most of its employees if that certain industry faltered or the consumers tastes and preferences changed against that particular product. Losing some clients are a single industry failing is not as destabilizing if the group is diversified. Conclusion In conclusion, it is evident that for any kind of business to succeed especially internationally, it must be ready to take risks and diversify its operations. References Eisend, M., Evanschitzky, H. and Calantone, R.J., 2016. The relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities in influencing new product performance: the moderating role of country institutions.Journal of International Marketing,24(1), pp.41-56. Czinkota, M.R. and Ronkainen, I.A., 2013.International marketing. Cengage Learning. Papadopoulos, N. and Heslop, L.A., 2014.Product-country images: Impact and role in international marketing. Routledge. Li, L., Qian, G. and Qian, Z., 2014. Inconsistencies in international product strategies and performance of high-tech firms.Journal of International Marketing,22(3), pp.94-113. Filipescu, D.A., Prashantham, S., Rialp, A. and Rialp, J., 2013. Technological innovation and exports: Unpacking their reciprocal causality.Journal of International Marketing,21(1), pp.23-38. Skarmeas, D., Zeriti, A. and Baltas, G., 2016. Relationship Value: Drivers and Outcomes in International Marketing Channels.Journal of International Marketing,24(1), pp.22-40. Eisend, M., Evanschitzky, H. and Calantone, R.J., 2016. The relative advantage of marketing over technological capabilities in influencing new product performance: the moderating role of country institutions.Journal of International Marketing,24(1), pp.41-56. Shu, C., Jin, J.L. and Zhou, K.Z., 2017. A Contingent View of Partner Coopetition in International Joint Ventures.Journal of International Marketing. Key, M., Clark, T., Feng, S., Ferrell, O.C., Price, L., Stewart, D. and Rajaratnam, D., 2017. Is the Marketing Function Influential or Not? We Should Really Be the Ones to Know!. InCreating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends(pp. 591-594). Springer, Cham. Adler, N.J. and Graham, J.L., 2017. Cross-cultural Interaction: The International Comparison Fallacy?. InLanguage in International Business(pp. 33-58). Springer International Publishing. Czinkota, M.R. and Kaufmann, H.R., 2017. Structured Abstract: An Integration of the Curative International Marketing Construct. InCreating Marketing Magic and Innovative Future Marketing Trends(pp. 831-835). Springer, Cham. Chabowski, B.R., Samiee, S. and Hult, G.T.M., 2017. Cross-national research and international business: An interdisciplinary path.International Business Review,26(1), pp.89-101.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
10 High Paying Entry Level Construction Jobs (No Degree Required)
10 High Paying Entry Level Construction Jobs (No Degree Required) Want to work a job in construction, but don’t have your college degree? If this is you, then you can get very satisfying work that you may find quite rewarding, albeit physically demanding. Here are the 10 highest paying entry level construction jobs that only require a high school diploma. Some of these jobs might even hire you with just a GED. Construction work is actually higher paid than most jobs that don’t require a college education. So go ahead, make some money.1. Solar voltaic installationThe median pay is just over $40k or so per year. This technology- installing solar panels on roofs and structures- will only get more popular, and jobs more plentiful.2. CarpentryAn oldie but a goodie. Median pay is just under $41k per year to do this classic construction work framing and finishing buildings and other structures.3. Equipment operationMedian pay for this is just under $43k per year. This heavy machinery is very dangerous to operate, so you make a bit more. B ut if you have the necessary skills and training, go for it.4. Sheet metal workMedian pay for sheet metal work is just above $45k per year. If metal is your medium, this work might be for you.5. IronworkMake median pay of just over $45k per year working with iron and structural steel.6. Plumbing, pipefitting, steamfittingMedian pay for this line of work is upwards of $50k per year, and can cover piping needs for waste, water, gas lines, etc.7. ElectricalElectricians make upwards of $51k per year in median pay. If wiring and lighting are strong points for you, this is a lucrative gig.8. InspectingConstruction and building inspectors make a median wage of over $56k per year, and are a crucial part of making sure that codes are being followed to the letter.9. BoilermakingBoilermakers can pull in just under $60k per year in median pay installing and repairing boilers and other systems that handle gases and liquids.10. Elevator installation and repairLiterally rise to the top, with a median annual salary over $78k. It’s the highest paid construction gig around, and worth getting in at the ground floor†¦ so to speak.
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Stamp Act essays
Stamp Act essays In the spring of 1765, Parliament enacted another tax on Americans, the Stamp Act. This legislation required all valid legal documents, as well as newspapers, playing cards, and various other papers, to bear a government issued stamp, for which there was a charge. The Sugar Act, though intended to raise revenue, appeared to fall within Britains accepted authority to regulate commerce; Stamp Act, by contrast, was the first internal tax (as opposed to an external trade duty) that Parliament had imposed on the colonies. Grenville, a lawyer, realized that it raised a constitutional issue: Did Parliament have the right to impose direct taxes on Americans when Americans had no elected representatives in Parliament? Following the principle of virtual representation that members of Parliament served the interests of the nation as a whole, not just the locality from which they came Grenville maintained that it did. Americans he would faid, vigorously disagreed, and so did some members of P arliament. One, Colonel Isaac Barre, who had served in the colonies, opposed the Stamp Act and referred to Americans as Sons of Liberty a label Americans would soon adopt for themselves. Unlike the Sugar Act, the Stamp Act had an equal impact throughout the colonies, and the response to it was swift and vociferous. Newspapers and pamphlets were filled with denunciations of the supposedly unconstitutional measure, and in taverns everywhere outraged patrons roundly condemned it. The minds of the freeholders, wrote one observer, were many a hearty damn of the Stamp Act over bottles, bowls, and glasses. Parliament, Americans were convinced, did nor represent them. Its members did not share their economic interests and would not pay the taxes that they imposed on Americans. Parliament therefore could not legitimate tax Americans. The colonial legislatures were also quick to ...
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Psychoanalytic Treatment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Psychoanalytic Treatment - Case Study Example At the time of the beginning of the writing, he was in his late 60's. Despite this, and the rather difficult demands which travelling to see the doctor placed on Piggle and her parents, the patient herself often demanded to see the doctor, and from an early fate, she talked to him (and he to her) as though Winnicott was a familiar part of the family; Winnicott himself described the parent's visits, and Gabrielle's later insistence on seeing him, as "Psychoanalysis on Demand" (Winnicott, 1991 page XV). This treatment system is relies upon the patient's own demands for help, as and when it is required by them. Winnicott also noted the problems with this system, particularly where the patient cannot be accommodated: The difficulties of being available to the patient, while not simply a puppet to be called on a whim, may present and interesting dilemma, as the system does depend on the whims of the patient, but Winnicott felt that this was a better solution to the needs of the patient than a weekly session "of doubtful value, falling between the two stools and preventing really deep work from being done" (Winnicott, 1991, page 3). The progress of Winnicott's treatment of Gabrielle, with an apparently happy outcome is a very interesting tale from a psychoanalytical perspective. Firstly, Winnicott did not see Gabrielle in a series of fixed sessions, but according to Gabrielle's own desires, and Winnicott describes their last session as "More like a visit from a friend to a friend" (Winnicott, 1991, page 195). Secondly, the treatment appeared to satisfy the parents, who received back the child they had seemingly lost; and Gabrielle herself seemed very satisfied with the treatment, and the troubles which she had had at the beginning were apparently ended through the analysis. This, of course, was not a course proscribed by the doctor; indeed, three years seems a very much longer period than that taken by Freud in the treatment of his patients; and no-one would suggest that the return-visit by Dora, for example, was the visiting of a friend to a friend. The gradual development of the girl, from someone who clearly exhibited a number of anxiety responses, including bad dreams and depression, to a schoolgirl who was seen at the age of 5 as very happy, at age 8 as 'very competent at her work" (Winnicott, page 200), and with what were seen as proper feminine ambitions: to be a teacher, to grow plants; however, and her parents consider that Her inner independence of judgement, and also perhaps a way Of being in touch with people on many wave-lengths, make Me wonder whether thesatisfying experience of being Understood on a deep level may not be continuing. (Winnicott, page 200). However, her conceptions about what were actually happening in the analysis may not have been that of an adult patient; Gabrielle clearly did not feel "Under Analysis", instead, she described her visits to the doctor as occurring when he was writing his autobiography, and that "He used to write and I used to play" (Winnicott, page 201). It may be an interesting question to consider whether the child benefited so much from psychoanalysis as the chance to play and talk away from her
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Remote Sensing Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Remote Sensing Project - Research Paper Example They also encompass chemical sensors that are used to analyze the intensity of elements in the air, biological sensors are useful in USGS in scientific research is the initials for United States Geological Survey. Scientist who use the United States Geological Survey have the capability of capturing the landscape and learning more about its natural resources and anything else that harms it. USGS focuses on land, its use and change, ecosystems, minerals, energy, natural hazards and environmental health. Drones can be used in scientific research both during the day and night. An object can be observed, measured and identified without direct contact with the satellite. Some of the remote sensing data include multispectral data, satellite imagery, space sensing and digital elevation data. In this process of observing the earth, one needs a device called a USGS earth explorer, (Lillesand, pg.87). In this case, the earth’s data such as maps, satellite data, and land cover products are searched and found online. Remote sensing images are put in digital images. In order for the researcher to be able to get the information that he or she wants, image processing has to be done so as to get the visual interpretation of the image. (Campbell, pg.113). Commercial aerial surveillance is a major area where this topic has been applied previously. This function has been known to enhance security in homes, wildfire mapping, pipeline issues, in roads and when conducting anti-piracy. All objects on earth can be automatically detected and by this doing a scientist is able to achieve his objectives, (James, pg 200). Drones have both biometric and facial recognition systems and therefore are able to recognize a person from a height of 1500 feet. They are used in this case to patrol above 400 feet to prevent possibilities of unlawful immigration or terrorists attack from a countries
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Travel and Tourism Essay Example for Free
Travel and Tourism Essay Air cabin crew members make sure that airline passengers have a comfortable, safe and pleasant flight. Air cabin crew member must be polite, well-spoken and have a positive approach. Main duties responsibilities The job of a pilot comes with heavy responsibility and personal commitment. There is more to the role than just flying the plane, which has to be done safely and economically, and tasks can typically include: ensuring all information on the route, ensuring all safety systems are working carrying out pre-flight checks on the navigation and operating systems communicating with air traffic control before take-off. Tasks may vary slightly depending on whether it is a short or long-haul flight and the size of the team you are working in. However, they typically include: Attending a pre-flight briefing, during which air cabin crew are assigned their working positions for the upcoming flight. Crew are also informed of flight details, the schedule and if there are passengers with any special requirements, such as diabetic passengers, passengers in wheelchairs or the number of infants on board; carrying out pre-flight duties, including checking the safety equipment, ensuring the aircraft is clean and tidy, ensuring that information in the seat pockets is up to date and that all meals and stock are on board; welcoming passengers on board and directing them to their seats; informing passengers of the aircraft safety procedures and ensuring that all hand luggage is securely stored away; checking all passenger seat belts and galleys are secure prior to take-off; making announcements on behalf of the pilot and answering passenger questions during the flight; serving meals and refreshments to passengers; Entry requirements: Qualifications You would usually start your career as a first officer after gaining at least an Airline Transport Pilots License. This is first awarded as a part time ATL, which allows you to fly as a first officer. When you have completed enough flying hours you can apply for a full ATPL and qualify as an airline captain. You must be at least 21 years old to have a full ATPL. You will need to pass a thorough medical check. You should be physically fit, and have good hearing, eyesight and color-normal vision. Several universities offer courses in air transport and operations with pilot training options. Some of these allow you to study up to frozen ATPL level. In most cases, you will have to pay for the flight training modules yourself. A degree or HND/foundation degree is not required for entry into work as a cabin crew member. Instead, most airlines require a good secondary education, with some asking for grade C or above in English and Maths. Skills To become an airline pilot, you will need to have: the ability to follow spoken instructions from air traffic control the ability to give clear, confident instructions to crew members and passengers good teamwork skills the ability to work with technology good hand-to-eye coordination the ability to read maps and 3D displays good written communication skills The ability to remain calm, and take charge in an emergency. flexibility in working unsocial hours on any day of the year; To become a cabin crew member, you will need to have: communication skills; confidence in dealing with a range of people; the ability to work as a team member (different teams may be worked with every day) and be supportive of colleagues; competence in handling difficult situations and the ability to remain calm under pressure and in emergency situations; the ability to be tactful and diplomatic but also assertive when necessary; commercial awareness and sales skills; flexibility in working unsocial hours on any day of the year; the ability to work quickly and efficiently, often to tight time constraints; numeracy skills for handling cash, including foreign currency; The ability to work in a confined space. Personal qualities Pilots need to display a very special blend of personal characteristics: maturity, commitment, a technical aptitude and interest, determination to succeed, self-motivation and willingness to take on responsibility. The qualities of a good cabin crew are approachability, warm personality, sincerity, honesty, having a humble disposition, friendliness, discipline, stable emotion, having good listening skills, rule oriented, being organised, having a cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding, adaptability, assertiveness, dedication to details and having a good sense of humour. Some airlines look for air cabin crew who can speak a second language and this will be essential if you want to be based in an overseas location. Experience Pilots must be at least 21 years old and have full ATPL and have a certain amount of flying hours to start flying. They will need to pass a thorough medical check. To become a cabin crew memebr, you would be given basic training lasting between four and six weeks. This covers: security, customs and immigration regulations; safety and emergency procedures; first aid; customer relations and passenger care; currency exchange; food preparation and service, and galley management; Personal grooming (appearance). After this you would normally have a trial period of three to six months. During this time your performance would be checked by trainers or senior crew members. You would have to pass regular exams to test your knowledge of safety and emergency procedures, and to make sure you meet official first aid requirements. Other factors, e.g. location, CRB disclosures, driving licence It is recommended that before candidates you begin any training you take the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Class One Medical. It is a requirement that all airline pilots pass this medical, and if they do not, they will not be able to complete the training to achieve the ATPL. Criminal record checks can play a key role in your personnel security regime, both at the pre-employment stage and as a tool in personnel security aftercare. The Department for Transport) requires a basic criminal record disclosure for certain roles. This shows unspent convictions only. Candidates also must be able to swim for 25m unaccompanied. Cabin Crew candidates must go through a CRB check. To be successful candidates must not have a criminal record and in some cases not even a caution. Candidates also must be able to swim for 25m unaccompanied. Depending on what airline you work for, you must hold a driving license e.g. Flybe require candidates to have a valid driving licence. Progression: Opportunities for promotion progression Newly qualified pilots start with an airline as a copilot, where they will be second in command on the aircraft. The captain has the overall responsibility for the flight and safety of the passengers and crew but shares tasks with the copilot. With enough hours and experience copilots will be able to progress to the role as a captain. With experience air cabin crew members could get promoted to pursers. As the purser, you would ensure that all crew within your cabin deliver the highest level of customer service. You would also give feedback on their performance and try to boost sales of duty-free items. Training Pilots training to reach the frozen ATPL level could take between nine and 36 months, depending on which entry route they follow. It may take less time if you already have a Private Pilots License, Commercial Pilots License or experience in the armed forces. Training will include: flight principles navigation and communications meteorology operational procedures aviation law use of flight simulators and flying real aircraft. During the training period, you would learn basic flying skills and usually work towards frozen ATPL. You must complete a minimum 195 hours flying time to achieve this. There isn’t a strict education required for becoming an air hostess (besides a GCSE level in English and Maths for most companies), but taking cabin crew training will increase your chance of being hired. Some courses will provide you with training which is similar to the cabin crew training you would receive from an airline company. This gives you a benefit over those who didn’t have some relevant training, which will likely make you stand out of the crowd. Further higher education Pilots would normally start work as a co-pilot (first officer) alongside a training captain on short-haul flights. This would give them maximum experience of take offs and landings. A full ATPL is normally awarded after 1500 flying hours, with at least 500 of these as a co-pilot. Eventually you could become a fully qualified captain. A range of further training courses are also available, which introduce candidates to skills and recruitment processes. Such courses often have useful links to major recruiters and can be an advantage, but do not guarantee entry to the profession. Factors to consider: E.g. seasonality, temporary, fixed-term contracts. Most seasons start in October and go through May-July so you missed this season. Contracts vary from fixed and temporary. If you have a temporary contract, airlines could go on to terminate your contract or offer you a permanent contract. Contracts vary from fixed and temporary. If you have a temporary contract, they could go on to terminate your contract or offer you a permanent contract. Working hours Your working hours would be linked to flight destinations and could include nights, weekends and public holidays. Working hours are strictly regulated for safety reasons. The amount of time you spend away from home would vary. On UK and European routes, you may be able to return home every evening. Flights further away would often involve overnight stays or longer. If so, your employer would provide you with accommodation. You would work shifts that include weekends, nights and public holidays. The amount of time you would spend away from home would vary depending on the flight routes that you work on. You would be expected to be neat and smart, and your company would provide you with a uniform. The work can be physically demanding, as you would spend a lot of time on your feet and work in small spaces like the kitchen galley. Bad weather could make it uncomfortable in the aircraft. Level of pay A pilot’s level of pay may vary from  £21,000 to  £75,000 depending on experience and level of flying hours. Starting salaries can be between  £12,000 and  £14,000 a year. With experience, this rises to between  £15,000 and  £21,000 a year. Senior crew can earn up to  £25,000 a year. Overtime and flight allowances can increase salaries. Perks As well as getting to fly to either domestic or international destinations as part of their job, airplane pilots get big discounts on personal air travel. Many also enjoy discounts on personal car rentals and hotel rooms through their employers. These benefits can be for life and often extend to other family members. Pilots also enjoy free hotel accommodations when they have to stay away from home overnight. Cabin crew members are provided with free accommodation. You can get cheaper flights for friends and family depending on the airline. The major perk to being cabin crew. For the lucky few that get long haul flights then they will normally stopover in the country you are going too. The airlines will normally put you up in a 4 or 5 star hotel plus whilst you are there you are free to do as you wish. As well as all this you also get paid for it.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Alexander The Great: Shaping A World Essay -- essays research papers
Alexander The Great was born in Macedonia in the year 356 B.C., several hundred years before Christ and even before the rise of Rome. Despite this fact he is still a topic of discussion and study more than two millennium later for a plethora of reasons. His insight and ability on the field of battle has made him a shining example of how to conduct the art of war. He has been studied for centuries by both military journals and colleges. He has also kept the scholars of this world as busy as well. His choices to build cities and centers for learning and the preservation of knowledge such as the library at Alexandria have been able to provide work for generations of archaeologists and other scholars. His image over the years has been one that is almost impossible to describe. He has been cast as tyrant, alcoholic, and Christ figure. It is impossible to explore the later facets of Alexander’s life without at least glimpsing the years of his childhood and early adulthood. Born to Phillip II of Macedonia and Olympias, Alexander was heir to the throne of Macedonia. Probably the most important influence in his young life was the tutoring he received from Aristotle and Leonidas starting around the age of thirteen. By Aristotle Alexander was imbued with an incredible background in science, literature, and rhetoric all of which would serve him well in the future. Though they did not always have like minds on subjects of policy it is clear that Alexander always kept his teachers musings in mind. Unfortunately his final reward for his teacher was the execution of Aristotle’s nephew Callisthenes many years later. Leonidas, was hired by Philip II to train and discipline Alexander’s body. He sent Alexander on frequent all night marches and rationed his food. Alexander’s schooling with his two teac hers continued until he was 16 years old. Alexander’s father Phillip, growing quite tired of his wife Olympias’ antics, chose to marry another woman. The woman he chose was Cleopatra, the niece of one of his commanders Attalus. During the wedding feast Attalus is said to have remarked that perhaps now Phillip would produce a legitimate heir to the throne. The strong spirited Alexander leapt to his feet demanding to know the meaning of this insult. Phillip, Alexander’s own father, stood with his sword drawn, prepared to defend his new father-in-law’s honor and immediately tripped t... ... Encarta ’98 Encyclopedia, 1997. Adams, Lindsay W. and Borza, Eugene N. Phillip II, Alexander the Great and the Macedonian Heritage. Washington D.C., 1982 Badian, E.. Studies In Greek And Roman History. Oxford, 1964 Bosworth, A.B.. A HistoricalCommentary on Arrians History of Alexander, Volume I. Oxford, 1980 Bosworth, A.B.. A Cut Too Many? Occams Razor and Alexander’s Footguard. The Ancient History Bulletin, 11.2-3 (1997), pp.47-56. Brunt, P.A.. Arrian History of Alexander and Indica I. Boston, 1976 Carlsen, J. (ed). Alexander the Great: reality and myth. Rome, 1993. Dodge, T.A.. Alexander a history of the origin and growth of the art of war from the earliest times to the battle of Ispus, 301 BC. New York, 1996. Milns, R.D.. Alexander the Great. New York, 1969. Popovic, J.J.. Alexander the Great, online: available at: Sbarounis, C.N.. Did Alexander the Great Die of Acute Pancreatitis? Journal Of Clinical Gastroenterology, 24(4), 1997, pp. 294-296. Snyder, John William. Alexander the Great. New York, 1966 Tarn, W.W.. Alexander the Great. Boston, 1968. Thomas, K.R.. A Psychoanalytic Study of Alexander the Great. Psychoanalytical Review, 82(6), 1995, pp. 859-901.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Exposure to Conflicting Ideals Can Weaken a Person’s Sense of Self Essay
Standing at a crossroad, some turn left while others turn right. Will you still choose to go straight even if nobody chooses so? Will you still believe in your beliefs if your values are being strongly challenged by the main stream? The ideal statement is that one should be steadfast in his/her beliefs! However, in reality, exposure to conflicting ideals can cause people to lose sense of self. To settle the conflicting ideals in order to belong predicates to sacrifice one’s own beliefs. As human beings are primary gregarious animals, the impulse to belong is strong. One, who holds different values, will feel alienation from the majority. Consequently, he or she needs to succumb to the main stream in the certain group which he or she wants to belong in order to gain acceptance. Hence, the original, or say the true images of them are obliterated and transferred to fake, too, unstable images. Theresa McTerry, one of the characters in Bombshell written by Joanna Murray-Smith, is so an example of such kinds of people who sacrifice their own identities for the sake of social acceptance and validation. Theresa lives in the contemporary world which has witnessed much advancement, yet, she holds a bygone tradition which she persists can provide her the sameness with other women in society. Her fear of the alienation overwhelms her limited understanding of the dark undercurrents that lie beneath the surface of the failed marriage. In the conflicts of feminism and the male-orientated tradition, Theresa, along with those women through the man-dominated ages, has compromised their own identities for the chance to belong to the hallowed institute of marriage. For some, being constantly exposed under public scrutiny can distract their expectations to social expectations. For the sociable animals who also need to seek for individual fulfillments, human beings always find it hard to achieve the twin goals of social cooperation and personal satisfaction. Facing the conflicts between these two, people always tend to let the social expectation play the role of self-expectation as they care more about the affirmation from other people in the same group or the society. No doubt, this can promote an inevitable loss of self. Meryl Louise Davenport, another character in Bombshell, who pursues the traditional domestic roles, only creates herself a fragmented existence in which she has no room to reflect her own life. The performance of an adequate mother as well as a lovable wife is, from her perspective, a constant appraisal by the public, children, teachers, and by other mothers. At the constant bombardment of expectations of women from the society, Meryl, a woman, mother and consumer, is bewildered and has a fragmented view of self. To sum up, individuals are likely to assimilate themselves to the majority when experience some sorts of conflicts. In the purpose either to belong or to satisfy others’ expectation, conformity always seems to be essential for people to cooperate in groups and society. Hence, ego identity for each individual is always attenuated when exposed to controversial ideals.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
William Shakespeare s Henry Iv - 1328 Words
Throughout the play Henry IV part 1, Shakespeare was able to depict the concept of honor through many different individuals. Three main characters that Shakespeare choose to display the concept of honor are Prince Hal, Hotspur and Falstaff. However, each of these characters interpret the word â€Å"honor†differently. Hotspur has an obsession with honor and believes it’s one of the most important roles a leader has to show. He relates honor to the duties that he serves on the battlefield and repetition. While Falstaff believes that honor is a word that only stays with people who have died, therefore he finds no importance in seeking honor. Prince Hal was able to find a balance between the two which allowed him to show key features in a leader†¦show more content†¦However, he has defeated Archibald and taken prisoners which included few with high political status.Including Mordake, Earl of Fife, and the leader of Archibald’s eldest son. King Henry then b egins to express how impressed he is of Hotspurs achievements. â€Å"In envy that my Lord Northumberland should be the father to so blest son: A son who is the theme of honor’s tongue.†Within this statement the King is implying that Hotspurs father (Northumberland) is blessed to have such a successful and fearless son, and that he is a perfect example of a man with honor. This truly shapes the concept of honor that Hotspur takes on through the rest of the play. Since he has now been so honored by the King for his bloodthirsty acts on the battlefield Hotspur nearly became brainwashed and allowed his words to shape his every thought. He then made a plan to ransom Mortimer. In which the King soon refused to do. Hotspur viewed this as a dishonorable action of the King so he then seeked out to overthrow the King with Northumberland and Worcester to regain the honor that was lost through the Kings mistreatment to him. This shows that Hotspur believes he will gain honor by fighting in battles, and even if he dies he still would die with great honor. Hotspur goes on to say â€Å"To pluck bright honor from the pale-faced moon, or dive into the bottom of the deep.†This projects how far Hotspur is
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