Friday, December 27, 2019
Biology Prefixes and Suffixes -penia
The suffix (-penia) means to lack or to have a deficiency. It is derived from the Greek penà a for poverty or need. When added to the end of a word, (-penia) often indicates a specific type of deficiency. Words Ending With: (-penia) Calcipenia (calci-penia): Calcipenia is the condition of having an insufficient amount of calcium in the body. Calcipenic rickets is commonly caused by a deficiency of vitamin D or calcium and results in the softening or weakening of bones.Chloropenia (chloro-penia): A deficiency in the concentration of chloride in the blood is called chloropenia. It may result from a diet poor in salt (NaCl).Cytopenia (cyto-penia): A deficiency in the production of one or more types of blood cells is called cytopenia. This condition may be caused by liver disorders, poor kidney function, and chronic inflammatory diseases.Ductopenia (ducto-penia): Ductopenia is a reduction in the number of ducts in an organ, typically the liver or gall bladder.Enzymopenia (enzymo-penia): The condition of having an enzyme deficiency is called enzymopenia.Eosinopenia (eosino-penia): This condition is characterized by having abnormally low numbers of eosinphils in the blood. Eosinophils are white blood cells that bec ome increasingly active during parasitic infections and allergic reactions.Erythropenia (erythro-penia): A deficiency in the numbers of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood is called erythropenia. This condition may result from blood loss, low blood cell production, or red blood cell destruction.Granulocytopenia (granulo-cyto-penia): A significant decrease in the numbers of granulocytes in the blood is termed granulocytopenia. Granulocytes are white blood cells that include neutrophils, eosinophils, and basophils.Glycopenia (glyco-penia): Glycopenia is sugar deficiency in an organ or tissue, usually caused by low blood sugar.Kaliopenia (kalio-penia): This condition is characterized by having insufficient concentrations of potassium in the body.Leukopenia (leuko-penia): Leukopenia is an abnormally low white blood cell count. This condition poses an increased risk in infection, as the immune cell count in the body is low.Lipopenia (lipo-penia): Lipopenia is a deficiency in the number of lipids in the body.Lymphopenia (lympho-penia): This condition is characterized by a deficiency in the number of lymphocytes in the blood. Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are important to cell-mediated immunity. Lymphocytes include B cells, T cells, and natural killer cells.Monocytopenia (mono-cyto-penia): Having an abnormally low monocyte count in the blood is called monocytopenia. Monocytes are white blood cells that include macrophages and dendritic cells.Neuroglycopenia (neuro-glyco-penia): Having a deficiency in glucose (sugar) levels in the brain is termed neuroglycopenia. Low glucose levels in the brain disrupts neuron function and if prolonged, can lead to tremors, anxiety, sweating, coma, and death.Neutropenia (neutro-penia): Neutopenia is a condition characterized by having low numbers of infection-fighting white blood cells called neutrophils in the blood. Neutrophils are one of the first cells to travel to an infection site and actively kill pathogens.Ost eopenia (osteo-penia): The condition of having lower than normal bone mineral density, which may lead to osteoporosis, is called osteopenia.Phosphopenia (phospho-penia): Having a phosphorus deficiency in the body is termed phosphopenia. This condition may result from an abnormal excretion of phosphorus by the kidneys.Sarcopenia (sarco-penia): Sarcopenia is the natural loss of muscle mass associated with the aging process.Sideropenia (sidero-penia): The condition of having abnormally low iron levels in the blood is known as sideropenia. This may result from blood loss or iron deficiency in the diet.Thrombocytopenia (thrombo-cyto-penia): Thrombocytes are platelets, and thrombocytopenia is the condition of having an abnormally low platelet count in the blood.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Article Review On Body Detox - 1225 Words
Body Detox - Three Common Mistakes To Avoid By Ntathu Allen | Submitted On March 13, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Ntathu Allen If you are feeling sluggish and in need of an energy boost, then a body detox is often a good way to cleanse and energise your system. As a yoga teacher, students often share that they started a detox yet for various reasons, failed to complete the required days. So, to avoid falling into this trap, here are the top three common mistakes students make when on a detox and, suggestions how you can use to avoid making these mistakes which will help you stick to your detox programme. When Was Your Last Body MOT? Your body is a marvellous piece of machinery, yet it is so easy to take the body for granted and not realise how important it is to give it a cleanse and service. You wash and condition your hair, cleanse your face, steam clean your oven, take your car in for a yearly MOT and regular service, yet when it comes to your inner body, it gets a poor deal. When did you last have a whole body MOT? Your lymph system and liver do an excellent job but the environment we live in and quality of foods eaten means the body is oftenShow MoreRelatedBad Science, By Ben Goldacre1920 Words  | 8 PagesBen Goldacre, the author of Bad Science, begins dismantling scientific claims with the notion of detox. Goldacre argues that the idea of a â€Å"detox†does not exist, specifically not in a medical textbook (Goldacre, 11). It is rather a whole new physiological process that is created by marketers, lifestyle gurus, and alternative therapists. The concept of detox is rather a marketing invention , and due to its lack of scientific meaning, it can be described more as a cultural product (Goldacre, 12). HowRead MoreEffects Of Heroin On A Person s Brain1583 Words  | 7 Pagesillegal, highly addictive drug. It is both the most abused and the most rapidly acting of the opiates. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of certain varieties of poppy plant This literature review looks at heroin and the devastating effects, the consequences and aftermath of heroin, Since many heroin users often become addicted, it is important to look at its Beginning with a brief history of the substance, treatment options for those thatRead MoreHeroin Addiction : A Growing Epidemic1474 Words  | 6 Pagesopioid as well, so there is also a chance of dependence with taking it. With that being said, since you are just replacing one opioid with another, it is administered in a supervised clinic, which requires frequent visits to the clinic. In one article they talk about how there is an alternative treatment that they are almost positive that it will be effective, it is called Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS). â€Å"This surgical procedure involves stereotactic placement of an electrode lead into subcorticalRead MoreHow to Quit Smoking872 Words  | 4 Pagestherapy, non-medication therapy, and cold turkey. Lets start with the first one, medication therapy. * Body 1  Medication therapy, is used to wean you off nicotine by replacing the very high concentrations of nicotine you get from smoking with much lower doses delivered more slowly. 1. Nicotine inhalers are one form of medication therapy. According to an article in (Chain Drug Review.) The Nicotrol Inhaler is used to help you quit smoking by reducing your urge to smoke. 2. Pills areRead MoreEffects Of Alcoholism On The American Medical Association1016 Words  | 5 Pages Assignment: Literature review Topic: Addiction to alcohol Instructor: Vanda Wark Literature Review Definition of alcoholism: According to the American medical association alcoholism is a chronic disease with genetic, psychosocial and environmental factors influencing development and manifestations. Alcoholism has had a tremendous impact on the human condition and its relationship to society. The evolution of alcoholism, its behavior and quality of life impact will be addressed; as wellRead MoreThe Ethics Of The Body Shop1780 Words  | 8 PagesMuch of the drive of The Body Shop comes from its values system, and is summarized in the Values Report. The company believes it has a moral responsibility to be open and honest about what it does, and face up things which need to be improved. In this report the company reviews all actions it takes in the social, political and environmental arenas, and proposes possible actions for the future. The company issues a value report every two to three years, the last one being published in 1997. ThisRead MoreThe Connection Between Psychotropic Drugs And Criminal Justice5455 Words  | 22 Pagesis the misuse of psychiatric drugs. The effects of these drugs and the misuse and misadministration of these drugs has led to a social and criminal justice issue in the United States and it needs to be addressed sooner rather than later. In the article Every mass shooting over the last 20 years has one thing in common?. And it is not guns, Adams discovered over the last 20 years, mass shootings suicide and in isolated shootings the one thing that has been found in the majority of the cases the perpetratorRead MoreThe Opioid Crisis And Communities Nationwide3993 Words  | 16 Pagesuser’s self-efficacy by increasing calmness and physical relaxation. Mediation will improve psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. The practices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy. Part II Body of the paper Psychologist Albert Bandura defined self-efficacy as being one s belief in one s ability to be successful in specific circumstances or to achieve a certain task. An individual’s sense of self-efficacyRead MoreResearch Assignment . 15. Alyssa Swartz. May 2, 2017. Criminal3997 Words  | 16 Pagesuser’s self-efficacy by increasing calmness and physical relaxation. Mediation will improve psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being. The practices of mind and body focus the interactions among the brain, body, behavior, and spiritual energy. Part II Body of the paper Psychologist Albert Bandura defined self-efficacy as being one s belief in one s ability to be successful in specific circumstances or to achieve a certain task. An individual’s sense of self-efficacyRead MoreSugar s Effect On The Brain Essay2364 Words  | 10 Pagesso they need a steady supply of glucose. More than 20% of the body s daily energy intake is used by the brain(â€Å"How Does the Brain Use Food as Energy?†). Moderate glucose is not really the problem for hurting the brain it actually fuels it. However, fructose on the other hand is damaging. Fructose is also a simple sugar but the difference is that it can only be metabolized by liver cells for energy. This means it takes longer for the body to use fructose than glucose. Elevated blood fructose leads
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
HRM Issues
Question: Critically analyse trends and issues in HRM in modern organisations, and to identify how and why the organisation can benefit from applying best practice standards both financially and non-financially, taking into account stakeholder concerns. Answer: Introduction Team work is a very effective way of dealing with a task. Cooperation and coordination among the members in a team oust the best result which a person cannot bring out individually. Efficient team working among the students is the best way to mutually analyse, understand and deal with a case study. Stages of team work Functioning of a team requires some time. A team has to go through certain stages before it can be expected to deliver its best. The stages through which a team goes before functioning properly and cooperatively are as follows: Forming: This is the first stage in which the students gather together and understand their tasks and role in the team. Storming: This stage is an important stage in which the ideas emerge from the students minds. Students often come out with different ideas and in this stage there is a high possibility of conflicts and differences among the students. In this stage the students mutually eliminate the differences and agree on concurring suggestions. Norming: In this stage the students divide among themselves the mutually agreed roles each has to perform while working in the team. They also decide upon what should be done and how it is to be done. Performing: In this stage the students perform their roles efficiently and finally come out with positive outcomes through coordinate team working (Redick et al. 2014). Skills required for a team work The skills required for performing well through a team work are as follows: Openness: The students need to come out openly and communicate their ideas, doubts and clarifications openly and frankly. Once the students are able to overcome their hesitation to speak in front of their team members, they will be able to develop a good understanding among themselves which eventually will reflect in their results (Dietz et al. 2014). Honesty: Honesty is an important aspect of team working. The honesty of the members in a team helps to build a trust and belief among the team members and consequently they are able to perform better (Amos and Klimoski 2014). Support: Members may find it difficult to perform their individual roles while working in a group. Support from the other team members is essential to boost the performance of each other (Amos and Klimoski 2014). Respect: Respect towards each other is very important to carry on the team work. Disrespect towards a member brings down his morale and eventually leads him to take an exit from the group (Dietz et al. 2014). In the given case study relating to the Royal Thai Hotel, the students have formed into groups and undertaken their tasks in a well organised and systematic manner. The case involved a detailed study about the managerial functioning of the Royal Thai Hotel. Though the students have been able to come out with positive solutions regarding the questions related to the case study but the method of team work has suffered from certain shortcomings as well. Shortcomings of team work Domination by certain team members: Often certain members tend to dominate others in a group with their voice and ideas. The dominating members expect other to work in way according to their wants and wishes. This creates a situation where the other members do their tasks unwillingly and they fail to show their creativity and innovation. Eventually it has a negative impact on the result. Domination can never be entertained in a team as all team members are equal and they are ought to be treated equally. A good leader never dominates the other members but he is mostly soft spoken and give full liberty and opportunity to others to show their innovation and creativity (Janssens and Zanoni 2014). Unequal participation: Equal participation by all members and equivalent level of dedication is mandatory for successful team work. The total burden of team work cannot be imposed upon few members and all of them are ought to share equal responsibility while working in a team. The reluctance of few members in a team may affect efficient team working and ultimately leads to negative outcomes (Tausczik and Pennebaker 2013). Inability to solve clash of ideas: Sometimes a member tends to outshine the rest and in the process end up attempting to lead all others to follow his ideas. The other working in the team may not welcome such attitude and ultimately it leads to clash of ideas. This creates a disharmony among the members and the members seem divided and separated from each other. In very unfortunate cases it may also lead to create some personal conflicts among the members. This is the worst thing that can happen in a team and it completely defeats the purpose for which the test was created in the first place (Sharma 2015). Blame game: While working in team a situation may come when things may get wrong. In such situation members tend to blame each other for the fault rather than finding out a mutual solution. These circumstances deteriorate the team value and members may also end up fighting with each other and denies to further work in the team (Maxwell 2013). Egoistic approach: While working in a team one has to leave his ego behind. It cannot be expected that an idea emerging from a members mind will be accepted by all. More ideas emerge with the inclusion of more members in a team. Listening to everyones ideas is essential for carrying out the team work. But the one with egos tend not to welcome the ideas of others and this cause problem. It breaks the coordination in the team and consequently the team faisl to achieve the end for which it was formed (Li et al. 2014). Recommendation Guide for every teams: There has to be a guide for every team who would solve the inner conflicts and grudges among the members in a team. Whenever a situation arise where members feel separated or disconnected from each other, it shall be the responsibility of the guide to immediately call a meeting and address all the issues of the members so that a common solution may be found. The guide needs to act impartially and give equal opportunities to all of being heard. This would decrease quarrels among the members and lead to a better team work. Inclusion of less members in a team: Team should be composed of less members. This would lessen the number of ideas emerging from the team members and eventually there would be less possibility of clash among the members. In a team with less members, all would be able to work more efficiently because they would be aware of the fact that the roles which have assigned to them have to be done by them only. Inclusion of more members in a team make some members reluctant and less hard working because they form a belief that if they do not perform their roles, the same roles would be performed by someone else in the team. Therefore less members in a team would obviously persuade the members to undertake their tasks more seriously and efficiently (Belbin 2012). Need of a good team leader Team leader has to play a vital role for proper functioning of the team and leading the members towards yielding a good result. The success or failure of a team depends on the kind of team leader it has. A good team leader bears responsibility for the direct outcome of a team effort, he motivates his members for giving their best efforts. He stands by the members and inspires them to work with utmost sincerity and dedication. If any conflict arises between two members, a good team leader reconciles the issue and restore peace in the team. Without a good team leader, good performance of a team is not expectable (Schaubroeck et al. 2016). Proper Division of work The members in a team need to maintain a healthy relationship with each other. Team effort bring colour only when everyone works together. A single member cannot do the work entirely. The members in a team need to share responsibilities among themselves. A proper planning and a proper division of work would undoubtedly yield the best result. For that purpose it is important to identify the strength and weakness of each member. Once the work is divided and the members are given their responsibilities, it becomes easier for them to perform their respective parts and come out with positive outcome (Belbin 2012). Conclusion Team work is the best way to perform a given task. A group has the potential to accomplish more than what an individual alone can accomplish. Team work also helps to save time, since a team performs work more quickly than an individual takes in doing the same work. In a team work, more thoughtful ideas come from the minds of different members which consequently produces a better quality of work. When a team of students undertakes a case study, different students apply their different minds and view the case from different angles. It helps in understanding all aspects of the case study and eventually the students come out with effective solution. But there are some negative aspects of team work as well such as conflicts among the members and unequal participation by the members. The need of a good team leader and proper division of work would definitely combat such challenges and help the team to come out with effective results. References: Amos, B. and Klimoski, R.J., 2014. Courage Making Teamwork Work Well.Group Organization Management,39(1), pp.110-128. Belbin, R.M., 2012.Team roles at work. Routledge. Boud, D., Cohen, R. and Sampson, J. eds., 2014.Peer learning in higher education: Learning from and with each other. Routledge. Costa, P.L., Passos, A.M. and Bakker, A.B., 2014. Team work engagement: A model of emergence.Journal of occupational and organizational psychology,87(2), pp.414-436. Dietz, A.S., Pronovost, P.J., Mendez-Tellez, P.A., Wyskiel, R., Marsteller, J.A., Thompson, D.A. and Rosen, M.A., 2014. A systematic review of teamwork in the intensive care unit: What do we know about teamwork, team tasks, and improvement strategies?.Journal of critical care,29(6), pp.908-914. Janssens, M. and Zanoni, P., 2014. Alternative diversity management: Organizational practices fostering ethnic equality at work.Scandinavian Journal of Management,30(3), pp.317-331. Li, N., Kirkman, B.L. and Porter, C.O., 2014. Toward a model of work team altruism.Academy of Management Review,39(4), pp.541-565. Nancarrow, S.A., Booth, A., Ariss, S., Smith, T., Enderby, P. and Roots, A., 2013. Ten principles of good interdisciplinary team work.Hum Resour Health,11(1), p.19. Redick, A., Reyna, I., Schaffer, C. and Toomey, D., 2014. Four-factor model for effective project leadership competency.Journal of Information Technology and Economic Development,5(1), p.53. Schaubroeck, J., Carmeli, A., Bhatia, S. and Paz, E., 2016. Enabling team learning when members are prone to contentious communication: The role of team leader coaching.Human Relations, p.0018726715622673. Sharma, R., 2015. TEAM CONFLICT: IMPACT AND RESOLUTION FOR ENHANCING SUCCESS OF ORGANIZATION.Journal Impact Factor,6(1), pp.733-739. Tausczik, Y.R. and Pennebaker, J.W., 2013, April. Improving teamwork using real-time language feedback. InProceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems(pp. 459-468). ACM.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Love Canal Tragedy and Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation
Introduction The Love Canal is named after William T. Love, the man who envisioned the idea of creating an 11-km canal between the two sections of the Niagara River to produce electricity for powering his planned city in the 1890s. However, his plan failed and the pit filled with water over the years.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Love Canal Tragedy and Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 1940, Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation purchased the land for use in disposing chemicals. Nearly a decade later, the company had disposed more than 22,000 tons of toxic wastes, and the Love Canal was almost full. The land was later used to build schools and residential homes, and soon, residents started reporting strange odors and the presence of heavy metals. In 1976, heavy rains caused a large amount of chemicals to move to the surface, contaminating the whole area. In the years that followed, the area reported abnormally high rates of stillbirths and miscarriages, and a similar number of babies born with defects. Eventually in 1978, more than 1,000 families were evacuated from the area, and an EPA study found out that of the 36 people tested, 11 had deformed chromosomes, and that of 15 babies born in the area between 1970 and 1980, just 2 were well. In the early morning of August 19, 2006, residents of Abidjan city of Ivory Coast observed trucks with freshly painted logo dumping liquid wastes at various locations within the city, this went on for more than three weeks. A few weeks later, several residents began reporting a fowl smell, and tens of people were said to have died. After several investigations by foreign journalists and the Ivorian government agencies, it was discovered that a Dutch company, Trafigura, had contracted a ship to dispose chemical wastes from its plants in Ivory Coast. The wastes consisted of over 500 tons of a mixture of fu el, caustic soda (Sodium hydroxide), hydrogen sulfide and phenols that Trafigura had failed to dispose in the Netherlands due to high costs. The waste had come from the process of stripping coker gasoline to obtain naphtha. The company had then contracted a ship, Probo Koala, to deliver the wastes in Abidjan, and collaborated with a local company to dispose the wastes throughout Abidjan. The disposal is estimated to have caused the deaths of more than 17 people while close to 40,000 suffered various illnesses after inhaling the harmful gases released by the wastes. Parties Involved Hooker Chemical factory was solely responsible for the Love Canal Tragedy, however, the government was also responsible for failing to carry out conclusive studies on the long-term effects of the wastes on the area as had been done by Dr. Robert Mobbs. Dr. Mobbs had investigated the relation between insecticides and cancer and made his reports public, but the government failed to take it up. Eventually, m illions or dollars were used to clean up the area, with Hooker Company contributing almost $130 million and the rest by the government.Advertising Looking for essay on environmental studies? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More In the Ivorian case, Trafigura was at fault, however, the Dutch government through the port of Amsterdam was also at fault for allowing Trafigura to move the waste back into the Probo Koala after realizing that the disposal fee was too high. Eventually, the Ivorian government and Trafigura paid for the victims’ hospital bills, the clean up exercise and other related expenses. The ‘Superfund’ was created in 1980 to collect funds from gas and chemical companies for use in clean-up processes identical to the Love Canal. A second legislation, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) was passed in 1976 in the US to monitor the disposal of solid wastes and toxic wastes. Superfund is i mplemented under the EPA and has been successful in cases such as the Kaiser Aluminum Chemical Corporation v. Catellus Development Corporation and Kaiser Ganton Technologies v. Quadion Corporation in California (1992) and Illinois (1993) respectively (Zoltowski, 1998). The RCRA has monitored waste disposal in areas such as in the Clean Harbors Environmental Services, Inc. incinerator near Kimball, Nebraska. The Basel Convention failed in Ivory Coast since Trafigura failed to disclose the contents of what it was carrying to port officials, besides, it worked in secrecy with an Ivorian company, Compagnie Tommy, to dispose the wastes in Abidjan without anyone’s knowledge. Corruption must have played a role too. The desire to build more schools and residential areas instigated the Love Canal tragedy. Later, Lois Gibbs, a woman whose family had been affected by the harmful wastes mobilized the Love Canal community and led a campaign to draw the government’s attention to th e matter. This led to the closure of the school. Further studies by the EPA and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry put pressure on the government and Hooker Corporation to act appropriately. Finally, people were moved out of the area and the company and the government worked together in the clean-up exercise and compensation. The Ivorian scenario also had its own set of pressures, mainly from media companies, but beginning with the company’s desire to make huge profits. Trafigura’s actions were exposed by a host of journalists, among them David Leigh (The Guardian), Meirion Jones and Liz Mackean (BBC Newsnight). The Ivorian public also protested, amidst mass resignations of top government officials. Further pressure came from the Dutch Parliament and the High Court in London, which filed a  £ 100 million lawsuit, eventually, after much denial, Trafigura paid a  £ 100 million for clean up and a further  £ 46 million to people who were affected. Trafigura vehemently denied ever depositing toxic substances, instead insisting that the waste was from the regular washing of the ship’s tank and could not cause human deaths in any way. The company only agreed to pay for the clean up and compensation due to pressure from media stations, the Dutch Parliament, and the arrest of its executives in Ivory Coast. Occidental also denied any involvement in the disaster, but eventually paid the settlement and clean-up fees. Hooker Corporation did not know the long-term effects of their actions while Trafigura knew the effects of their waste and engaged in unethical practices. I would choose to invest my money in Hooker Corporation. Environmental Justice is â€Å"the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, sex, national origin, or income with respect to the development, implementation and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies†(Miller Tyler, 2003). Trafigura f louted this concept since they opted to dispose their wastes without involving all people of Ivory Coast. Source reduction refers to any alteration in the planning, manufacture, acquisition, or use of objects or products to lower their levels of toxicity before they become municipal waste. Companies can reduce the toxic nature of their wastes by adding certain chemicals to the wastes to react with the toxic elements, or to pass the wastes through chemical processes that lower their toxicity, e.g. heating under very high temperatures to break down harmful compounds. Some companies have adopted industrial processes that produce very little toxic wastes while some recycle their wastes. References Miller, Jr., and Tyler, G. (2003). Environmental Science: Working With the Earth (9th Ed.). California: Brooks/ Cole. Zoltowski, C. (1998). Superfund Liability: Is it too strict? VA: National Society of Professional Engineers. This essay on The Love Canal Tragedy and Hooker Chemical and Plastics Corporation was written and submitted by user Kaylyn Martin to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Guide How to Write an Argumentative Essay Simple Steps
Guide How to Write an Argumentative Essay Simple Steps The Definition of an Argumentative Essay An argumentative essay is a piece of writing that aims at making a specific claim on a particular subject. The position you choose should be expressed in an understandable manner and backed up with reliable and authoritative evidence so that people will not only comprehend your point but will also change their mind in correspondence to your argument. Therefore, the primary purpose of an argumentative essay is to convince someone in something. Types of Argumentative Essays There are two possible approaches to making an argument: the classical strategy of argumentations and Rogerian argument. Both of these types have specific distinctive features of expression and are aimed at achieving different goals. Classical argument: The classical approach to making an argument is the most famous and used method. This strategy implies presenting an issue, claiming a solution to it, and trying to convince the audience that this specific solution is the best one. If you are writing an essay using the classical argument, your job is to make people care about the chosen topic and agree with you. This type of argumentation usually follows a specific outline: Introduction: Attracts readers’ attention to the discussed topic, describes a problem connected with it and explains why it is important. Background: Presents facts that surround the issue. Thesis: Defines your position, main arguments, and possible objections. Argument: Discusses motivation behind your position and available evidence that will prove its rightfulness. This section should be the largest part of your paper. Refutation: Presents examples of opposing views to your position, the validity of which you have to refute. Conclusion: Summarizes each of the paper’s main points and explains why the position you have chosen is the best one. Rogerian argument: A Rogerian strategy of argumentation implies striving to persuade a reader through finding points of agreement. This method is usually used in such debates where both sides of an argument do not want to listen to one another. Your task here is to find an intermediate position so that it would be appreciated by each of the sides. The outline for the argumentative essay should look in the following manner: Introduction: Presents the issue and explains the necessity of addressing it. Description of opposing views: This section is supposed to show your desire to understand both sides of the argument since here you should objectively discuss in which cases the opposing views can be valid. If you manage to prove that you are open-minded and devoid of prejudice, then you will achieve the attention of the opponents. Claim: Unlike the previous type of argument, here your task is not to state why your position is correct, but instead, merely describe situations in which your point is valid. Convincing: This part ought to show what the advantages of accepting your position are. It should describe benefits for the people who would change their mind. However, a Rogerian argument is rarely used, and the preference is usually given to classical strategy due to its more practical and easier implication. Finding Topics for Your Argumentative Essay There is a wide variety of topics to choose from, but you should ask yourself whether your issue is controversial enough to be covered in an argumentative essay. For instance, the subject of your research must be dual, which would allow you to take a position either for or against it. Besides, you must be sure that your topic is still relative to the modern realities. If it is not accurate anymore, then there is no point in arguing. You can search for topics online, or even listen to conversations in public places and understand which issues are critical for people. In fact, every topic that suggests both possible answers, yes and no, implies that there is a debate over it. Here is a list of topics that always find both their supporters and opponents, and therefore are perfect for making your own argument: Should Tobacco Production Be Made Illegal? Should the Death Penalty be Introduced in Every Country of the World? Is Artificial Intelligence a Doom for Humankind? Should Euthanasia be Allowed? Should Education be Free for Everyone? Does the United States Need Better Gun Control? Do Video Games Have an Adverse Impact on Children’s Mental Health? Should Abortions be Illegal? Is There Life After Death? Should We Vaccinate Our Children? Pre-writing Tips from Our Academic Writers Determine your position: As you see, all the topics mentioned above are still open and do not advocate any specific position. Your task is to decide which side of the argument you would like to defend. For instance, are you for or against euthanasia? Besides, remember that in your argumentative essay you should consider each aspect of the argument. This means that you also have to mention several objections to your choice, and try to disprove them if it is possible. At least two objections should be refuted in order to show that only your position is correct. Do not forget about your audience: The most significant aspect of an argumentative essay is persuasion. This means, however, that you must not only create a persuasive piece of text, but you also should know whom you want to persuade. Defining the audience is a fundamental part of writing an argumentative essay. You should consider whether your readers are already acquainted with the topic under discussion, or is it new to them? If your audience consists of specialists, then you must get straight to the point of the debate, omitting the background information. However, if your potential audience is still not familiar with the topic, then you should provide general introductory information to â€Å"plant a seed†of awareness and only after this, proceed to make an argument. Find evidence: It is also necessary to back up the persuasiveness of your essay by incorporating certain pieces of evidence from credible sources. The argumentation should not be based purely on your own opinion, but instead, you should provide ideas of eminent researchers to support your position. In the paper, refer to different scholarly books or scientific articles since it will promote the success of your argumentative essay. You can search for sources online on such a platform as Google Scholar. Formulate an effective title: In order to create an effective title, you should change and shape your topic into something more specific, so that it would show what side of the argument you support. The title should give a reader some hint about the content of your argumentative essay. For instance, the title â€Å"Do video games have an adverse impact on children’s mental health?†is not effective for argumentative essay since it is not a statement. In turn, your title might be like the following: â€Å"Video games have an adverse impact on children’s mental health.†In this manner, you are defined in your position and have to prove that video games have a bad influence on a child’s well-being. This title will inevitably attract both people who support this point since they would like to know more about it and those who are against a harmful effect of video games because they would want to argue with you. Nonetheless, your title did its job if it m anaged to attract readers, regardless of their intentions. Create an outline: Sometimes you might feel stuck in the middle of the writing process like you are out of ideas to continue the paper. That is why it is better to have at least a simple outline of the essay. Put your thoughts into several points and try to give them a few words of description. If you do it, you will notice how easier it is to write when there is a plan of the paper in front of you. The examples of outlines of simple but effective outlines you can see in the sections above. The Beginning of Writing – Introduction The introductory paragraph is the first section of your argumentative essay, and just like the book’s cover, this paragraph determines the first impression that a reader will get. Here you have to provide an attention-grabbing sentence, some general information connected to your topic, and a strong thesis statement. Hook: The first sentence of your introduction should hook readers’ attention. It may be some fact, statistical information, or quotation regarding your topic. Background information: Introduce your topic to readers because some of them might be not familiar with it like you are. Provide general information or the history of the subject under consideration. For instance, if you are writing an argumentative essay about gun control in the United States, and advocating on the need of its enforcement, you may mention several major events of gun usage that occurred due to the inefficiency of law. Thesis statement: The most significant part of an introduction is the thesis statement since it is the reader’s guide to the entire argumentative essay. In one or two sentences, you should manage to gather all the crucial ideas of each of the following paragraphs. Remember that a good thesis statement should consider both sides of an argument. Here is an example of an incorrect thesis statement: â€Å"This essay will consider legal, ethical, and philosophical advantages and disadvantages of the implementation of euthanasia.†This thesis is too broad, does not indicate the structure of the paper, and does not claim anything specific. In turn, the correct version of the thesis statement for an argumentative essay about euthanasia should look like in the following manner: â€Å"While the opinion of American Medical Association concerning the rights and obligations of doctors opposes the medical implementation of euthanasia, it is immoral to ban euthanasia since it contradicts the humanitarian grounds and undermines the fundamental human right of choice.†As you see, this thesis statement implies a definite position that will argue the importance of the introduction of euthanasia. Body Paragraphs The body of your essay is the most substantial part of the paper. Each body paragraph should express only one specific idea. At the beginning of such section, you must provide your claims in a topic sentence, support them with relevant evidence, and strive to make the information readable. Topic sentence: The first sentence of each body paragraph should allow a reader to grasp the idea of the whole section. For instance, if you are advocating for possible dangers connected with the appearance of artificial intelligence, you may start your paragraph by mentioning a certain imperfection of the laws of robotics. Supportive evidence: Always try to support your statements with credible sources or opinions of qualified researchers, since mentioning an authoritative figure will significantly contribute to the persuasiveness of your argument. However, do not forget to cite all the used sources because otherwise, it will be considered as plagiarism. Linking structures: Use specific words that will contribute not only to the cohesion of a body paragraph but will also provide it for the whole essay. It may be hard for a reader to keep track of the flow of your argumentation, and linking words are supposed to be an insurance against being lost in new information. Conclusion In the concluding paragraph of your argumentative essay, you should summarize every important piece of knowledge that you expressed in the body section. It is a final result of your work, so ask yourself a question: â€Å"What have I achieved while writing this essay?†This will help you to formulate a perfect conclusion. Besides, remember that your readers also want to revise everything that they learned after examining the paper. Concluding paragraph is the last chance to convince your reader if you have not done it so far. Start your conclusion from restating the thesis statement, and then move to the core ideas of the body paragraphs. Do you consider your argumentative essay successful? Did you manage to present the most reasonable position of the discussed topic? Do not be afraid to compliment your paper by summarizing the achievements of the argumentation. Post-writing Tips Keep in mind that passing your work before the deadline is not always rational since the post-writing process is also vital for the success of your paper. Try to manage your time so that you would be able to proofread and edit your essay. You might think that the document is already perfect because you reread it multiple times during writing, but a short fresh glance on it is more likely to make you change your mind. The most commonly made mistakes are connected with grammar and punctuation. Since a simple comma can drastically change the meaning of a whole sentence, be sure to proofread each part of your essay with proper attention. Then, revise your citations and works cited page. Did you follow the required formatting style (MLA, APA, or any other)? Do your quotes contribute anything to the paper? Have you explained them? In order to be sure that the quotes you use are successfully incorporated into the content of the essay’s paragraphs, follow the Quote Sandwich method of â€Å"opening-evidence-explanation.†If you give account to everything that was mentioned in this argumentative essay writing guide, then your argumentative essay ought to be successful in persuading its target audience. References Baggett, S. (2017). How to write a strong thesis statement [Blog]. Retrieved from Classical argument. (2009). Retrieved from Fleming, G. (2018). These compelling argumentative topics make great school essays. Retrieved from How to write an excellent discussion / argument. Retrieved from Odak, S. Creating a Rogerian argument essay structure. Retrieved from
Saturday, November 23, 2019
The Link Between Artists and Bipolar Disease essays
The Link Between Artists and Bipolar Disease essays About 1% of the world's population is thought to have some form of bipolar disorder, from mild to severe. Statistically, men and women are equally represented. Approximately 1 in 5 people with bipolar disorder eventually commit suicide. This is 30 times higher than the general population! Bipolar disorder is also known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that causes shifts in a person's mood, energy, and ability to function. What happens when a person has bipolar disorder is they go through current episodes of mania and major depression. Unlike the normal ups and downs that everyone goes through, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are very serious. A person that has this illness can have mood swings that go from a very high point (mania) to a very low point (depression) and can usually have periods of normal mood in between. Some people may have symptoms of both mania and depression at the same time, while others may have only slight symptoms of mania. These symptoms worsen and usually result in damaged relationships, poor job or school performance, and even suicide. The only positive aspect of bipolar disorder is that it can be treated and the people who have this illness can recover and lead a happy life. Most of the time, bipolar disorder develops in late adolescence or early adulthood. Some people do have their first symptoms during childhood, and some develop them late in life. Bipolar disorder is very hard to be recognized as an illness, so people may suffer for years before it is properly diagnosed and treated. The symptoms for mania are; increased energy, increased activity, restlessness, racing thoughts, rapid speech, euphoria, irritability, distractibility, decreased sleep requirement, poor judgement, increased sexual drive, denial, overspending and risky behavior. The symptoms for depression are; persistent sad or empty mood, fee...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Are fish and chips really british's national dish Essay
Are fish and chips really british's national dish - Essay Example Fish and chips are a traditional food in the United Kingdom and one of the few dishes that is distinctively British (Smith, 2006:103). The dish contains a piece of fish, usually cod, or haddock that undergo dipping in butterfat and then deep-fried. Cut potatoes that are deep-fried to produce a product named chips is the usual companion of the fish. The dish is served in paper, seasoned with salt and vinegar, and its consumption or eating is done using the fingers or a wooden fork. Most towns in the UK have numerous restaurants band fast food joints that serve fish and chips. Fish and chips have a long history because they existed during the Victorian era and by twentieth century; the dish had gained popularity and British regarded it as a symbol of British identity and class (Le Besco, 2008:33). More so, chips and fish were important form of sustenance during two world wars. In spite of fish and chips venturing in to diverse nations in the world, chips and the fish seemed to have sto len the hearts of the Britons (Smith, 2006:103). This is the case because the British have embraced it as their national food to the extent that they have formed annual awards that award the best restaurants that serve the best fish and chips. For instance, the National Fish & Chip Awards were held for the 25th time in 2013 this year, and The Bay in Stone haven, Aberdeen shire, got the awards as the best British fish and chips shop in Britain. To proof this point, scholars researched on the intensive perception of the British in consuming fish and chips in 1999. Their research findings claimed that the Britons consumed approximately 300 million servings of fish and chips. This is equivalent to six servings for everybody in the country. More so, statistics claim that there are around 8,500 fish and chip shops across the UK, and McDonald’s outlet is the favorite outlet that serves this dish (Smith, 2006:103). Argument against the fact that fish and chips are British’s na tional dish With current changes, the chips and fish perception seem to be changing as well. These changes are a result of stiff competition from other take away food such as pizzas and burgers. More so, the other major reason as to why British are opting for other food is because they are becoming health conscious since fish and chips contain and partly due to health concern over the high fat content of fish and chips (Smith, 2006:111). Still in this section, fish and chips have become more expensive as the days go by and that is why people are opting otherwise. Current survey, British cuisine boosts a wide range of tastes, which may vary from region to region. Many of their dishes are foods like meat, fish, potatoes, flour, butter, and eggs. Main dishes are products of beef, lamb, chicken, fish, or pork whose accompaniment is potatoes or carrots, peas, cabbages and onions. Some of the main dishes have strange names like Toad-in-the-Hole and Bubble & Squeak and. In addition, some o f the most common and typical foods, very popular in England are sandwiches, pies, trifle and roasts dinners (Smith, 2006:111). However, above all these dishes, sandwich tops them all. Sandwich invention came earlier than even the chips because it estimates claim that sandwich was invented in the mid seventeenth century. The sandwich idea came from a certain gambler who asked a waiter to offer him a piece of ham that he placed between the two
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Education for the Unemployed Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Education for the Unemployed - Coursework Example Education for the unemployed is a move that will cater for the education of parents so they too may be helpful in the education of their children. The budget to carry out this project is one that proves there is a lot of emphasis on the education materials that are to be used and thus push for there being an element of seriousness in the project (Jeffrey & Jeffery et al., 2008). The move is one that will encourage parents to push their children to try and give their all in the classroom and be able to get a future that is stable. Education the unemployed without asking them for anything in return but to give their children an education, the parents will be more than helpful if they aim to ensure that their children are as well educated. The budgetary allocation of $100,000 was to make sure that the education program was to go on without a hitch. $30,000 is to be used for the salaries top the teachers and the staff that are involved in the teaching process. $10,500 is to be allocated to the curriculum materials that the parents would use to learn, $2000 for the training of the staff and the teachers that would be teaching the parents as well. Furthermore, the money would be used to train the parents as well in the methods and means that are used in teaching. $9,500 would be used for administrative purposes, $1,500 for the development of the project and as a result $8,000 would be used in the benefits of program. With education there is always the requirement for there to be some out-of-class experience, thus there are bound to be trips, thus the allocation of $30,000 for travel, with $3,500 used for the operations of the school and $2,000 for the receipt of licenses so as to ensure that the school is as well legitim ate in the eyes of the government and the education governing boards. There will be a need for some miscellaneous funds and it is with this that $3,000 is allocated for ‘other’ services
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Cultural Diversity and Literacy Essay Example for Free
Cultural Diversity and Literacy Essay The student body of academic institutions for higher learning is becoming more and more diverse in culture and social groups through the past generations (Koester Lustig, 1991; Powell Collier, 1990). Therefore, educators must bear in mind this diversity factor and modify teaching procedures accordingly. I am a Korean intending to effectively teach piano lessons to high school students. I should be able to help my students appreciate the piano, play the piano excellently and make them become highly literate in music. In a paper presented at the Central States Communication Association Convention in Oklahoma City in 1994, Goulden suggests that the primary goal of academicians and educators in facing cultural diversity should be to provide an opportunity for learning that is beneficial for students (1994 5). This primary goal is supported by more straightforward objectives. Goulden also states that the students must be prepared for life after graduation (1994 5). Therefore, the end goal should be to help the students, however diverse their cultures are, to stand proud for his culture and for what he has learned. As a piano teacher, I think that aside from teaching my students to simply play the piano, I must also impart on them the value of cultural pride, as well as the importance of understanding people on other cultures that will also be part of their audience in playing the piano. Even as music is considered a universal language, it will help my students to play with passion to be able to transcend cultural differences. It is my goal as a teacher to help them achieve that level of effectiveness. Of course, in effect, I intend to teach piano lessons to my students to help them achieve high literacy in music. Literacy is a much broader concept than most people think. While others believe that literacy is all about learning to read and write, other academicians believe that literacy means deep understanding of subject matters, such as music. To contrast, literacy is what broadens a persons world, while illiteracy shrinks it down (Needlman, 2001). I think a persons imagination has a lot to do with literacy. For example, if my students could learn to read the notes and play the piano effectively, I will be happy as a teacher. However, if my students will play the piano and experiment with musical notes on their own, then, I will be happier; because it means that I am imparting high litereacy to my students. If my students can use their imagination and deepen their appreciation and interest in music, I will say they are highly literate in music. As a piano teacher, I think I need to know more than just my students level of skills. For instance, I need to know more than just the notes that they can or cannot read, or the music pieces that they can or cannot play. To be able to reach their mind and help them become imaginative, productive and highly literate in music, I must be able to overcome any possible barrier in reaching their mind. I think my students must have fun while learning with me. Culture can be a barrier to literacy, if there is no connection between teachers and students. For instance, some of my students might be intimidated by the fact that we Koreans, are highly interested in music, and it is an integral part of our lifestyle. I, as the teacher, should tell my students, that even if a certain culture appreciates music more than a certain other culture, it does not mean that the others cannot learn. In fact, on the contrary, we would be very happy to share our passion with the rest of the world. I think that as a teacher, I must understand my students, as well as their families and their communities so I can help them to reach a high level of literacy. Through understanding, I can better relate to my students and establish a connection with them so they will feel that they are a part of me, and I am a part of them, and we must celebrate our cultural diversity because it is beautiful to see that we are different, and yet the same. We have different cultures, but we also have the same interest and the same goals. Between my students and me, our main similarities should be our interest in learning together, learning from each other, and learning about music. For me to have a better understanding of the underlying effects of the increased cultural diversity of my students, I should look into the manners in which students from diverse social and cultural units experience music. I think I should educate myself and equip myself with knowledge about my students varied culture before I can become truly effective in reaching out to them, to make them excellent piano players. Culture is not a static phenomenon passed exactly as it is down from one generation to another; in fact, culture is a dynamic, flexible, breathing environment to which every person makes a contribution. In this case, education, specifically music education must be about helping every student find his passion in music, and help him nourish that passion so he could be prepared to make his own contribution to his own culture (Shuler, 2001). If I could help a student with a culture different from mine develop a contribution to his own culture, then it will also be my achievement as a teacher. References Goulden, N. R. (1994). Curricular Changes, Communication Skills, and Cultural Diversity: The Next Generation, 5. Koester, J. , Lustig, M. (1991). Communication curricula in the Multicultural university. Communication Education, 40, 250-254. Needlman, R. (2001). What Is Literacy? Retrieved November 15, 2006 from http://www. drspock. com/article/0,1510,5133,00. html Powell, R. , Collier, M. J. (1990). Public speaking instruction and cultural bias: The future of the basic course. American Behavioral Scientist, 34(2), 240-250. Shuler, S. C. (2001). Music and education in the twenty-first century: A retrospective, Arts Education Policy Review (Vol. 102, pp. 25): Heldref Publications.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The American Constitution and Drug War Essay -- American Government, L
The consensus with regards to drug laws favors more stringent and draconian laws, with the attempt to stifle use and punish crime. There are many claims used against drug legalization, such as, moral degradation, crime, the destruction of inner cities; along with families, diseases, such as AIDS, and the corrupting of law enforcement. When one examines the effects of prohibition, one has to inquire: has the cost been worth it? Certainly, an argument for the abolition of prohibition doesn’t include the favoring of drug use, but merely recognizes the vain and utopian attempt to control individual choices. Along these lines, the unintended consequences of these attempts may preclude any benefits. Further, one has to wonder: are these lawsâ€â€at the federal levelâ€â€constitutional or not? This paper will examine the issue of drug prohibition from a constitutional standpoint, an economic perspective, and the societal effects these laws have. The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the land. While this statement seems axiomatic, it’s essential to discern the explication and implication of this with regard to the drug war. It’s been assumed that whatever the federal government passes is by the fact itself constitutional, notwithstanding the Supreme Court. However, to the dismay of some, this statement is blatantly false. The Constitution was ratified on the condition that only the powers the federal government would possess were the ones specifically delegated to it by the states. This is reinforced by the 10th amendment (Mount, 2010). This view stipulates that the federal government is limited and defined; and, for the government to garner new powers, the correct approach would be through Article V’s amendment process. ... ...this construction of the words â€Å"necessary and proper,†is not only consonant with that which prevailed during the discussions and ratification of the constitution, but is absolutely necessary to maintain their consistency with the peculiar character of the government, as possessed of particular and defined powers, only; not of the general and indefinite powers vested in ordinary governments. (Tucker, 2010) To take a step beyond these powers would cripple the constitution and thus cripple our democratic principles and process. In order for changes to be madeâ€â€which there have beenâ€â€the proper arrangement would be the amendment process. If it took the Eighteenth Amendment in 1919 to outlaw alcohol, it would seem logical and constitutional to outlaw drugs (Vick, 2010). In sum, any laws at the federal level that outlaw drugs, based on these facts, are unconstitutional.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Goodwill Industries Essay
1. Describe the three customer types mentioned in the video. What is each customer type looking for when they shop at Goodwill? What is most important to each customer type? The video mentioned 3 specific clientele for Goodwill Industries. The fashion shoppers, the bargain hunters, and the resellers. The Fashion Shoppers are most likely the frequent customers of Goodwill boutiques. Goodwill boutiques sells high end products with lower prices. These shoppers are what the Goodwill merchandisers are targeting when it comes to selling their trendier merchandise. These shoppers are the early adopters of trends and they put more value on style rather than the savings itself. Bargain Hunters are the more common clientele for Goodwill stores. These are the people that go to the stores with the mindset of getting more for their money. To this clientele, the focus is on how much discount they could get on an item in comparison to getting them from regular stores. They may care about the trends as well, but their focus is more on the psychological factor of getting a deal (buying something that is 80% off for example) rather than getting something that is trendy. Resellers are probably the shrewdest of all three. They are basically a combination of both of the latter customer types with an intent to sell afterwards. They are businessmen or women that understands trends and are also looking for the best deal for it. Resellers traditionally would buy merchandise at deeply discounted prices and then sell them for a profit. They would be the most frequent customers of the Goodwill outlet stores where the items that were not sold on regular stores are sold in bulk for much cheaper prices. Their sole intent is to make a profit, an d reselling Goodwill products is their means to do it. 2. What is Goodwill’s value proposition? Is it the same for all customer groups? According to the video, Goodwill’s value proposition is ‘used merchandise in deeply discounted prices’. (Pearson Education, 2013) No, I believe that it varies from customer to customer. A fashion shopper’s bargain would be different from what a bargain hunter would consider a deal. Also according to the video, social values define what we see as a thrift; that is why they cater their stores to appeal to different demographics. 3. How do the four sets of factors affecting consumer behavior affect the buying behavior of Goodwill’s customers? Which of the four sets of factors affecting consumer behavior do you believe most strongly affects consumers’ purchase decisions from Goodwill? The four factors that affects consumer behavior are Cultural, Social, Personal, and Psychological factors. Each factor has a heavy effect on shaping a consumers buying behavior and so Goodwill makes their stores relevant by making sure to weigh in the most prevalent factor, among these four, based on location. The cultural factor makes it important to fill stores with items that match the culture of the neighborhood in which the store is located. The social factor make sit important to take into consideration consumers’ views of thrift stores. The personal factor makes it important to consider how concerned the target market for a particular store is with timing fashion trends, and the psychological factor makes it important to consider how a buyer’s perception of an item is linked to the item’s price. (Pearson Education, 2013) In my opinion, Cultural factors plays the biggest role in affecting the consumer behavior when it comes to Goodwill stores. As have been discussed last week, marketing affects the society it is found in and vice versa.If they are to sell products that does not fit the target demographics neighborhood, then the rest of the factors becomes moot. After all, the consumers has to be in the store for any of the other factors to kick in, and being culturally appropriate would greatly help in bringing in consumers. From my own experience as well, I only go inside Goodwill stores if it seem like it would be a safe place for me to buy things. If the place appear too musty, or to unclean, I would not even be tempted to go inside even if they have the best deals in the area. 4. What environmental trend(s) does the video discuss that significantly impacts Goodwill’s performance? What two â€Å"metrics†are affected and why does this affect how Goodwill markets its retail goods? The video talks in detail about the challenge of depending on customer situations and economic changes. The success of their whole operation rests on the ever changing economic times; specifically influencing consumer purchasing habits. When the economy goes through a slight recession, it drives customers to the stores. Less money to spend means, budgeting and bargain hunting for consumers, which happens to be the forte of Goodwill stores. However, if the economy keeps turning bad, the company gets fewer donations. Fewer donations leads to fewer products to sell and fewer movement in the supply line. Some of their stores rely on the constant product cycles to reach their target demographic. Without donations, the cycles slows, stalling every aspect of their operation. These also results in the cutting back of employee hours, which greatly affects their mission to help people reach their full potential through learning and the power of work. (Goodwill Industries International, 2015) 5. How does Goodwill’s recognition of consumer behavior principles affect its marketing mix? It helps them in recognizing trends, leading to better strategies and helps them in optimizing their impact on influencing consumer behavior. First off, they tailor their stores in a way that it is very similar to private retail stores. The products, the way the stores operates, and the way everything is processed are like those of traditional retailers; they set themselves apart with their offering and the experience of shopping in the store itself. (Pearson Education, 2013) They have boutiques to sell the trendier products, they have outlets to sell items in bulk, and they have an online store as well to reach a global audience. Their prices speak for themselves. They offer very low prices in comparison to regular stores and they make sure that consumers know that they are getting a bargain. All the factors are being considered here: the neighborhood of the store, the perception of thrift stores by that neighborhoods’ populace, the buying power of the consumers, and the discounts that drives them to spend their money there. REFERENCE LIST Goodwill Industries International (2015) Our Mission Goodwill: understanding consumer and buyer behavior, produced by Cole Creative Group, Pearson Education (2013)
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Symbols in Ethan Frome
Sex, lies and deceit. These three things are what this novel is about. But it is so much more than that. In the book Ethan Frome, written by Edith Wharton, the author uses symbolism to represent many things such as death. Symbols such as Zeena’s red pickle dish, the cold season of winter, and the dead cucumber vine all represent important parts that make up this novel. Zeena’s red pickle dish is a dish Zeena treasures most. She received the pickle dish as a wedding present and only uses the dish on special occasions. Mattie uses the pickle dish the night her and Ethan are alone, while Zeena is out of town. The cat accidently breaks the dish during the dinner. â€Å"†¦And gathering up the bits of broken glass she went out of the room as if she carried a dead body†(Wharton 66). At this point, Zeena was really mad when she found out herself that the dish was broken and no one told her. This gave her another reason to hate Ethan and Mattie even more. The dish breaking symbolizes the marriage between Ethan and Zeena was now broken. Ethan Frome takes place in Starkfield, Massachusetts during the cold winter months. Winter controls over the tragedy in all its signs of snow, wind, cold and darkness. Winter is the worst season for Ethan. In the beginning, Harmon Gow had said, â€Å"Guess he’s been in Starkfield too many winters. Most of the smart ones get away†(Wharton 2). Ethan studied science and technology after high school, but after his father died and his mother became sick, he was forced to come back to his hometown of Starkfield. Responsibility for his mother and poverty has prevented him from leaving. Sadly, Ethan’s mother died in the winter. After his mother’s death, Ethan married Zeena because he was so lonely all the time. Winter is symbolizes isolation and loneliness. Last but not least, the dead cucumber vine. â€Å"A dead cucumber vine dangled from the porch like the crape streamer tied to the door for a death, and the thought flashed through Ethan’s brain: â€Å"If it was there for Zeena-†(Wharton 26). Ethan wished Zeena was dead. If Zeena was not alive, Ethan could be with Mattie and they both would be happy together. They wouldn’t have to hide their love for each other. The dead cucumber vine symbolizes death and also symbolizes dying souls that live in the Frome’s house. In this case is Zeena, who is the slowly dying soul living in the house because of her illness. Zeena’s red pickle dish, winter, and the dead cucumber vine are all important symbols in this novel. Understanding these symbols make this novel more interesting now that one knows what some objects symbolizes. Such as Zeena’s pickle dish, the broken dish is a symbol for the shattering of Ethan and Zeena’s marriage. The winter represents loneliness. The dead cucumber represents death. These three things best represent the story of Ethan Frome.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Free Essays on Visions Of New England
Visions of New England Two visions of New England life are present in the works of John Smith and William Bradford. Both men write in a manner that shows their sincerity and passion for the new world, however, they differ on the ways in which the new world is intended to be used. Smith, as a military leader, focuses on the commercial (economical) and secular aspects of exploration and resources in his: â€Å"The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles†and â€Å"A Description of New England.†Bradford, as a religious leader, focuses on the religious and providential purposes of the colonies in his â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation.†Smith’s vision of New England is one of commercial possibilities – what does the land have to offer? His narration is in the style of a military report, focusing upon the facts and figures, as he describes the people and events that make possible the commercial use and colonization of the new world. Bradford’s style suggests a deeper religious connection and purpose, as he focuses on the inclusion of religion in the foundation of the Plymouth colony. His language is strong and would seem to have the air of a Sunday sermon as his personal and emotional passions are brought to the forefront of his writing. Both men detail the events that allowed for, and led up to colonization. However, Smith details the importance of the native population. His mention of the great, yet highly romanticized, figures of Powhatan, Pocahontas, and Nantaguoud, alludes to his respect for the native population and a knowledge of their importance in the future of the colony. Bradford seems to have neglected the mention of the native population, but for two passages: 1) he mentions watching them work and fish and 2) He mentions them in the context of a trade problem. In his religious view of the new world, Bradford sees the native population as savages and fails to mention their importance in the ... Free Essays on Visions Of New England Free Essays on Visions Of New England Visions of New England Two visions of New England life are present in the works of John Smith and William Bradford. Both men write in a manner that shows their sincerity and passion for the new world, however, they differ on the ways in which the new world is intended to be used. Smith, as a military leader, focuses on the commercial (economical) and secular aspects of exploration and resources in his: â€Å"The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles†and â€Å"A Description of New England.†Bradford, as a religious leader, focuses on the religious and providential purposes of the colonies in his â€Å"Of Plymouth Plantation.†Smith’s vision of New England is one of commercial possibilities – what does the land have to offer? His narration is in the style of a military report, focusing upon the facts and figures, as he describes the people and events that make possible the commercial use and colonization of the new world. Bradford’s style suggests a deeper religious connection and purpose, as he focuses on the inclusion of religion in the foundation of the Plymouth colony. His language is strong and would seem to have the air of a Sunday sermon as his personal and emotional passions are brought to the forefront of his writing. Both men detail the events that allowed for, and led up to colonization. However, Smith details the importance of the native population. His mention of the great, yet highly romanticized, figures of Powhatan, Pocahontas, and Nantaguoud, alludes to his respect for the native population and a knowledge of their importance in the future of the colony. Bradford seems to have neglected the mention of the native population, but for two passages: 1) he mentions watching them work and fish and 2) He mentions them in the context of a trade problem. In his religious view of the new world, Bradford sees the native population as savages and fails to mention their importance in the ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Frida Kahlo and Edvard Munch essays
Frida Kahlo and Edvard Munch essays How have the artists communicated meaning when reacting to events in their life and/or exploring private emotions? Frida Kahlos The Broken Column 1944 and Edvard Munchs Evening on Karl Johan 1982. Frida Kahlos The Broken Column is portraying an image of her life and her experiences. Even though Frida Kahlo was thought to be a surrealist, she solely painted her reality that portrayed her mental and physical pain. Andre Breton, a surrealist poet, once actually remarked that Kahlo was a surrealist, but Kahlo denied arguing that she only painted her reality and her experiences of life. Although Kahlo was aware of the surrealist movement, she did not necessarily get involved with it. Kahlos paints were actually highly personal self-portraits that revealed the most painful aspects of her life. The most significant event in Kahlos life was the most tragic one as well. At the age of eighteen, she was involved in a serious bus accident that not only changed her for the duration, but that also changed her life; her body was almost ruined. Both her spinal column and pelvis were broken in three places. Not capable of leaving her bed, and with out many options to pass her time, Kahlo began painting; this was her only way of revealing her thoughts and exploring her innermost painful feelings, memories, and experiences. Kahlo spent the next three years of her life, as she was unable to move, painting and portraying the reality of her life; how it had changed and how helpless and incomplete she felt. One of the paintings that represented her feelings was The Broken Column. Edvard Munchs Evening on Karl Johan is a strange piece. It represents a feeling of anxiety. A strange thing about Munch is that he uses private symbolism through his artworks. Munchs symbolic image, finally free from represent faithfully and ban ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Customer and neighbourhood services( resit) report on CUSTOMER Essay
Customer and neighbourhood services( resit) report on CUSTOMER INVOLVEMENT STRATEGY WITHIN THE WORKPLACE - Essay Example This is because the response time has greatly decreased. The organizations now cannot wait to see if their products show positive response in terms of profit. The consumers are informed now like never before. The globalization has done wonders to the commercial world and the boom in internet has increased the reach of the customers. The products and services are just within the few clicks of the computer mouse. The competition is another important factor which determines the modern business environment. This competition is a byproduct of diversity. The increase alternatives available to consumers force organizations to continuously evolve and strive for excellence. The present era has thus high regards for the customization of the product and services. This is a result of third wave civilization. In second wave the emphasis was placed on standardization of products. The increase in customization automatically places customers as the key drivers to success. Therefore every possible measure is taken to satisfy the needs of the customers. Be it private or the public, both the types of the companies view customer satisfaction as one of the prime objectives. As the customers are the key drivers that help organizations make their decisions, the organizations are taking every possible measure to satisfy them in order to increase their market reach. For the purpose, many of the organizations are also involving the consumers and the customers in the decision making process. The marketing and management strategies are therefore formed with the customer at the core. Therefore practical involvement of the customer in decision making process is the key to success. Organizations find different methods to involve customers in the decision making process. Large FMCG (Fast moving consumer goods) organizations rely on surveys and customer feedbacks. Smaller orga nizations such as housing societies etc can directly communicate with customers and developed
Friday, November 1, 2019
The use of hypnosis in pre-conception and early pregnancy problems Literature review
The use of hypnosis in pre-conception and early pregnancy problems - Literature review Example Stress is one of the main road blocks that develop when a couple is unable to conceive and this further exacerbates the problem. Clinical hypnosis is a way to calm the nerves and make the patient feel like they're in control of the situation. Clinical hypnosis is being used to help women through all stages of conception and pregnancy as discussed in the following lines; Natural Conception: Hopeful parents never turn to IVF before having explored all options in natural conception. About ten percent of the couples having difficulty to conceive are being diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'. The purpose that hypnosis serves here, has to do with the basic definition of it, it reduces stress and helps clean out the negative thoughts culminating in the couples. It is believed that what we think has an effect on our physical selves, so hypnosis is being used to keep all those fears at bay. In Vitro Fertilization: In Vitro Fertilization is a route that many people take when natural conce ption doesn't work. It's a well known fact that IVF takes a toll physically, emotionally as well as financially. A study conducted by Professor Eliahu Levitas and his team (2004) at Soroka Hospital, Israel,the success rate of IVF treatment can possibly be doubled using various hypnosis techniques. The professor's research was focused on the effect of hypnosis during the embryo transfer. Patients were asked to think of pleasant experiences during the embryo transfer and a hypnotic state was induced by a therapist during the procedure. After the procedure was done, patient was instructed to be calm and positive before breaking the hypnosis. The results of this study indicated that twenty eight percent of the couple undergoing ET with hypnosis had successful implantations as compared to the controls where it was merely 14% (Levitas, 2006:1404-1408). Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Now moving on to early pregnancy problems, one of the most common problems that gets women hospitalized in their f irst trimester is Hyperemesis Gravidarum. "HEG is a clinical diagnosis characterized by severe and intractable vomiting and it often associated with weight loss, ketonuria, dehydration, metabolic alkalosis, and electrolyte disturbances." (Nayeri, 2012:22). It is a serious problem that must be quickly diagnosed and then treated, since it can deteriorate and harm the mother and the foetus if not taken care of. Diagnosis: Diagnosis is done with a 2 tiered approach, physical and chemical. Physical examination should include weight, temperature, blood pressure, heart rate etc but importantly, signs of dehydration should be looked for - like dry mucous membranes and poor skin turgor. Although HEG is diagnosed clinically, some laboratory investigations may be helpful like urine ketones, urine specific gravity and serum electrolytes to detect any derangements in the volume status. Other blood tests can be done to exclude any other diseases (Nayeri, 2012:24). Management: Management of HEG in volves a few objectives, like lessening the nausea, correcting dehydration and any other electrolyte imbalances along with it, and maintaining maternal weight. There are two types of measures that can be taken, pharmacological and non-pharmacological. To start with, considerable evidence has accumulated that intake of multivitamins during the period of conception and
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Export project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Export project - Essay Example Some of the trade organizations that have been negotiated that are continuing to make this big world look like a village market is; WTO- World Trade Organization, while others that are more regional are; North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), East Africa community, and many others. There are still negotiations to form more trade agreements and or realign the existing ones to be in line with the dynamic world trade requirements. Majorly, trade agreements are formed with the aim of reduce the trade barriers amongst the signatories like doing away of Quotas, excise duties and or subsidies. This is especially true considering the fact that different nationalities or regions separated by physical, economical and or socio-cultural boundaries represents the different business environment. This is majorly due to the culture difference among the countries yet the same is most held dear by the parties. It is, however, very obvious that with globalization, different cultures will meet, mix and yield an environment favorable or unfavorable for trade. This together with language barrier, distance, foreign policies make export trade difficult requiring a knowledge of all the above factors and, in addition, setting up a clear distribution chain that can help cheese product move around in the foreign country easily. When deciding to settle on a given international marketing strategy, some of the issues that should be seriously taken into consideration is the difference in culture as this may impact the consumer shopping nature (Subrammanian & Bala, 2001). The same sentiments were echoed by Herman and Heitman when he agreed to many researchers view that cultural differences may contribute to different customer reaction to a product in different countries (Heitman & Herman, 2006) It is for this reason that my research will focus on investigating the USA cheese export
Monday, October 28, 2019
Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free
Energy Drinks Essay Something I learned in my last Health class is the ever-increasing use of today’s new â€Å"Energy Drinks. †Caffeine is the single most used drug in America. How many of us must have that morning cup of coffee before heading out the door? How many college students are staying up late at night preparing for a mid-term or final exam by drink these new, all natural, safe, energy drinks? You may want to read their labels and adjust your thinking. You may want to include a little research in regards to these drinks. At this time there is no long-term research to report on in regards to energy drinks. What we do know is that these drinks have a variety of ingredients such as ginseng, amino acids, ginkgo, various vitamins, and high amounts of sugar. However, the primary active energy ingredient is caffeine. At this time, the FDA does not regulate the amounts of caffeine that are in these drinks. They suggest that within a 12-ounce beverage serving the amount of caffeine should be 68 milligrams or less. A report published by the Journal of Analytical Toxicology showed that of ten of the most popular energy drinks had as high as 141 milligrams in one 16-ounce serving. The following 12-ounce energy drinks showed, Monster at 120 milligrams, Red Bull at 116 milligrams, and Amp contained 107 milligrams of caffeine. To give a comparison, look at Coke and Pepsi. They only contain between 34 to 38 milligrams of caffeine. Energy drinks have risen significantly in popularity in the last few years with revenues exceeding $3. 5 billion a year and growing. One report states that with the new found popularity there are growing concerns of the possible health effects among children, adolescents, and young adults. It states that 30 to 50 percent of America drinks energy drinks. Of this amount they report that one third are from the ages of 12 to 24 consume these beverages on a daily basis. Due to these beverages being chilled makes them easier to consume quickly. High doses of caffeine have been linked to seizures, cardiac problems, mood or behavioral disorders, and diabetes. Additionally, these problems have been linked specifically to the consumption of energy drinks among children, teens, and young adults. There has been a growing concern amongst the medical community, parents, and school officials in regards to these energy drinks on our youth. Numerous reports are being found to the adverse affects these high caffeine drinks are responsible for. The Illinois Poison Control Center reported in a recent survey of more than 250 cases of caffeine overdose in a three-year period. The average age of these accounts was 21. A doctor from California reports that an eighteen year young man received treatment for an abnormal heart rhythm after consuming eight 16-ounce energy drinks per evening to remain alert during his night job. Another growing concern is the use of these energy drinks as a mixer with alcohol. A study from 2006 showed that the individuals surveyed were just as impaired in motor coordination and reaction time as individuals drinking alcohol alone. As stated earlier, there is not much evidence on the effects of long-term use of caffeine on children or teenagers. It is known that it can create physiological and psychological dependence in adults. This being true, we must do everything possible to protect our children from these non-regulated beverages. We need to insist on more research to be conducted in order to better inform the public of the consequences of the consumption of these highly-caffeinated energy drinks and the adverse effects they have on our youth. (Word Count 606) Flores, D. (2011, 03 16). Health Effect of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Retrieved 07 12, 2012, from ArticlesBase. com: http://www. articlesbase. com/wellness-articles/health-effects-of-energy-drinks-on-children-adolescents-and-young-adults-4423299. html.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Whether or Not Macbeth is Deserving of Pity in Shakespeares Play Macbe
In the last scene of â€Å"Macbeth†, Malcolm describes Macbeth as â€Å"this dead butcher†which could be argued is the best way to sum up Macbeth’s character. The word â€Å"butcher†implies slaughter and brutality. Macbeth is certainly guilty of butchery, the cruel, senseless killing of people. Malcolm uses the word â€Å"butcher†to provoke appalling memories of Macbeth’s deeds from the audience. But could Macbeth’s behavior ever be justified? Could Macbeth ever be pitied or even excused for the actions he took? Shakespeare chooses to have Malcolm describe Macbeth as â€Å"this dead butcher†for a reason. Clearly, Malcolm loathes Macbeth for killing his father and so his choice of language, such as â€Å"butcher†, will be biased. This will also sway the audience to dislike Macbeth, because Malcolm is the hero by saving Scotland. The audience would have wanted to be on the winning side, witch is undoubtedly Malcolm‘s. At this point in the play, I don’t think Shakespeare intended the audience to pity or excuse Macbeths deeds. At the beginning of the play, Macbeth started as a well-respected thane but as he rose to power, became a guilty murderer. However, Macbeth was influenced and tricked by many others in the play and I will explain why a case could therefore be made to defend him. The three witches, or the weird sisters, approach Macbeth on a dark day in a Scottish moor. Shakespeare uses the weather to suggest that the witches are evil. The scene, with thunder and lightening, reflects the witches thoughts- which are intent on creating trouble and stirring things up. The weather also predicts a stormy future for Macbeth. The setting, â€Å"A desolate place†immediately sounds eerie and spooky. This shows that the Witches plan to manipulate Macbeth from th... ...r all he has done. I feel strongly that we are meant to feel pity for Macbeth at the end of the play. I believe that the Shakespearian audience would not have excused Macbeth for the murder of the Macduffs but perhaps for the murder of banquoe, because it was torture for Macbeth to think becoming king was all for nothing if Banquo’s offspring succeeded the throne after himself. I do not think the audience are meant to regard Macbeth as just a â€Å"butcherâ€Å", because of the shame Macbeth clearly feels at the end. Although Macbeth is guilty of the deception of his best friend, his king, as well as his subjects, he can be excused because he was manipulated by many others in the play such as his wife and the witches. I feel that the actual play Macbeth is quite relevant for the 21st centaury. The moral is still significant today. The themes in Macbeth are relevant too.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Consumer Behavior Audit: Proactiv Solutions by Amanda Huigens Essay
A.External influences 1.Are there cultures or subcultures whose value system is particularly consistent (or inconsistent) with the consumption of our product? The overall value system for the western culture, which is the dominant culture in the Unites States, is consistent with the consumption of Proactiv Solutions. The consumption of personal care products and services across different subcultures, such as class, race, and occupation, varies from being fairly equivalent to showing significant discrepancies. However, consumption of these products and services is evident in all subcultures, confirming that they are consistent with each subcultures value systems. 2.Is the product appropriate for male and female consumption? Will ongoing gender-role changes, affect who consumes our product or how it is consumed? Proactiv Solutions is appropriate for both male and female consumption. The current ongoing gender-role is for females to be the main purchasers and consumers of personal care products. This gender-role is constantly changing so that males are now more included in these purchases and the consumption of them. Both males and females currently consume Proactiv Solutions products. 3.Do ethics, social, regional, or religious subcultures have different consumption patterns relevant to our product? Regional and social subcultures have fairly equivalent consumption patterns. Some social subcultures may use different forms of personal care products, such as all natural ingredients or home-made products. They may also use different personal care services, or professional treatment, such as microdermabrasion, acupuncture, or hot rocks therapy. These different products or services may be used simultaneously with Proactiv Solutions depending on consumer want and need preferences. 4.Do various demographic or social-strata groups (age, gender, urban/suburban/rural, occupational, income, education) differ in their consumption of this product? Consumption among regions and among racial groups does not vary significantly. The social-strata groups that do vary in consumption include age, occupation, income class, and education. According to the US Consumer Expenditure Survey, the consumption of personal care products and services peaks between the ages of 35-54. Any age groups above or below this range consume less, with consumers under 25 years spending less. The only observation that differs from this data is that most of Proactiv Solutions consumers are under 25 years of age, meaning that older consumers may take part in the purchase process. Education, occupation, and income class social-strata groups go hand-in-hand as far as consumption of personal care products and services go. Consumers that are college graduates (four years or more) spend and average of $805 per consumer unit. Consumers with less than a four year degree only spend and average of $439 per consumer unit. The professional occupation subculture averages $753 spent on personal care products and services per consumer unit. All other occupations spend under $562 per consumer unit. Finally, income classes earning above $100,000 spend on average $868 and above per consumer unit, while lower income classes spend $761 and less. 5.Is this product particularly appropriate for consumers with relatively high (or low) incomes compared to others in their occupational group (ROCI)? Although the consumption patterns may be different for these groups, Proactiv Solutions is appropriate for all income levels and all occupations. 6.Can this product be particularly appropriate for specific roles, such as students or professional women? Although professional men and women may be more likely to consume Proactiv Solutions, this product is appropriate for all roles. 7.Would it be useful to focus on specific adopter categories? By focusing on innovators and early adopters, Proactiv Solutions will be able to develop a client base. These adopter categories tend to influence the other adopter categories, so consumers in these other categories may eventually purchase Proactiv Solutions. 8.Do groups in different stages of the household life cycle have different consumption patterns for this product? Who in the household is involved in the purchase process? Because acne may affect consumers of any age, all consumers may use Proactive Solutions. Younger age groups, especially teens, are more prone to acne, so their consumption patterns are noticeably higher. The influencers, deciders, buyers, and users are typically involved in the purchase process. Sometimes a consumer may be all of these roles, in which case they have complete control in the purchase process. In other cases, such as an unemployed teenager needing to treat acne, the roles may be different. In this example, the teenager would be the influencer and user, while the parents would be the deciders and buyers. B.Internal influences 1.Can this product satisfy different needs or motives in different people? What needs are involved? What characterizes individuals with differing motives? Yes. Some consumers may use Proactiv Solutions to improve their image, while others are more concerned about the health of their skin. For example, consumers in professional occupations or consumers that are trying to impress a member of the opposite sex may be most concerned about their image. Consumers who want to maintain young and healthy skin would be most concerned about taking care of their skin. 2.Is this product uniquely suited for particular personality types? Self-concepts? Proactiv Solutions is suited for all personality types (using Myers-Briggs personality types and Kiersey Temperaments). However, some personalities, such as Artisians, may be more likely to pay attention to their skin care. Consumers who take interest in the health or look of their skin or who believe that maintaining healthy skin is vital to their self-concept may be more likely to consume this product. 3.What emotions, if any, are affected by the purchase and/or consumption of this product? Knowing that they are improving the look and feel of their skin by using Proactiv Solutions makes consumers happy. This may also boost their self-esteem and confidence. 4.Is this product uniquely suited for one or more distinct lifestyles? Proactiv is suited best for consumers that allow for the inclusion of a routine skin care regimen. In order for Proactiv to work effectively, consistent use of the product is vital. 5.Do different groups have different attitudes about an ideal version of our product? Yes. Some consumers would prefer to see Proactiv Solutions offered in stores so that they can physically see it and/or buy it without the hassle of ordering it and having strings attached. (When you order Proactiv Solutions, your order is automatically sent to you on a regular basis.) Other consumers may not trust the quality of Proactiv Solutions because it is marketed using infomercials. C.Situational influences 1.Can this product be appropriate for specific types of situations instead of (or in additional to) specific types of people? Yes. Consumers who have a doctor recommendation to seek treatment for their skin in order to improve its condition or relieve pain may have more reason to use Proactiv Solutions. D.Decision process influences 1.Do different individuals use different evaluative criteria in selecting the product? Yes. Consumers, such as unemployed teenagers, who do not have to pay for the product are going to be more concerned about the outcome, the brand image, and the affects of being associated with that product. Consumers who are a part of the purchase process, in particular the payment part, are going to be concerned mainly with the price, but also with the brand image and the outcome. 2.Do potential customers differ in their loyalty to existing products/brands? Some consumers are very loyal to the brands that they currently use. Others may be open to trying something new. Reasons for being loyal include satisfaction with price, quality, and results. Consumers who are willing to try new products may have been unhappy with previous products or else they just might like to use the newest innovations in personal care products.
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