Monday, September 30, 2019
Advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones Essay
The 21st century has seen the advent of amazing technological advances, one of which is of the mobile phone. Nowadays, a mobile phone consists of camera, MP3 player, alarm clock,†¦., or in another way, a mobile phone is a combination of more than 10 items of our daily lives. And so a mobile is a basic need and everybody has it. We can all see clearly the advantages of a mobile phone, but not everybody recognizes the down side of having one. As mentioned and well – acknowledged by everyone, convenience is an advantage of mobile phone. With a mobile phone, we are able to have instant contact with whomever we want, whenever we want, and also because it is a multi-functional device beside communication use, even more accurate for the new generations of smart phone. At present, a smart phone can access the internet using 3G or Wi-fi. Therefore, it is not just a phone, but a mini computer. Besides the obvious advantage, another comes to mind, and that is texting helping people to overcome shyness and awkwardness. Being late for a meeting, apologizing, telling loved things to someone,†¦ are all quite uncomfortable situations and speech can make things even worse. But text gets rid of those moments and replace it with a clean, logical and clear message. Furthermore, teenagers find mobile phones being an expression of their identity because they are beyond the control of parents. A mobile phone makes our lives quite easier, right? Not quite. As you can see, scientists have claimed that mobile phone produces a small amount of radiation waves, resulting to brain cancer, so long usage can be harmful to health. And in terms of health, there have been a great deal of traffic accidents caused by texting and calling while driving. So firstly a mobile phone can affect our health and probably our lives. Secondly, mobile phones can be great distraction at work and school. The internet, the games on smart phones, the endless number of applications, those are temptations, creating lack of concentration for people working and studying, which is an activity being definitely less exciting by comparison. In addition, mobile phones are sometimes disturbance in our lives due to the wrong-number phone calls, draft messages, prank calls,†¦. . These are very annoying and can lead to discomfort, especially if these are being made at night. Then there are environmental issues involved with mobile phone usages. According to a survey, people on average use their phone 11 to 18 months, a short period of time. And when those old phones become trash, and with the need of phones at present, which is a lot, it can lead to pollution due to hardware of mobile phones being hard to dispose of. In conclusion, we use mobile phones on a daily basis for theirs obvious advantages, but we also need to be aware of the not so obvious or simply ignored disadvantages. On account of the mass demand of mobile phones, we need to know both sides of them in order to make the best out of a wonderful device.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Saponifacation of Ethyl Acetate and Soldium Hydroxide
Ethyl Acetate – NaOH Reaction Kinetics Experiment Martin Novick Group 14, Chemical Engineering Laboratory Submitted to Prof. David B. Henthorn September 25, 2012 Summary The goal of this project was to determine the pre-exponential factor, k o , the activation energy, E, and the reaction rate constants, k, of the saponification process of ethyl acetate using sodium hydroxide (NaOH) at 5 temperature between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius. Two trails were performed at temperatures 16, 18, 20, 22, and 24 degrees Celsius. The main equipment of the project were the jacketed beaker batch reactor and the LabPro conductivity probe.The solution’s conductivity throughout the reaction was collected and plotted in a linearized plot against time to retrieve value for each trial. The rate law was assumed to be = , where and are the concentrations of sodium hydroxide and ethyl acetate respectively. The ln? k) values were plotted against the inverse temperatures to ( linearize the Ar rhenius equation. The k o value and E value from the linearized Arrhenius plot were found to be 15  ± 3M ? 1 s ? 1 and ? 6402  ± 8191? j ? mol? 1 respectively. The E value being negative suggests the reaction is exothermic. The large standard errors of the and values were probably caused by the low number of data points collected or the assumed rate law was wrong. Introduction The objective of this project was to determine the pre-exponential factor, k o , the activation energy, E, and the reaction rate constants, k, of the saponification process of ethyl acetate using sodium hydroxide (NaOH). Saponification is a chemical process heavily used in industry, especially in soap production.Knowing the effects of temperature on the reaction rate allows better control over the reaction process and find the optimizing point of production. The right temperature maximizes production and minimizes reactants and heating or cooling energy, finding the maximum possible profit. 2 The saponif ication of ethyl acetate with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is an equi-molar reaction given as NaOH + CH3 COOCH2 CH3 > CH3 COONa + CH3 CH2 OH. [2] The rate was assumed to be second order overall, but first order relative to either reactant,[2] with the disappearance rate of sodium hydroxide given as:[4] dCOH = ? COH Cac , dt (1) where COH is the NaOH concentration, Cac is the concentration of ethyl acetate, and k is the rate constant. COH is represented with x, and Cac is assumed to be in excess with a starting concentration of a. The concentration of ethyl acetate throughout the reaction was given as Cac = a ? xo + x, where xo is the initial starting concentration of NaOH. Substituting the expressions for COH and Cac into Equation 1 results in: dx = ? kx(a ? xo + x). dt Equation 2 is then separated and integrated shown as the following: ? t dx = ? k ? dt. xo x(a ? xo + x) 0 x (2) (3)The result of equation 3 would become: ln ( xo (a ? xo + x) ) ax = kt. a ? xo (4) Since a 20% excess ethyl acetate solution was used, the initial ethyl acetate concentration was 1. 25 times of the initial starting concentration of NaOH, so a = 1. 25xo . After the substitution of a = 1. 25xo , Equation 4 was simplified to: 3 0. 2x ln ( x o + 0. 8) = kt. 0. 25xo The relationship between xo x (5) and conductivity of the solution was given as:[2] ? = , ? (6) where is the initial conductivity of NaOH before adding ethyl acetate, s the conductivity after the reaction has reached completion, and is the conductivity at any point of time during the reaction process. Substituting Equation 6 into Equation 5 gives the following: ? ln (0. 2 ? ? + 0. 8) ? = kt. 0. 25xo (7) Since , and are constants, the only variable in the left hand side of Equation 7 being . Each point can be substituted into the left hand side of Equation 7 and plotted against time to retrieve a linear plot with the slope being the k value. To find the value of the pre-exponential factor, and activation energy, , would require linearizing the Arrhenius equation given as: k = k o , where R is the gas constant and T is the temperature the given k is at in degrees Kelvin. Equation 8 is linearized by taking the natural log of both sides: ln(k) = ln(k o ) ? E . RT 1 (8) (9) to retrieve a linear plot with Equation 9 shows a linear relationship between ln(k) and 4 the y-intercept being ln( ) and the slope being . Hence: k o = ey? intercept . = ? (10) (11) Equipment, Materials, and Method The equipment used were a jacketed batch reactor beaker, cooling water circulation system, computer, LabPro temperature probe and conductivity probe, mixing stand and magnetic stir bar. The materials used for this reaction were a 0. 08M NaOH solution and a 0. 1M ethyl acetate solution. A 20% excess Ethyl acetate was used to ensure NaOH was the limiting reactant. [1] NaOH was chosen for the limiting reactant because of its high conductivity relative to Ethyl acetate. The extent of the reaction was monitored by measuring the conductivity throughout the reaction.With NaOH being the limiting reactant, the change in conductivity is more visible, and the termination of the reaction can be more easily observed. The each experimental trail was setup as shown in Figures A1 and A2 of Appendix A. The temperature and conductivity probes were completely submerged under the surface of the reacting solution. One data reading was retrieved per second. Before the reaction process begun, the cooling water circulation system was set at desired temperature and the reactants were cooled to the target temperature to keep an 5 isothermal reaction environment.In Equation 8, the k value was only a function of temperature; if temperature varied throughout the reaction, the k value would also vary throughout the reaction. The reaction was started once thermal equilibrium between the batch reactor beaker and cooling water was established. For about the first half a minute, only the conductivity of NaOH in the r eactor was collected, to ensure the initial conductivity in conductivity was more easily observed. The initial conductivity was the first conductivity point after the major drop of conductivity due to the addition of ethyl acetate.The reaction was started after about half a minute after the start of the data collection by adding the ethyl acetate. The solution was well mixed throughout the reaction to ensure a uniform temperature of the solution, to prevent any local k values being different from the overall k value. If there any temperature gradients throughout the system existed during the reaction process, there would be different local k values throughout the reactor. Data collection was terminated at least half a minute after the reaction had gone to completion, when no conductivity change was observed.The final reaction completion conductivity, , was the conductivity of the solution after the reaction has completed, and was used to find k value. Hysteresis effects were remove d by using a random number generator to determine the order of trials. 6 Results and Discussion 1. 2 1. 1 1 0. 9 ln(k) 0. 8 0. 7 0. 6 0. 5 0. 4 0. 3 0. 00335 0. 00337 0. 00339 0. 00341 1/T (T-1) y = -4378. 4x + 15. 713 R? = 0. 7383 0. 00343 1 0. 00345 0. 00347 Figure 1 the plot of the linearized Arrhenius equation where ln( ) . The linearized Arrhenius equation plot shown in Figure 1 has a R2 value of 0. 383 suggesting the data does not have a good linear fit. The lack of data points may have been the cause of the low R2 value. The ln(k) values of the same temperature mostly seem to have small variations, but overall has the predicted trend of decreasing in ln(k) value as ?1 increases. The plot has a negative overall trend with and hence retrieving a negative E value. The negative E value suggests the release of energy as the reaction proceeds. Table B1 in appendix B shows the retrieved values of k, ko and E. The positive ko value was expected according to Equation 8.Since k valu es are linearly proportional to ko, for k values to be positive, ko must also be positive. The resulting negative E value was an expected result, since the reaction was said to be very spontaneous. The standard errors of ko and E being about 20% to 25% of the original value, suggests the data as imprecise. The imprecision of the data can also be observed from the low R2 value. 7 Looking at the imprecision of the plot in Figure 1, there is a notable difference between the k values at the same temperature for = 0. 003364 (24oC) and 1 1 = 0. 03455(16oC). This may be due to the variance in concentration of solutions since solutions were remade each laboratory day. Another possible cause maybe that the contents of solutions may have reacted with the atmosphere introducing extra contents to the reaction. The k values all have standard errors less than 1%. Figures B1 to B5 of Appendix B shows the plots of ln( 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 0. 25xo used to find the k values at each temperature. The p lots all have a positive trend which is reasonable according to Equation 7.The resulting slope is the k value of that trial, and the k values cannot be negative. Also the R2 values of the plots were all above 0. 95, suggesting a good fit with the linear best fit line model. Despite the high R2 values, the a clear parabolic trend was observed in all the residual plots shown in Figures B6 to B14 of Appendix B, the linear property of the plots are questioned. Figure B15 of Appendix B shows an example plot of the full data from 16oC trail 1. A clear linear trend was observed from the beginning of the plot, but an obvious curve was observed from the end of the plot.This observation was probably due to the fact that as the reaction proceeded, the reaction started behaving like a first order reaction. The first order reaction behavior is because near the end of the reaction of the excess ethyl acetate concentration was much greater than the NaOH concentration and can be treated as a consta nt. With the concentration of ethyl acetate being constant the only resulting variable would be 8 the NaOH concentration. Conclusion and Recommendations The retrieved ko value and E value were 15  ± 0. 3 and ? 36402  ± 8191.Since the standard errors of ko and E values were about 20% and 25% of the original value respectively, and the R2 value was only 0. 7383 for the plot in Figure 1, the data is concluded to be imprecise and that more data points should be collected to improve the precision. The assumption of the rate being second order overall, but first order relative to either reactant was concluded to be inappropriate. Though the R2 value for all the trials were above 0. 95, because a clear parabolic trend was observed in all the residual plots, Figures B6 to B14 of Appendix B, it was concluded that all the trial data do not have a linear relationship.Since it has been concluded that the assumed rate equation, Equation 1, does not describe the reaction, a new rate equation is needed to describe the reaction. The low R2 value in Figure 1 can be improved by increasing the amount of data collected. More trails can be done at each temperature and more temperatures can be tested within the given interval. One large bulk solution can be made and used for all the trails, but stored and isolated from the atmosphere. The error caused by the variation in concentrations of the reactants at different trails can be solved by using the one large bulk of reactants.The problem of the reactants reacting with the atmosphere can be solved by isolating the reactants from the atmosphere during storage. 9 References [1] Crismyre, Bobby, Do, Bryan, and Kronmiller, Mandy. â€Å"Ethyl Acetate – NaOH Reaction Kinetics Experiment Standard Operating Procedures,†(2010) [2] Julio F. Mata-Segreda, Hydroxide as a General Base in the Saponification of Ethyl Acetate. Journal of the American Chemical Society, (2010), 124 (10), 2259-2262. [3] Keusch Fachdidaktik Chemie. à ¢â‚¬Å"Reaction Second Order,†Institute of Organic Chemistry, Universitat Regensburg. [4] Schmidt, Larry D. â€Å"The Engineering of Chemical Reactions,†2 Ed.Press, New York (2005) Oxford University 10 APPENDIX A: Experimental Set Up Figure A 1: Shows the theoretical setup and flow of each experiment. Figure A 2: Shows the actual set up used for each experiment. 11 APPENDIX B: Experimental Results and Data Table B 1 shows the result of the desired information Set Temperature (oC) 16 (Trial 1) 16 (Trial 2) 18 (Trial 1) 20 (Trial 1) 20 (Trial 2) 22 (Trial 1) 22 (Trial 2) 24 (Trial 1) 24 (Trial 2) ( 1 ?1 ) ( ) Actual Temperature (oC) 16. 45  ± 0. 05 16. 44  ± 0. 04 18. 33  ± 0. 03 20. 30  ± 0. 05 20. 30  ± 0. 5 22. 24  ± 0. 04 22. 25  ± 0. 05 16. 45  ± 0. 05 16. 45  ± 0. 05 15  ± 3 ? 36402  ± 8191 k-values ( 1 min? 1 ) 1. 674 ±0. 001 2. 023 ±0. 001 1. 921 ±0. 002 2. 241 ±0. 002 2. 247 ±0. 003 2. 244 ±0. 006 2. 169 ±0. 002 2. 572 ±0. 003 3. 140 ±0. 002 12 25 20 y = 2. 0232x R? = 0. 9994 15 Y (L/mol) y = 1. 6744x R? = 0. 9972 10 5 0 0 2 ln( 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 4 6 Time (min) 8 ln( 10 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 12 Figuer B 1 Plot of 0. 25xo at 16 degrees Celsius, where = 0. 25xo . 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 -2 ln( 1 +1)) 1. 25 y = 1. 9206x R? = 0. 9974 Series1 Linear (Series1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Figuer B 2 Plot of 0. 25xo at 18 degrees Celsius, where = ln( 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 0. 25xo . 13 25 y = 2. 247x R? = 0. 9964 y = 2. 2407x R? = 0. 9982 Y (L/mol) 15 Trial 1 Trial 2 10 Linear (Trial 1) Linear (Trial 2) 5 20 0 0 2 4 6 Time (min) 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 8 10 12 Figuer B 3 Plot of ln( 0. 25xo at 20 degrees Celsius, where = ln( 0. 25xo . 0 18 16 14 Y (L/mol) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 2 4 Time (min) 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 y = 2. 244x R? = 0. 9909 y = 2. 1687x R? = 0. 9985 Trial 1 Trial 2 Linear (Trial 1) Linear (Trial 2) 6 8 10 Figuer B 4 Plot of ln( 0. 25xo at 22 degrees Celsius, where = ln( 0. 25xo . 14 25 20 y = 2. 5723x R? = 0. 9982 15 Y (L/mol) y = 3. 1405x R? = 0. 9992 Trial 1 Trial 2 Linear (Trial 1) Linear (Trial 2) 10 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 Time (min) 5 6 7 8 Figuer B 5 Plot of ln( 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 . 25xo at 24 degrees Celsius, where = ln( 1 ( +1)) 1. 25 0. 25xo . X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 8 0. 6 Residuals 0. 4 0. 2 0 -0. 2 -0. 4 0 2 4 6 X Variable 1 8 10 12 Figure B 6 The residual plot for 16 degrees Celsius Trial 1. 15 X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 6 0. 4 Residuals 0. 2 0 -0. 2 -0. 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 X Variable 1 Figure B 7 The residual plot for 16 degrees Celsius Trial 2. X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 8 0. 6 Residuals 0. 4 0. 2 0 -0. 2 -0. 4 0 1 2 3 4 X Variable 1 5 6 7 8 Figure B 8 The residual plot for 18 degrees Celsius Trial 1. X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 8 0. 6 Residuals 0. 4 0. 2 0 -0. 2 0 -0. 4 -0. 6 X Variable 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure B 9 The residual plot for 20 degrees Celsius Trial 1. 16 X Variable 1 Residual Plot 1. 5 1 Residuals 0. 5 0 0 -0. 5 -1 X Vari able 1 2 4 6 8 10 12 Figure B 10 The residual plot for 20 degrees Celsius Trial 2. X Variable 1 Residual Plot 1. 5 1 Residuals 0. 5 0 -0. 5 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 X Variable 1 Figure B 11 The residual plot for 22 degrees Celsius Trial 1. X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 8 0. 6 Residuals 0. 4 0. 2 0 -0. 2 -0. 4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 X Variable 1 Figure B 12 The residual plot for 22 degrees Celsius Trial 12 7 X Variable 1 Residual Plot 1 Residuals 0. 5 0 0 -0. 5 1 2 3 4 X Variable 1 5 6 7 8 Figure B 13 The residual plot for 24 degrees Celsius Trial 1. X Variable 1 Residual Plot 0. 6 0. 4 Residuals 0. 2 0 -0. 2 -0. 4 0 1 2 3 4 X Variable 1 5 6 7 8 Figure B 14 The residual plot for 24 degrees Celsius Trial 2. 140 120 100 Y (L/mol) 80 60 40 20 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Time (min) Figure B 15 The plot of all the data from 16oC trail 2 18 APPENDIX C: Sample Calculations Volume of 1M NaOH solution needed to prepare 300mL 0. 08M NaOH solution: 0. 3 ? 0. 08 = 0. 024 = 24 Volume of ethyl acetate needed to prepare a 300mL 0. 1M ethyl acetate solution: 1000 88. 105 3 0. 001 0. 10 ? ? ? ? ? 0. 3 = 2. 96 0. 897 3 Finding E value: Calculating the k value for time being 1 minute in trial 2 of 16 degrees: = ? = ? 2904. 9 ? 8. 3145 = ? 24153 1 ? ln ( ( + 1)) 1. 25 ? 0. 25xo 1 16324. 71 ? 4698. 16 ln ( ( + 1)) 1. 25 8259. 03 ? 4698. 16 0. 25(0. 8) = kt = = 14. 89 19APPENDIX D: Error Analysis If the result (R) is calculated by the following equation: = ? where is the exponent of the independent variable, . The standard error would be calculated by the following equation: 2 2 = (? ( ) ) 1 (1) (2) where is taken from equation 5, is the standard error of each individual independent variable. Since the equation used is the following: ? ln (0. 8 ( ? ? + 1)) ? 0. 25 = , 3) where is the rate constant, is the initial conductivity, is the conductivity at the end of the reaction, is the conductivity at any time, and is the initial concentration of the NaOH s olution. The error of the right hand side of equation 3 with = 36. 662 is show as the follow: 36. 662 (( 0. 0339 ) ) = 15. 536. 0. 08 1 2 2 was given the value of 0. 08 with an uncertainty of  ±0. 0339. The reaction rate constant, k, were found by the best fit line of the plot, so the uncertainty of the k were found by taking the linear regression.The rate constant was the slope of the best fit line making the calculation of the error with a 95% confidence level as: = 1. 96 ? , v? 2 ? 2 Where , is the standard error of estimate, is the x values of the plot, n being the number of points, and = ? =1 , (4) . As for the y intercept, or the activation energy, the error with a 95% confidence level would be: 20 = 1. 96 ? , v 1 (? )2 + 2 , (? 2 ? 2 ) (5) Where , is the standard error of estimate, is the x values of the plot, n being the number of points, and = ? =1 . The standard error of estimate, , , seen in both equation 4 and equation 5 is given as: , =v ? ( ? )2 , ? 2 (6) where is the y value of the points, is the corresponding y value on the best fit line, and n is the number of data points.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Applying psychological perpective to a case study
Applying psychological perpective to a case study The aim of this report is to apply psychological perspectives of human growth and development to a specific case study. To demonstrate an understanding of psychological theories of human behaviour with regards to a specific stage in life and to identify ways in which these theories underpin the social work profession. This report will analyse the case of Tina with primarily giving the history and evidence of the case. The report will then explain the possible psychological explanations for Tina’s behaviour, followed by a conclusion and the recommendations the social worker may advise in order to assist Tina. Case history/sequence of events It would appear from Tina’s background she had a difficult upbringing and this appears to have stemmed from her mother leaving when she was three years old. She was left in the care of an abusive alcoholic father and there appears to be significant amount of neglect from her father and issues with poor standards of hygiene. Although, this evidence is from a former friend, both Tina and her brother John were placed on the Child Protection register. Tina was sexually active in early adolescence which then lead to her having a baby at fourteen years old but the baby was taken into emergency foster care as there was evidence of neglect and physical abuse. When Tina was eight months pregnant her GP referred her and her boyfriend Tom to social services due to concerns about their ability to cope with the unborn child because of her previous history. When the social worker visited the family home she reported the conditions of the flat, which is on the fourteenth floor, were unacceptable due to poor standards of hygiene and no signs of preparation for the unborn child. Tom was extremely unreceptive towards the social worker. The social worker received a call from the hospital two days after Tina and Tom had their baby as Tina was seen by staff at the hospital to smack the baby. Psychodynamic explanations of human beha viour Freud’s psychodynamic theory is widely used in the social work profession and is extremely valuable when attempting to understand the relationship between feelings, emotions and behaviour. From a Freudian perspective there appears to be significant evidence surrounding Tina’s childhood experiences and the difficulties she experienced could relate to how her behaviour is affecting her capabilities in looking after her baby. According to Freud (1938) disturbances in the five stages of psychosexual development in childhood could result in abnormal behaviour in adulthood. Perhaps the most important crisis point in these stages is the phallic stage which occurs around the age of three and therefore, does relate to the age when Tina’s mother abandoned her. Freud (1923) would suggest this may cause the child to repress the sexual and aggressive urges into the unconscious causing problems later in life. He suggests children will internalise aspects of their parent ’s standards and would follow what their parents do with regards to aggression and other forms of anti-social behaviour. From a Freudian point of view, it could be argued Tina is exhibiting the same behaviour as her father with being over sexualised and her aggressive behaviour is being displaced unto her newborn baby. Therefore, it would appear the social worker could use the Freudian view of Tina’s behaviour, as it could relate to the disturbances she encountered in her childhood and more specifically the abuse and neglect from her father.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Name Fake News Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Name Fake News - Essay Example During one episode on the Television, the narrator states that one of the lead characters of the Lancaster Police was arrested by the "Lancaster County Police" but in the real sense there is reportedly no such law enforcement agency in Lancaster. This is name fake news that deceived the innocent public. The name fake news genre is believed to have dated back to the 1960s and it was used widely in radio news, film production and in televisions. Fake names were used to portray the real people so as hide the identities of the people and enhance the understanding of the target group (Gibson 2012). It is important to highlight here that name fake news to a greater extent damages our understanding of current events. This is true because it gives the public falsified information of things that are untrue and if the public believes in the false information, it may lead to the destruction of human dignity, defamation, and some loss may also occur. If for example, a news anchor during broadcas ting reveals the fake name of a product that is to be sold in the market having different price to the real price of the original products. Due to the false information, the innocent buyer will not only spend more than the actual price of the product but also purchase a wrong item that was not intended (Gibson 2012). Fake name news can also damage our understanding of current events in publications such as books and newspapers. If an author in his publication indicates that a particular town or city exists or particular people existed having various activities such as the one that appeared in the recent Moscow News with claims that a city existed and it was full of sins done by the citizens. This kind of negative information may damage the peoples view on how they consider a particular group from a certain region while in neither reality the city does not exist nor the purported Television show that gave the false news (Burchard 2012).
Thursday, September 26, 2019
The Nollywood Entertainment Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Nollywood Entertainment Company - Essay Example The popularity of the show business has shifted view to include commercially performing arts. These arts include musical theatre, film, comedies and music. These varieties of entertainment are produced and distributed to the masses (Allen 2005, pp 30). Background of the Company All my focus will be shifted to the film industry and specifically Nollywood. Nollywood is a Nigerian cinema company largest in Africa that grew quickly in the 1990s and 2000s.It is one of the best film industries in the world. A British daily newspaper The Guardian has rated Nollywood as the third largest in the world in terms of earnings and estimated the industry to bring in 200 million US dollars per year. This success can be attributed to Ghanaian movies too. Nollywood is an African success story (Ukadike 2003, pp20-40). Nollywood is termed to be second to only India’s Bollywood in distribution. The Nigerian film industry is popular throughout Africa and the Diaspora. Production Line Unlike music, production of movies does not take place in the studio. Movie shooting takes place in hotels, homes, and offices rented by their owners and appearing in the credit. Most popular locations are major cities and towns like Lagos. However, distinct regional variation appears between different movies. Nollywood mainly produces African films stared by African actors. Actors from other countries and continents do appear though not very often in some movies. These films range from, soap operas, comedies and even action movies television programs. The production arena is majorly towns in Nigeria though some movies have been shot in other towns in Africa as well as other continents. Operations Nollywood provides visuals about Africa for the world to see. These features include weddings, birth ceremonies, colorful fabrics, visuals of a culturally vibrant continent .Nollywood movies have tackled topics on issues such as resource control, armed robberies, corruption, HIV/AIDS and other matters t hat have a far reaching impact on the continent (Jumoke 2012, pp60-70). Nollywood most prolific auteur is Chico Ejiro who has managed to direct 80 films in a period of eight years. He even brags to be capable of directing a movie that can be ready in three days. His brother is the best-known director of the films outside the country. Many other Nollywood talents include actors and designers of the films (Wasko 2003, pp 40). The scriptwriters are also not to be forgotten. The films are produced with interest of the consumer at heart. Supply chain While Nollywood is largely separate from global cultural industry networks of production inputs and distribution it is an industry that is still globally liked in a number of ways (Madichie 2013, pp 604). Nollywood industry is constantly evolving with innovations and ideas to suit and fit the market. Once movies are produced, they need a perfect channel of reaching the market. While majorities of Hollywood films are shown in theatres and cin emas around the country, Nollywood movies are released to the internet daily to be watched free. The most popular place to watch Nollywood movies in the internet is a popular video sharing site called You Tube. There exists a channel dedicated to Nollywood movies started by Jason Njoku called Nollywood Love. The channel has dedicated itself to providing links to the best and latest Nollywood movies for its users. Lately, the Nollywood market has shifted over to the Africans in the Diaspora. The challenge is to how to curb every customer in the west, which has turned out to be the largest Nollywood market. Today though a majority of Nollywood movies
Interview Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Interview - Assignment Example All the children are male except for the youngest, who is a female. Her children are 40, 37, 35 and 31 accordingly. She and her husband are currently residing in their own home, which is not far from that of her children, and therefore of her grandchildren as well. The purpose of this paper is to examine the selected woman's opinions and notions of marriage, family and children as she was raised to believe, according to which she's lived her life, and then compare and contract those to those of my own. The woman interviewed, my grandmother, believes, and was brought up to believe, that marriage is supposed to last forever. It was a very different time from today, two generations ago, and this perception was much more common and popular than, in contrast to the very different one of today. Strangely enough, though, people used to get married at a young age and perhaps without even knowing their intended spouse for as long as people do today prior to marriage. This seems quite odd and bizarre for me today, but my grandmother says that that's how it was back then. If you knew the person for a year or two and thought you were compatible, you got married. Sex before marriage was also much less acceptable or appropriate. It was also common opinion that one has to do whatever he or she possibly can in order to save and preserve the marriage if it falls under a hard time (Author, Year). What she describes is very reasonable for that time, but seems quite obsolete today. Few are the people who still hold these beliefs today, and they are considered to be very unusual and the exception of the codes of behavior and norms of today. Things have changed a lot in these years between her generation and mine. Along with the emancipation of women, women's right movements and the changes in society as well as in the legislature, there's been a major shift towards living life each person sees fit. There is much less pressure today from families or others to get married quickly, an d less criticism or eyebrow-raising if a woman isn't married. This is truer for men than for women, but it also applies to women. Men are often thought to be less mature for serious relationships, commitments and marriage, let alone starting a family, while women are typically seen as more marriage and family oriented. While it may hold some truth (and women do indeed think more about relationships and the desire to be married and have children than men do), it is most definitely not true for everyone, and sometimes it is completely the opposite. Back in my grandmother's time it was quite unheard of. A woman was supposed to be married and was expected to do so until a certain age. Today it is not like that at all. Being married and becoming a mother were considered to be an inseparable part of being a woman (Author, Year). Today, there are women who opt never to get married, even though some of which are in long, committed relationships. It is now believed by some that marriage isn' t for everyone, and some do choose not to get married. Coupled with the current divorce rates, things have certainly changed in the decades since my grandmother's time and until now (Author, Year). It is interesting to note, in this context, that although marriage has become less essential to some women today and perhaps because of it, the wedding industry has grown immensely, and the wedding day is now considered to be one of life's more important milestones. In the past, while it was also significant, people didn't make such a big
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Impact of social networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Impact of social networking - Research Paper Example As a result, it was only selected few military officials who had access to it. Due to the security level required in military, it was initially kept as a secret. By this time, computers were not accessible to many persons, which remedied its fast expansion. In addition, very few people understood the machine language. To many people, sitting in front of a machine seemed isolation and was not welcomed. Preliminary stages The social networking gains its roots from the use of computer software referred to as Bulletin Board System, which ensured that the people had a chance to log in into the system. This program used a terminal program. By using the code, people were able to share files and information. The communication was done via telephone lines and managed by few technological conversant personnel who had passion in it. By that time, communication through telephone lines was free only for people living within town. As time passed by, people started gathering while accessing the ser vices, which slowly transformed the people’s perception of the system as antisocial. During 1970’s to early 1990’s, the system access points were fixed at specific points. Due to the technological advancement at the time, the users were allowed to share only limited type of information. The speed of the system was not that fast but good enough to meet the needs of the time. Another program that was crucial to the early development of the social communication network was CompuServe. This program was mainly used for business transactions. In the 1980,s, it expanded to be used by other persons other than businesspersons. The service allowed persons to share files and information irrespective of their location. In addition, People were able to access different discussions undertaken by other persons and participate. This was a breakthrough in technology as very few people had an idea of it becoming a reality. This brought forth the advent of emails. American online (AOL) also played a significant in the continuous improvement of social networking. It provided a platform where one could search for other persons. This feature was very outstanding which attracted more people into the social networking. Internet Boom The internet came to boom in mid-1990’s. This enabled persons to create their profiles as well as search for different persons such as schoolmates online though social networks such as Another social networking network operational at the boom of the internet was This network allowed members to create profiles as well as share different materials. Due increase their membership numbers, the members were asked to bring more persons. As time passed by, the security of the network was compromised reducing loyalty by the members that eventually led to its collapse at the start of the twenty first century. Other numerous sites such as,, and were developed in 1 990’s have thrived up to date. In the twenty first century, technological advancement helped emerging networking sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook emerge and develop new strategies that have assisted them in getting very many members. These networks vary on their purpose with some integrating various aspects such as dating and normal chatting in their framework. Their graphical user interface and security levels have constantly been improving to offer safety for their customer’
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Wall Street Film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Wall Street Film - Essay Example Greed to earn more and achieve the fame and fortune forces Bud Fox and Garden Gekko to actually start to prefer self over the family and indulge into actions which may be against the law. Garden Gekko openly said that greed is good, thus, giving the impression that earning money regardless of whether it comes from ethical ways is always a good thing to do in life. The movie shows that the characters deliberately broke the law and engaged into activities which were detrimental to the interests of others. The ethical issues highlighted also indicates as to how Bud Fox was lured into doing business with Garden Gekko and over the period of time lost his innocence and concerns for the rule of law and abiding the principles laid down by SEC. As things move on, Bud Fox seems to involve his friends also in the process of making money. This has shown that instinctively, being professionals, we can bet on the money of those who supported us in difficult times; as such, our relationships may be come driven more by the money rather than the feelings of love and compassion which as individuals fee for each other in our relationships. The ethical failings of Bud and Gekko may be in their tendency to be lured away by earning more money and in that process of earning more money lose sight of what is right and what is wrong. ... Best consequences always suggest that actions should be such that they are helpful and maximize utility for most number of people. Accordingly, any action which is considered to bring more happiness or bring greatest good is considered as an ethical and moral action regardless of the actual consequences. Utilitarianism however, counts those acts as unethical which are done in a manner that can provide maximum utility to individuals and create harm for others. The notion of greatest good for the greatest number of people, therefore, prevails in utilitarianism, as well as how individual and collective actions should be driven ethically. (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell) The situation described in the movie clearly indicates that the actions of both characters are actually offering greatest happiness to them only. This limits the positive consequences of their actions to themselves only, whereas the negative consequences of their actions are spilled over to the general public. The way fi nancial institutions are managed and the kind of speculative activities are taking place indicate that financial managers may be taking bets rather than calculated risks. Taking bets without actually involving rational, prudent and conservative investment approach results into greater losses for the investors and the society as a whole. Using utilitarian approach, therefore, outlines that the characters actually engaged into activities which were speculative in nature and were detrimental to not only the financial services industry as a whole but for the society in general also. The current financial meltdown is often considered as the result of the imprudent actions
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Information security management framework Research Paper
Information security management framework - Research Paper Example Frameworks are based on existing standards that have been accepted as well as guidelines and sets of practices that reflect the conduct of an initial community of organizations that perform highly(HrÃŒÅ'ebiÃŒ cÃŒÅ'ek, Schimak&Denzer, 2011). Governments along with business organizations have an ability to implement frameworks with the practices they prefer or are supposed to use for their market sectors and the entire country. Some of the benefits of possessing frameworks for information security management include the fact that they create a secure and well-arranged working environment while at the same time protecting information and information assets. Having frameworks for information security management also assists in the reduction of internal and external breaches in security, creating confidence among the employees and customers when dealing with the operations of the business and integrating recovery from disasters in order to ensure continuity of the business(Gantz&Philpott, 2013). Further benefits include prevention of information security incidences from taking place and detection of incidences from occurring. In the event that incidences take place, the frameworks for information security management are able to measure the impact of the incidences and respond to them in order to minimize the resulting damage. Additionally, they are able to embed continuous improvement in processes associated with information security while complying with rules and regulations. Information security frameworks are a sequence of standard procedures that are employed in defining policies and processes associated with the execution and continuous running of information security controls in an venture setting. The frameworks are essentially a plan for the creation of an information security plan with the aim of managing risks and reducing any vulnerability. Professionals in information security can employ
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Enron, the smartest guys in the room Essay Example for Free
Enron, the smartest guys in the room Essay Enron was one of the biggest scandal of all time in the stock market. The three main guys leading the pack was Ken Lay, Jeffrey Skilling, and Andy Fastow. The company was not making profit so they decided to do future value accounting. This was shown to shareholders so they can spend money and invest in Enron. The future value accounting just shows a list of future profit that was predicted. What actually happened? Why it can happen again? What can be done to prevent it? and What is now being dont to prevent it? These are the question that will be answered and explained. What actually happened? Andy Fastow was the one who created several smaller companies that would hide the losses Enron had made. Enron showed that they were making great increases in the stock market and others wanted a piece of that. They even convinced their own employees to buy stocks. Enron wanted to hide their scandal so bad that they paid investment company to fire the employee that had any concerns. Enron was behind the California Energy Crisis and made billions off the state. They had the power plants shut down and resold energy for much higher and made outrageous profit. Their company got so big within a short amount of time, but so did their losses. It was getting much harder for them to hide the scandal as their company progresses. A writer at Forbes magazine was the one who started the collapse of Enron. She released an article and what Enron was truly doing and it went downhill from there. Jeffrey Skilling bailed on the company and sold all his stocks and left Ken Lay and Andy Fastow to run the company. Enron eventually collapsed and all the employee lost everything. Jeffrey Skilling and Andy Fastow were sent to prison for the scandal and Ken Lay passed away after the trials. The main thing that can be done to prevent another Enron scandal is the involvement of the investors themselves. The stockholders need to know about everything and anything that goes on in the company they are investing to the best of their abilities. Management and the Board members also play a very big role in avoiding another Enron. They are the one to keep track of the funds coming in and out of the company. Calpers are the current members that watch over the investors money and make sure everything is where theyre suppose to be. Regulators are also important in having strict regulations for companies, but lenient enough so there is room for competition. The Enron Scandal can happen again if a company is using the future value of accounting, but with the new check and order that is set up, it is very unlikely it will happen. These new check and order are very strict and precise on company so that they can prevent another major scandal. Audit committees have the right to access the companys financial statements and have the company cooperate with them at all times. The reason why Enron got away with their scandal for so long was because they had their own audit committee checking up on them. There is no way to completely prevent another scandal, but a scandal as big as Enron will surely not happen again. In the end, check and balance comes in to play to keep any company from pulling a scandal as big as Enron. Because there was a loose leash over the company, Enron took advantage of that to the max and scammed every investor for their money. Now the lesson has been learned and companies are being regulated and watched for the best of the investors.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Dependence of man on the environment
Dependence of man on the environment The environment mainly consists of the earth and its surroundings which include the atmosphere. The life of man here on earth completely depends on the natural environment for its existence. It is from the environment that man ultimately obtains food or cash. Actually seventy percent of the earths surface is covered by water but due to mans activities; both domestic and industrial, most of this water is polluted. Actually it is true that out of all this waters covering the earths surface only 0.02% of this water is fresh. So as to control the impacts of water pollution which are hazardous to both human and marine life; several world environmental bodies have come up with lawfully regulated water quality laws based on its desired use. Changing the water sources designated purpose affects the allowed pollution levels in various ways. First one has to reason about the divergence between water for human consumption and water meant for agricultural usage such as irrigation or industrial utilization. This various water uses will require variable water quality standards. Water quality is observed by the water characteristics which may be biological, physical or even biological. Most frequently there are set reference of standards to assess the compliance of the water. The most used standards to determine water quality relate to water used for domestic purposes such as drinking and cooking, wellbeing of humans who get in touch with it and the safety of the marine life. A person contributes to water pollution when you flush a toilet, pour dirty water down the sink you are using water which has to be purified in a water treatment plant. Many countries do not have water treatment plants and merely pump the raw waste into the rivers or sea. Also agricultural runoff water which contains high amounts of washed off pesticides and fertilizer enter the rivers and streams resulting to pollution and distressing the local plant and marine wildlife. There are numerous benefits of the wind energy. First wind energy is clean and wind turbines generate electricity that does not release pollutants as compared to other energy sources. This means less environmental pollution thus combating with occurrence of environmental hazards such as acid rain and smog amongst others. Power plants contribute to air pollution by emitting a large amount of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxides and sulphur dioxide resulting to global warming- this can be avoided by utilizing wind energy. In addition wind energy is renewable and has the less competitive cost as compared to the other sources such as natural gas. Also wind is readily available and it is in abundance thus it will not result to exhaustion of natural resources in the world. Moreover wind energy plants have a short construction period, involve minimal maintenance and require low operating costs as compared to the traditional power sources. Lastly wind power plants are very reliable as they genera te electricity all the time and are not affected by international conflicts making it defiant to supply troubles or price fluctuations (Global Wind report, 2008). In spite of this many pros about wind energy; it also has got some cons. The main disadvantage of the wind energy is the winds unpredictability factor. This is caused by the occurrence of too low wind strengths which cannot support the wind turbines. Also wind turbines generally produce less electricity thus requiring the construction of numerous turbines so as to generate an impact which leads to more initial capital cost. The wind turbines can be a source of noise pollution if they happen to be established close to residential areas. Thus there you got for yourself the pros and cons of wind energy and the extensive steadfastness of wind turbines (Clean energy ideas, 2008) REFERENCES Clean energy ideas, 2008; Energy articles- Solar, Wind and Geothermal, Retrieved May 25, 2010 From Global Wind Report, 2008; Adapted from information provided by the American Wind Energy Association, Retrieved May 25, 2010 From Dependence Of Man On The Environment Dependence Of Man On The Environment An ecological footprint measures humanitys consumption of the natural resources. This technique is helpful because it shows how much of the natural resources human need for everyday life. However, the ecological footprint concept can be misleading as well. Ecological footprint does overlook renewable energy sources (sun, water) which reduce non-renewable sources (oil, coal). W. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (2008) add, These [renewable sources] increase the worlds carrying capacity for people [as well] (p. 79). 5. How might growing populations lead to solutions to societys problems? The only reason how population growth can be beneficial to societys problems is by creation and innovation. In other words, more people can lead to additional manufactured goods that serve millions. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ [more] people boosts humanà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦intelligence that will create new resourcesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 77) 8. In which parts of the world are populations declining? The parts of the world that populations are declining are North America, Western Europe, Japan, Australia, and New Zealand (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 79) Discussion Questions 1 and 6 1. Suppose that you were head of a family planning agency in India. How would you design a scientific study to determine the effectiveness of different approaches to population stabilization? How would you account for factors such as culture, religion, education, and economics? If I were the head of a family planning agency in India, I would want to know what type of birth control method is better for stabilization the India population. I would interview my clients to find out family size preferences and choice of desired birth control. However, to curb a fast growing population, I would offer a special incentive, such as higher education and/or cash for couples to wait a certain amount of time to have children. Since family plays an important role in India, I would still offer family planning alternatives to try to slow population growth. I believe this would be good start to stabilize population growth in India. 6. In chapter 3, we discussed carrying capacities. What do you think the maximum and optimum carrying capacities for humans are? Why is this a more complex question for humans than it might be for other species? Why is designing experiments in human demography difficult? I think this is a complex subject. Some people believe humans are considerably over their carrying capacities, which is the cause of poverty. While others say, our environment has the potential to carry humans despite of limited resources. Has the world reached its carrying capacity? I believe since the human population has a tendency to grow in an exponential way, the advancement of todays technology should increase our resources as well. [Some] believeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦technology and enterprise can expand the worlds carrying capacity [that would] allow us to overcome any problems we encounter (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 75). I also think this is a more complex question for humans than other species because humans have the advantage of reducing birth rates through family planning. Since demography is the study of a populations size and growth, experimentation may be difficult because according to (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008) every day [p]eople continue to be born and die (p. 79). Furthermore, I believe the purpose of a designed experiment is to rule out an estimation of human population. Unfortunately, due to some growing and shrinking populations, consistency will be impossible. Chapter 5: Text Practice Quiz Questions 1, 9 and 16 1. Why did ecologists want to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone Park? What goals did they have, and have their goals been achieved? Ecologists wanted to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone Park because of the rapid growth of the elk and deer populations. Since the elk and the deer inhabitants damaged the trees and shrubbery in the park, ecologists needed to minimize the elk and deer growing residents. Therefore, wolves became predators, which minimize the elk and deer population and the Yellowstone Park was restored. W. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (2008) adds, while wolves preyed on the elks, the wolves population grew, the elk figures decreased and the park was recovered (p. 95). 9. Define biodiversity and give three types of biodiversity essential in preserving ecological systems and functions. Biodiversity is a diversity or assortment of organisms in a specific biological community. W. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (2008) state that [t]he three types of biodiversity essential to preserve ecological systems and functions are: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦genetic diversity (heritable measure of individual species), species diversity (description of diverse organisms within an ecosystem), and ecological diversity (a variety of species in diverse environments)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (p. 108). 16. What is a flagship or umbrella species? Why are they often important, even though they are costly to maintain? A flagship or umbrella species is an appealing living thing used to protect its entire ecosystem. Even though it is costly to preserve flagship or umbrella species, a tiger for instance, will represent the entire feline environment. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦the protection of flagship or umbrella species would help more organisms in it ecosystem (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 121) Discussion Questions 1 and 5 1. Many poor tropical countries point out that a hectare of shrimp ponds can provide 1,000 times as much annual income as the same area in an intact mangrove forest. Debate this point with a friend or classmate. What are the arguments for and against saving mangroves? Mangroves advantage: A sheltered habitat for aquatic organisms such as fish, crabs, and shrimps. Since these organisms feed on the mangroves roots for nutrients, from a human perspective, fish, crabs, and shrimp can also offer economic benefits, which would lead to high efficiency. Mangroves disadvantage: Vulnerable to marine pollution such as oil spills and sewage leaks. W. Cunningham and M. Cunningham (2008) confirm the pros and cons of mangroves, Both marine speciesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦and terrestrial speciesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦rely on mangroves for shelter and food [however, mangroves] are also poisoned by sewage and industrial waste near cities (p.105). 5. Many ecologists and resource scientists work for government agencies to study resources and resource management. Do these scientists serve the public best if they try to do pure science, or if they try to support the political positions of democratically elected representatives, who after all, represent the positions of their constituents? I think since science involves experimentation and detection, ecologists would benefit by supporting the political council. In other words, I believe ecological science is a political process because the ecologists research focuses on societys concerns such as biodiversity extinction. Since there are some organisms in the biodiversity community that offer specific benefits such as medicines and food supplies, the political government would help the scientists serve the public by sustaining the biodiversity ecosystem. Chapter 6: Text Practice Quiz Questions 2, 3 and 10 2. What do we mean by closed-canopy forest and old-growth forest? A closed-canopy forest is [when] tree crowns cover most of the groundà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.a old-growth forests are those that cover a large enough area and have been undistributed by human activities long enough that trees can live out a natural lifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 129) 3. Which commodity is used most heavily in industrial economies: steel, plastic, or wood? What portion of the worlds population depends on wood or charcoal as the main energy supply? Wood is a product used frequently in industrial economies. More than half of the people in the world depend on firewood or charcoal as their principal source of heating and cookingà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008 p. 129) 10. What was the first national park in the world, and when was it established? How have the purposes of this park and others changed? According to W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008), The first national park in the world, Yellowstone National Park, was established in 1872. The Yellowstone National Park along will a few others were established to preserve natural scenery because of the disappearance of scenic beauty due to the land being sold to railroad and timber companies (p. 140). Discussion Questions 1 and 6 1. Paper and pulp are the fastest growing sector of the wood products market, as emerging economics of China and India catch up with the growing consumption rates of North America, Europe, and Japan. What should be done to reduce paper use? According to (W. Cunningham M. Cunningham, 2008), a couple of ways to reduce paper consumption is to: Recycle paper Instead of printing copies, email the data (p.136) For instance, instead of paying bills by mail, register with e-statements and pay bills online. In additions, instead of buying newspapers and magazines from the store, sign up for online subscriptions. 6. Why do you suppose dry tropical forest and tundra are well represented in protected areas, while grasslands and wetlands are protected relatively rarely? Consider social, cultural, geographic, and economic reasons in your answer. I believe dry tropical forest and tundra are well represented in protected areas because of its vast diversity of organisms and valuable resources such as paper and lumber. Therefore, conservation would avoid logging and extinction. In contrast, I assume grasslands and wetlands are rarely sheltered because of lack of lumber. However, the particular biome offers income to humans, such as grazing. In this case, minimum protection is required. Basically, tropical forests and grasslands are utilized by humans- tropical forest areas (benefits from lumber for fuel and paper products)-grassland areas (benefits of large herds of grazing animals).
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Socially Responsible Corporations Essay -- essays research papers
Socially Responsible Corporations      Socially Responsible Companies are those that put the public interest as a priority in everything they do. These companies range anywhere from the food industry (Ben and Jerry’s) to communications (Motorola). These companies are noted as philanthropists, and are the leading companies in their markets. They also, most of the time, have very loyal employees who love working at their companies.      The leader in socially responsible companies is the Fannie Mae Foundation. This company strives to help minorities in purchasing their first home. The Fannie Mae Foundation purchases mortgages from lenders and then repackages them for sale as securities. This has enabled them to keep mortgage rates low, and help the normally overlooked homebuyers, become homebuyers. Also, most uniquely, they help those of the Muslim faith, who follow the Islamic law which bans paying or collecting interest on debt. By setting up monthly payment plans based on property price, the Muslims are enabled to become homeowners and still keep law.      The second company listed as a major contributor as a socially responsible corporation is Procter and Gamble. Procter and Gamble has excelled in helping minorities and women, as well as aiding the needy in foreign countries. For example, P&G donates to the underprivileged youth in Vietnam, as well as providing for the fight against childhood...
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
uniforms in school :: essays research papers
Most teenagers, when asked about wearing uniforms say they hate the idea. I am a teenager myself and before researching this topic I thought I would never wear them. I have found in my research numerous reasons uniforms should be implimented. First, they protect us. You may be asking how an article of clothing can protect you. It is much more difficult to conceal a weapon in a uniform that it is to conceal it in a traditional baggy pair of jeans. Second, uniforms eliminate competition. Students need to learn that school is not a fashion show. I know it's fun to go shopping for the latest trends and fads but school is a learning environment thus we should be there to learn, not check out who is wearing what. Next, uniforms are much less expensive than traditional clothing worn by teens. Some schools provide programs where kids can recieve the uniforms at little or no cost. In addition, it prepares students for the workplace by requiring them to dress in attire suitable for work. You may have heard you are what you wear. If you are dressed conservatively you are much more likely to act conservatively. If all students wore uniforms, intruders to the school could be easily recognized. This could prevent unauthorized visits as well as incidents that could be more severe. The biggest argument from opponents of uniforms is that they eliminate individuality. That is a bunch of crap. How is it that a person can be an individual when all kids dress alike? Okay so there are a few who get a little crazy with the multicolored hair or ripped jeans, to those people, I give props. I know they take a lot of shit from other kids. But, there are other ways to express yourself.
The Contributions of the Iroquois Essay -- Native Americans Indian Tri
The Contributions of the Iroquois The Native American Indian tribe called the Iroquois contributed greatly toward America. They have many stories about the world, and how things came to be the way they are. They have one story about the creation of the world. They use oral traditional elements in this story which is represented by nature. They also use a romantic aspect, which is represented by God’s and the super natural. In the beginning there were two worlds. The lower world, and the upper world. Everything existed in total darkness. The upper world was to hold mankind, and the lower world was where all of the monsters lived. A woman gave birth too twins. One twin was the good mind and the other was the evil mind. The good mind wanted to continue with creation, while the evil mind wanted the world to remain in it’s natural state of darkness. The good mind creates rivers, creeks, bushes, animals, and humans. This brings the oral traditional elements of their respect for nature. Mountains and valleys were created. The good mind kept destroying what ever he created for fear it was not perfect. Traces of animals from the beginning of time were left in the rocks known as fossils. The moon and the sun were created. Both the good and the evil mind attempted to create mankind. When the evil mind tries to create mankind he messes up and accidentally creates apes. When the evil mind is unable to create mankind as the good mind does, he becomes angry with him. The twin...
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Editorial Analysis Essay
â€Å"We are all equal; it is not birth but virtue alone that makes the difference.†This insightful quote from the famous French philosopher and historian â€Å"Voltaire†seems to accurately represent the beliefs of the factions of American citizens pushing to allow women to fight in combat positions within the US Armed Forces. Though the topic has just recently been boosted into the media and congressional politics, it has been long debated. A rather current editorial from USA Today titled: â€Å"Open Combat Positions to Women†outlines the recent developments in the status of a much disputed and controversial issue facing the nation today. Though somewhat less in-depth than some opposing opinions, the USA Today article establishes credible and provoking arguments with specific evidence that incites some hesitation on behalf of the naysayers contradictory reports and dissents; all the while, creating a valid representation of the views offered by the supporters . In the article mentioned above, there are many components to the argument and evidence presented. As far as tone and stylistic approach, the author remains very serious, stern, and unyielding throughout and presents the opposing viewpoint as â€Å"clouded in fiction†and â€Å"removed from reality†. Though the opposition isn’t represented as ignorant, the author is very firm in their opinions and believes that anyone who disagrees is simply in denial or has some personal stake that would negatively affect them if women were to enter into combat in the armed forces. In the beginning of the USA Today editorial, two specific examples of women who have placed their lives on the line or been injured by participating in extremely dangerous missions are given. The author appeals to the reader’s emotions with these examples and gives accurate evidence of women who already risk their lives but don’t receive recognition for it. Statistics are also presented that evaluate the many women who have lost their lives and been injured while serving in the armed forces and participating in missions whose â€Å"main purpose wasn’t direct combat on the ground.†The author goes on to explain that while women are fighting and risking their lives on the battlefield, the government refuses to acknowledge their sacrifices and give them equal rights to serve their country. Also in the beginning of the editorial, the author refers back to the two women who fought on the front lines. Those women as well as two other servicewomen filed suit in attempt to overturn the law established in 1994 which states as follows: †Rule: Service members are eligible to be assigned to all positions for which they are qualified, except that women shall be excluded from assignment to units below the brigade level whose primary mission is to engage in direct combat on the ground, as defined below. Definition: Direct ground combat is engaging an enemy on the ground with individual or crew served weapons, while being exposed to hostile fire and to a high probability of direct physical contact with the hostile forces personnel. Direct combat take s place well forward on the battlefield while locating an closing with the enemy to defeat then by fire, maneuver or shock effect.†The author goes on to state that, despite what happens in court with the lawsuit filed by the four servicewomen, the issue should never have to go to court in order to be acted upon. The author seems to think that it is simply a matter of logical thinking. Some other supporting evidence in the editorial is the Author’s use of a Gallup Pole to prove that Americans no longer oppose the idea of women on the front lines. Also specific quotes are used from a well-know male armor officer who attests to women already risking their lives in the line of fire but not being recognized for it because the government has contorted the laws and definitions. At the end of the editorial, the author goes into some details about the physical requirements for those serving in combat positions, how the solution is simple, and how the armed forces should strive for equality and concludes that congress is taking small steps in the right direction. From an analytical point of view, the editorial from USA Today immediately established credibility with the first evidence and supporting examples. There is an abundance of evidence for the short two-page window that the author has to offer it. The author doesn’t use any jargon or political terms meant to confuse or mislead the reader. Also, the author does a very satisfactory job of explaining the facts surrounding the argument without being biased or one-sided. Though there is room for much improvement, overall the editorial is a firm and testable argument and serves its purpose well. As in most any written argument, the author wants to present their opinions in the most positive and factual light. Usually only supporting evidence is given for the reader to comprehend and digest. This includes: specific accounts with concurring viewpoints and validating examples. While the author will oftentimes address or evaluate the opposition, it would be counteractive to the whole foundation and motive of the argument to agree with, or present facts in favor of, the opposite side. The article previously discussed and critiqued mostly follows this schema. Though there are some hidden premises, the author does briefly address some of the opposing viewpoints. The editorial only very briefly mentions the opposing argument that: â€Å"a change in policy may cost lives†but offers no retort to the claim. Also, the fact that â€Å"†¦some infantrymen would be unable to take orders from a female combat leader†¦Ã¢â‚¬ is brought up and the author offers a seemingly simple solution to this complex counterargument. The final recognition of opposing opinion by the author is in the statement claiming: †Many of the objections trotted out by opponents simply don’t hold up to scrutiny.†Again, the author fails to prove this statement with in-depth evidence and goes on to only address one specific â€Å"objection trotted out by opponents.†The issue featured in the USA Today editorial â€Å"Open Combat Jobs to Women†is difficult to resolve for many possible reasons. First, there are no previous precedents in the situation of women in the armed forces that can help legislation to predict the possible gain or loss they will receive. There doesn’t seem to be a way to calculate what the reaction will be to letting women serve in combat until legislation allows it. In reference to the lawsuit by the four servicewomen, the Supreme Court must also set a new precedent. As with any issue involving women’s rights or equal rights in general, the Constitution is always brought into discussion. Problems encountered in our society that call for an interpretation of the Constitution are often met with an incredible amount of hesitation, deliberation and conflict among citizens, social groups, minorities and legislators. USA Today’s Editorial creates a valid representation of the supporting viewpoints for women in combat positions while also establishing credibility with provoking arguments that incite hesitation for opposition. To review somewhat, although the author does an adequate job in arguing their point, there is some room for improvement both structurally and logistically. However, from a reader’s point of view, the editorial has a reasonably strong argument that at least provokes the reader to question their current beliefs and views on the topic discussed.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Banyan Tree Essay
Minimal advertising, still high level of brand awareness through company’s public relations and global marketing programs. Faced the challenge of translating and maintaining the success of a niche Asian hospitality brand into various market segments on a global scale ‘Innovative niche product that could also bridge the price gap in this market’ Building a resort comprising individual villas with locally inspired architectural design and positioned as a romantic and intimate escapade for guests; ‘Sanctuary for the senses’. Banyan Tree Gallery: ‘local culture and heritage and promoting cottage Crafts, retail outlet showcasing indigenous crafts, works closely with village cooperatives and not-for-profit craft marketing agents. Marketing: high-end travel magazines in key markets – public relations – global marketing programs (increase editorial coverage) – few key wholesalers in each targeted market – agents specializing in exlusive luxury holidays targeted at wealthy customers – membership in the Small Luxury Hotels and Leading Hotels of the World – GDS cose ‘BY’ (own global distribution system used by travel providers to process airline, hotel, car rental and other distribution partners around the world. Actively caring for the natural and human environment, revitalizing local communities, worked actively to preserve, protect, and promote the natural and human environments in which BYT resorts where located. Minimizing the impact on the environment Green Communities = planted trees, engage local communities, associates, guests to share the causes of climate change and actions that can reduce our collected carbon footprint. Green Imperative Fund to further support community-based and environmental initiatives in the regions where it has a presence. The company believed in building profitable resorts that would benefit the surrounding environment and contribute to local economies through the creation of employment and community development projects. Businesses with local farmers and traders by making it a point to purchase fresh produce from them. Community Relations Department was set up to develop and manage community outreach programs. Seedling: BTHR’s formalized program which aimed to help young adults from local communities and motivate them and provide the means for completing their education to successfully enter the labor force as adults. Future: openening city hotels and angsana hotels in Dubai and London (angsana brand in response to the demand for hotel operators in Asia that were keen to introduce spa services in their hotel, it is more contemporary and affordable brand. Musem Shop by banyan tree: joint partnetship with Singapor’s national heritage board to showcase Asi’a rich and diverse cultural heritage through unique museum-inspired merchandise. Banyan Tree Holdings (Banyan Tree) is an investment holding company involved in managing and developing premium resorts, hotels and spas in the Asia Pacific. To date, the Banyan Tree Group manages and/or has ownership interests in close to 36 hotels and resorts, around 73 spas, 91 galleries and 3 golf courses in 28 countries The company operates in Asia, Mexico and Morocco, New Zealand, Africa, Dubai, and the UK. Banyan Tree operates through three business segments: hotel investment, property sales, and fee-based. 1: The hotel investments segment relates to hotel and restaurant operations. 2: The property sales segment comprises hotel residences, Laguna property sales and development project/site sales. Hotel residences business relates to the sale of hotel villas or suites which are part of hotel operations, to investors under a compulsory leaseback scheme. Laguna property sales business relates to the development and sale of properties which are standalone vacation homes in Laguna Phuket. Development project/site sales relates to pure development land sales or development land sales which are fully or partially developed with infrastructure. 3: The fee-based segment comprises the management of hotels and resorts, the management of an asset-backed destination club, the management of private-equity funds, the management and operation of spas, the sales of merchandise, the provision of archite ctural and design services, the management and ownership of golf courses, and rental of retail outlets and offices. The company’s subsidiaries (dochterbedrijf) include Banyan Tree Spa Bangkok, Banyan Tree Spa Bintan, Banyan Tree Spa Ringha, Banyan Tree Spa Phuket, Banyan Tree Sanya, and Banyan Tree Macau, among others. Banyan Tree Holdings (Banyan Tree) is engaged in the management and development of premium resorts, hotels and spas. The company’s key services include the following. Hotel and restaurant operations Sale of hotel villas or suites – Development and sale of properties – Pure development land sales – Management of hotels and resorts – Management of an asset-backed destination club – Management of private-equity funds -Management and operation of spas – Architectural and design services – Management and ownership of golf courses – Rental of retail outlets and offices. The following companies are the major competitors of Banyan Tree Holdings Limited: Central Plaza Hotel Public Company Limited – Four Seasons Hotels Inc – Associated International Hotels Ltd In the past few years, such events risks as the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami, bird flu, floods and riots in Thailand have been hard on our industry, causing tourism as a whole to dry up in their wake. By comparison, economic recessions are part and parcel of the business cycle, which we are able to take in our stride and counter with a variety of measures. During the year, the world remained mired in the European sovereign debt crisis and American economic weakness. Although these conditions affected our arrivals primarily from Europe, we were able to capitalise on the flourishing Chinese market. At our four resorts in the Maldives, for example, the number of Chinese guests surpassed those from Europe. In our continuing efforts to rebalance the Group’s assets, we made the bar gain purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles which gave rise to a net gain. We also sold and leased back Angsana Velavaru in January 2013. The hybrid structure of this deal is a first for Banyan Tree, and we are pleased with how it allows us to rebalance our portfolio while still participating in the profits from the operations of Angsana Velavaru. 2012: with overall revenue growing 3% to S$338.4 million. Due to improved results from our hotel investments and fee-based businesses, as well as a higher contribution from completed sales of property units. Group EBITDA was S$74.5 million, up 51% on the back of higher revenue and a gain on the bargain purchase of Banyan Tree Seychelles. This in turn resulted in PATMI increasing by 856% (S$14.9 million), tempered by higher finance costs and income tax expenses. HOTEL INVESTMENTS Our hotel investments delivered a stronger performance in 2012, with Group-owned hotels posting total revenue of S$187.7 million, up 15% from the previous year. This was due to the higher contribution from our Thai properties and the consolidation of revenue from Banyan Tree Seychelles from 2Q12 onwards. These gains were partially offset by lower revenue from our Maldives properties as Banyan Tree Vabbinfaru and Angsana Ihuru were temporarily closed for refurbishment. As a result of the increase in revenue, EBITDA for this segment grew by a healthy 69% to S$36.6 million. PROPERTY SALES Revenue from property sales was S$42.7 million. The 36% decrease was due to the sale of development sites in Lijiang, Yangshuo and Huangshan to our China Fund in 2011. Excluding those transactions, revenue and EBITDA from property sales saw growth of 43% and 74% respectively, thanks to a higher contribution from completed sales of property units. FEE-BASED Total revenue from our fee-based businesses registered growth of 9% to reach S$108.0 million. This was attributable to an increase in fees from hotel management and architectural and interior design and other services. Accordingly, EBITDA for our fee-based businesses grew by 23%. 2013 appears to be another challenging year for the global economy. We anticipate continued weakness in our European target markets. In Asia, which has been the world’s economic engine these past four years, growth is likely to moderate. Despite the cooling of China’s economy, the tourism market both inbound and outbound is expected to continue to grow. The Chinese government is aggressively promoting domestic tourism as part of its strategy to increase domestic consumption, thereby cushioning the slowdown in export manufacturing. Banyan Tree’s strong branding and rapidly expanding footprint in China will position us to take advantage of this trend. Our seven regional marketing offices in China will be invaluable in enabling us to tap the vast potential of this market and to enhance awareness of our hotels with key accounts in China. Our strategy going forward will include continuing with our asset rebalancing to unlock value and deploy capital to more promisi ng markets. At the same time, we are exploring the possibility of extending the successful Fund model into other areas. In terms of growing particular segments, we will be focusing on increasing income from our fee-based and property sales businesses. We have built the fee-based segment to a point where it now has an impetus of its own. On the property sales front, we plan to move into selling more primary and serviced residences. Primary residences under the Banyan Tree brand, â€Å"We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be wholly sold and managed by us.†Rather than compete with local property developers, we will leverage our branding and design skills to market to a niche audience in China. We will also be going forward with the establishment of a third brand of residences to be wholly sold and managed by us. Catering to an entirely new market of price-conscious buyers, these properties will be smaller in size yet deliver the quality and innovation that are hallmarks of Banyan Tree. Strongly associated with our brand is the concept of a triple bottom line. In our pursuit of economic, social and environmental success, we made major investments in resource conservation, training and benchmarking, greening and community efforts in 2012. Under the EarthCheck system of sustainability certification, we also planted in six-year a total to over 220,000 trees. Banyan Tree Hotels and Resorts offer an intimate retreat experience featuring its signature blend of romance, rejuvenation and exotic sensuality. Our philosophy is based on providing a place for rejuvenation of the body, mind and soul – a Sanctuary for the Senses. Placing special emphasis on providing guests with a sense of place, each Banyan Tree property is designed to fit into its natural surroundings, using indigenous materials as far as possible and reflecting the landscape and architecture of the destination. Pioneering the tropical garden spa concept with Asian health and beauty remedies passed down from generations, Banyan Tree Spa was created as the signature experience in all Banyan Tree resorts, to complement the â€Å"Sanctuary for the Senses†wellness concept. With the emphasis on high service standards and consistency, therapists are professionally trained at Banyan Tree Spa Academies in Phuket, Thailand, and Lijiang, China. The Banyan Tree Gallery supp orts local communities by exhibiting and retailing indigenous handicrafts, which are also found in the resorts. A quintessential highlight of the Banyan Tree experience, Banyan Tree Gallery aspires to recreate the unique Banyan Tree experience with its extensive selection of Asian-style furnishings, Banyan Tree Spa collection, eco-friendly products, indigenous village handicrafts, ethnic apparel and accessories, and objects d’art. Banyan Tree Holdings Limited is a leading, international hospitality brand that manages and develops premium resorts, hotels and spas. Its innovative business model is based on seven business segments generating multiple income streams that is unique in itself within the hospitality industry. This formula of developing and managing complementary product offerings with in-house talent makes it difficult for competitors to duplicate with the same level of success. Banyan Tree’s vertically integrated business model comprises: Hotel investment– Banyan Tree owns and manages luxury hotels under its brands, as well as hotels that are managed by other world-class operators. Hotel management– Banyan Tree additionally manages properties under the Banyan Tree and Angsana brands for other owners. Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd – A company wholly owned by Banyan Tree Services, Canopy Marketing Group Pte Ltd provides high-level strategic insights on various global niche markets to drive top line performance of our diverse range of lifestyle products including hotels, resorts, spas, gallery, destination club and residential ownership. It has a full-suite of marketing capabilities specializing in the branding, marketing and promotion. Spa operations– Banyan Tree Spa pioneered the tropical garden spa concept, and has since grown to over 60 outlets worldwide. Gallery operations– The retail arm is consolidated under Banyan Tree Gallery, which comprises five brand segments located in over 70 stores worldwide. Hotel residences – Hotel inventory are primarily sold under the brand name Banyan Tree Residences. Property sales – Properties that are not part of hotel operations are sold by our subsidiary company, Laguna Resorts and Hotels, and its subsidiaries, in Laguna Phuket. Design and other services – Revenue from design services is earned by Architrave, Banyan Tree’s in-house architectural arm. Other service fees include income from operating golf clubs. Real Estate Hospitality Funds – Banyan Tree Capital was set upto tap private equity and other sources of investments in order to provide a cost efficient structure to fund the Group’s future developments. With about 8,000 associates of over 50 nationalities, the diversity of its workforce is a key feature of the Group and helps to inspire its international outlook. To address its talent development needs, Banyan Tree launched Banyan Tree Management Academy (BTMA) in 2008. This centralised training facility located in Phuket, Thailand will train future Banyan Tree leaders needed to sustain organisationa l effectiveness and to meet the demands of its rapid global growth. Part of Banyan Tree’s vision has always been to grow into a global business, with a portfolio of properties strategically placed around the world. The Group’s mission is inextricably intertwined with its commitment to corporate social responsibility and sustainable growth, as it continues to expand globally. The launch of Banyan Tree Residences, which allows investors to buy their own signature villa, townhouse or apartment in Banyan Tree resorts. Banyan Tree Private Collection was launched to cater to the growing niche for destination club membership 2005: Marking the group’s long awaited foray into China is Banyan Tree Ringha, in Yunnan. 2001: Banyan Tree established the Green Imperative Fund to formalise its corporate social responsibility efforts. The Banyan Tree Spa Academy was set up to provide training for new therapists as well as research new treatment recipes and techniques. Banyan Tree Capital is a real estate fund management company established by the Banyan Tree group, a renowned luxury hospitality company listed in Singapore, to focus on hospitality-based real estate investment. Banyan Tree Capital raises, develops and manages branded hospitality funds in key development markets of the Banyan Tree group. With a combination of fund management and asset development cap abilities, Banyan Tree Capital leverages on the group’s expertise in premium hospitality real estate development and management to generate attractive investment returns for its investors. Banyan Tree Capital is headquartered in Singapore with offices in China and Vietnam. We have successfully achieved higher room rates than the existing market in locations such as Lijiang, the Maldives and Seychelles. We have also found that our iconic brands also help raise the value of the surrounding land. Our innovative city products combine all the iconic elements of our brand and differentiate developers within established, high cost city markets. We have the flexibility and capabilities to adapt our model to various locations so as to maximize returns for the developer. As part of our strategy of enlarging our footprint in China, we will also be launching two more hotels in Shanghai and one in Tianjin, adding to our ever growing presence in various gateway cities. We are also employing our capabilities all across China, where large tracts of land are being developed into gated residences and luxury hotels offered to the Chinese elite. One of Banyan Tree’s prime concerns is its associates. We pride ourselves in providing high levels of service excellence and providing tailor made training and career development programmes for our employees. No stone is left unturned in regards to training and proper introduction before a Banyan Tree is put into operation. Trained to the basic standards of 5 star hotels. Employees were empowered to exercise creativity and sensitivity although the strict administrative rules of the management. Employees were taken to and from work in air-conditioned buses, access to various amenities (good-quality canteens, medical services, childcare facilities). Banyan Tree is one of the world’s biggest and well known spa operators. Our levels of quality and service are unparalleled and uncompromised. We are the only vertically integrated hospitality company with strong capabilities to tackle and anticipate the challenges of master planning and developing an integrated resort. We are able to take a property from inception to delivery with efficiencies that is entirely brand specific. Our in-house design team, Architrave, and project services team are extremely involved in all phases of the development – master planning, designing, developing and coordinating, to ensure developers a timely delivery of their asset. Being experienced developers, we are able to ensure that efficiencies and economies of scale are maximized along with guest experiences. Bintan, the Maldives and Phuket where the Angsana resort is positioned next to a Banyan Tree resort with shared back of house facilities. This model has allowed us to lower costs without cannibalizing rates, thereby boosting returns for our developers.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Cyber Bullying Essay
Cyber bullying has become an increasing issue in the last few years in the United States. The reason why this type of bulling is the worst because the bully could come from someone anonymous as well as it could come from any place and at any time. As a result, the victim that is being bullied will suffer some short and long term problems such as: mistrusting of others, anxiety, depression, poor performance at school, and can result in suicide. Due to the increasing number of teenagers being cyber bullied, it should be a criminal, punishable offense in the United States in order to protect the Nation’s children and teenagers. What is Cyber Bullying? In the rapid development in technology, there have been some issues that have come to light about the use of these products in the hands of adolescences. It has been found through some research that cyber bullying is a new form of violent behavior (Bendixen, Endresen, and Olweus, 2003). Cyber bullying behavior is described as violent behavior that is against an individual or group that is demonstrated through the usage of internet and mobile phones (Vandebsch and Cleemput, 2008). This type of violent behavior includes an individual hacking onto another individual’s personal website, leaking out damaging information through the use of communication technology such as: mobile phone, email, and sending messages. The Effects of Cyber Bullying Although cyber bullying does not occur in person, it can still have the same emotional and psychological effects of regular bullying. A child that has been bullied/cyber bullying more than likely to experience loneliness, unhappiness, anxiety, depression, and problems sleeping (Keith & Martin, 2005). Many times the effects of bullying often go unnoticed due to the fact the victim feels embarrassed and/or afraid the bullying will continue. Often times, the victim tends to act anxious, less confident, and become very quiet in class (Keith & Martin, 2005). As a result, the child has a significant hurdle in their development and it also can be a hindrance in their academic success. They have a fear that anything they put on any social site may be used against them by individual they know or don’t know. Punishing Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying has become a serious widespread problem that has become more savage than a schoolyard bullying (Vandebsch & Cleemput, 2008). The adolescents lack the maturity to understand the consequences of their actions and feel that it is okay to retaliate without being caught (Vandebsch & Cleemput, 2008). The increase stories of tragedies where children being bullied over social media sites have also increased in awareness. Stories such as Amanda Todd are coming out more and more in which the child has been bullied and the child commits suicide. Such tragic stories and nothing was ever done to the bullies or the bully was never found. As a result to the recent deaths of these children that have been bullied, many parents have pushed the government officials to do something and to criminalize cyber bullying. Amanda Todd’s mother is one that has established the Amanda Todd Trust Fund in which the donations is used to support and educate anti-bullying awareness. Many states like California has a law that makes it a misdemeanor to impersonate anyone through the web on social sites with the intent to threaten, harm, or intimidate other individuals (U. S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2013). It is very difficult to make cyber bullying a federal crime in which the bullied committed suicide. The legal system is built to where the punishment fits the crime. Although cyber bullying does have its consequences and some cases do end in suicide we as a society, we must find a way to punish those that commit these crimes. Conclusion There are many different ways in how they’re exposed to the harsh life lessons of this world from predators to scam artists. Cyber bullying has come to light and it has many parents worried. One thing is for sure, it’s important for parents to be aware and learn how to navigate social media in order to help their children avoid cyber bullying and to be safe. The reason is that in the adolescence’s life, the most important stage is the period in where they develop relationships among their peers. They become more aware f issues in trying to have a place in their social world. This has a huge effect on their psychological development. Therefore, if adolescence has a positive relationship will lead to them having a successful identity and live in harmony with society (Sahin, Aydin, & Sari, 2012). On the other hand, if the adolescence has a negative relationship such as bullying from their peers will harm their emotional, social, and psychological development (Sahin, Aydin, & Sari, 2012). Therefore, as a society we should try the punishment that fits the crime.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Compare “Secret Life of Walter Mitty and †The poor relation†Essay
In this assignment I am going to write about the differences and similarities of two shot stories. The first story I am writing about is called â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty†it was written in the late1930’s by the author James Thurber. The second story is called †The Poor Relation’s Story†it was written around 1850 by Charles Dickens. The connections between the two stories are that they are both short but also they have the same topic. They are both about escapists, people who dream. The first story called â€Å"The Secret Life Of Walter Mitty†is about a man called Mitty, and it follows him through a normal day. I get the impression that he is in his mid-fifties because his wife has to tell him to get a check up and that he is no longer a young man. He does not work and as no real skills, actually he is quite a pathetic man that spends his days running around after his dominant wife. Mitty has a special difficulty in mechanical maintenance and in most of his dreams he fantasises about being an expert in complicated machinery i.e. operating theatre machinery and jet planes. Even when his wife asked him to put snow chains on the car he got it wrong and she now makes him take it to the garage. I think Mitty is a very light headed man and never really got anywhere in life because other people just pushed him aside. For example when his wife tells him to put his gloves on he does not argue or answer back but puts them straight on although he does not want to. In the space of a couple of hours in which the story is set Mitty slips in and out of reality and fantasy and the dreams always seem to have a connection with something he passes in the street or remembers. Like when he passes the hospital he goes into a dream about being a specialist’s doctor that saves the life of an important millionaire banker. That shows how easily he can just forget where he is or what he is doing. Walter Mitty’s wife is a very domineering person and seems to have a lot of control over Mitty †I have been looking all over this hotel for you, why do you have to hide in this old chair, how do you expect me to find you†. I think Mitty is a very privet person, as he does not talk much, only a few lines to his wife are said. His wife treats him like a little child that is totally dependant on other people, she has to tell him to put on his gloves, buy overshoes and get a check up. She doesn’t trust him anymore to do the simplest procedure as to put snow chains on the tyres that she tells him to go to the garage. This is a humiliating experience for Mitty because when he drops the car off the other men at the garage laugh at him, he says that †I’ll wear my right arm in a sling next time; they won’t grin at me then. He obviously knows that people are laughing and mocking him but can’t do much about it. Just walking down the street can be ill fated for Mitty as he slips in to a daydream and starts talking to him self. †Puppy biscuits†â€Å"That man said Puppy biscuits†. I think you could call Mitty unlucky and accident-prone by all the minor incidents that take place in this short story. They are mainly to do with his day dreaming which keep him very interested and away from reality. They seem to make up for the lack of excitement or human attention that he gets. In all of his fantasise he is the hero of the situation and praise is all around him. The first dream is about him being a pilot of a naval hydroplane, he is in control and he seems to save the day some how. That is the opening of the story and we do not know it is a dream until he is interrupted by his wife telling him to slow down. The second dream is about him being an expert doctor and d saving the day by fixing the operating machine simply with his fountain pen and then saving the life of some important millionaire. The third dream is in a courtroom and Mitty is on trial for shooting somebody, apparently he can shoot any gun from a distance with both hands and still be on target. The forth dream is set in the heart of a vigorous war and Mitty offers to fly a two-manned plane alone, people are trying to stop him but his wants to save the day. The fifth dream is at the end of the story and its Mitty getting executed by a firing squad. He takes a long pull of his cigar and dies with honour. I Everything in Mitty’s dreams seem to be what he wants to be like but never will. In four of the dreams it describes how he is good at machines which in real life is far from the truth. He comes across as being healthy and macho but in real life he needs a doctor’s check up and can’t even put on snow chains. As a hero he is obviously respected and looked up to by fellow companions but also women. In one fantasy a lovely dark haired girl comes running into his arms which of course in the real world would never happen. The only woman that would look at Mitty in such a way is his wife, and she is restricting, bossy and annoying. In Mitty’s dreams though he can do what he wants and there is no one to restricted him. Sometimes when Mitty dreams he starts believing in them and acts them out in real life. Like at the beginning of the story when he dreams of being a naval pilot he starts speeding in his car and his wife has to tell him to slow down. And at the end of the story when he waiting for his wife to come out of the drug store he believes that he is standing in front of the firing squad. â€Å"He stood up against the wall of the drugstore, smoking††¦ Mitty acts like a little child playing make believe games and a I think that is what other people treat him. Especially with the name Mitty you can’t take him too seriously. Write more about how much he believes in them The second short story called â€Å"The Poor Relation†it is similar to the Walter Mitty story in such a way that they are both about escapists but it is still very different story. The Poor Relation is set at a Family Christmas Party where the poor relation (Michael) tells the other guest two very different stories about his way of living. The first story that Michael portrays to the family members is a description of what he thinks the rest of the family thinks of him. â€Å"Perhaps before I go any further, I had better glance at what I am supposed to be†. This first story is very negative about Michael’s way of life and he tells the other guests at how pathetic and useless he is. †That I failed in in business because I was unbusiness like†¦That I failed in love, because†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . He goes on to relate a normal day for him and describes where he lives, both of which have not much happiness in them. The only shred of contentment or worth while belonging for Michael is his little second cousin Frank. â€Å"Little Frank and I go and look at the outside of the monument -he is very fond of the monument- and the bridges†. When he dies, he says that the only item worth anything to him is a picture of him as a small boy. This he wants given to Frank along with a small message of which he tells how sorry he is for leaving him. He finishes that description of his life on a sour note by saying â€Å"I failed to find a place in this great assembly, I am better of out of it†. Quickly after finishing that story he clears his throat and starts to speak louder. â€Å"Such is the general impression about me. Now, it is a remarkable circumstance which forms aim and purpose to my story, that this is all wrong†. He starts to tell the probably slightly shocked guests, of how this first explanation of his life was a fad, totally unreal. This second story has much more life to it and tells how he once lived with his cold mean but rich uncle in a castle. He used to come down each morning in the freezing cold to be greeted with the same breakfast in the long stone room. When his uncle Chill died Michael automatically inherited his wealth and castle, but Michael fell in love with someone who his uncle disagreed of. His uncle tells him that no longer is he initialled to his money if he marries Christina, so Michael leaves his uncle with his new wife and they start a happy life together. He describes of how where he lives now he does not know what loneliness is, as all his children or grand children are always about, and Little Frank regularly visits. As it turns out this second story is a total lie and the first story that we were told is the truth. Michael is the kind of person that could be lead in the wrong direction easily because all his misfortunes are the result of other people letting him down, so he is easily taken advantage of. â€Å"That I failed in love, because I was ridiculously trustful- in thinking it impossible that Christina could deceive me. What makes Michael a loser or inadequate in some ways is the loss in his life. At the moment he is fifty-nine years old and is living in a small room that he must evacuate during the day. He survives on a small allowance that John the party host generously gives him. The three main things that turned his life was the loss of his inheritance from his uncle, which was due to him falling in love with Christina who only wanted him for his money. And the loss of his business. That shows how most people treat him, no one seems to have much time for him â€Å"Sometimes one of my relations or acquaintance is so obliging as t ask me to dinner. Those are on holiday occasions†. Out of the whole year he is only invited to dinner about twice or three times. His family know that he is poor, and at holiday time they probably feel that they have to ask him, it is not about wanting him to come. Unlike Mitty I think that Michael’s misfortune is mainly his own fault, he can’t see deeper than appearance and doesn’t know what people think of him, that’s how Christina took advantage of him and he cannot see that his relations don’t really want him about. Michael dream life is a description of how he would like his real life to be because everything that has gone wrong for him is perfect in his dream. . I think he now realises why so many things went wrong for him but realises that it is a bit late in is life for much to go write in the way that he talks about dying.
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